570 Ergebnisse

Die Wirtschaftswissenschaft steht heute im neoklassischen Paradigma, sie kann aber viel mehr als die meisten wissen. Im Laufe der Wirtschaftsgeschichte musste sich die ökonomische Theorie immer wieder neuen Herausforderungen stellen, neue Fragestellungen beantworten, ihre Zielsetzung und Wertkataloge hinterfragen und anpassen. 2021 Level: leicht Wirtschaft im Umbruch. Plurale Perspektiven auf ökonomische Theorie Saskia Podzimek & Jonas Plattner Impuls. Plurale Ökonomik Erfurt & Universität Erfurt This syllabus provides an overview of the contents of the course "Understanding Economic Models" at the University of Helsinki. 2018 Level: leicht Understanding Economic Models N. Emrah Aydinonat, Michiru Nagatsu University of Helsinki Eine erfolgreiche Wirtschaftstransformation hängt von einer Veränderung der ökonomischen Praktiken der Akteure ab. Die „Spirale transformativen Lernens“ identifiziert, welche Fähigkeiten dafür entscheidend sind. Level: leicht Wie eine klimagerechte ökonomische Bildung aussehen könnte   Economists for Future Die Notwendigkeit von Suffizienz als komplementärer Rahmen für Effizienz- und Konsistenzstrategien wird zunehmend anerkannt – die Rolle von Unternehmen in diesem Prozess jedoch meistens ausgeblendet. Level: leicht Die Quadratur des Kreislaufs   Economists for Future In ihrem Text "Warum die Energiepreise hoch bleiben" diskutiert Verena Kreilinger die strukturellen Ursachen für steigende Energiepreis. 2023 Level: leicht Warum die Energiepreise hoch bleiben Verena Kreilinger Emanzipation - Zeitschrift für ökosozialistische Strategie Die alten kapitalistischen Zentren, aber auch die großen Schwellenländer befinden sich inmitten eines epochalen Umbruchs. Politikansätze, die das Problem der Klimaungerechtigkeit ignorieren, werden heftige Widerstände gegen die sozial-ökologische Transformation auslösen. Ein Beitrag von Klaus Dörre. 2023 Level: leicht Antworten auf die Zangenkrise Klaus Dörre Economists for Future Lineares Wirtschaften ist trotz alternativer Vorschläge fest etabliert. Dabei wäre eine effektive Umsetzung der Kreislaufwirtschaft nötig, um den Fußabdruck menschlichen Konsums deutlich zu verringern. Ein Beitrag von Patricia Urban. 2023 Level: leicht Grünes Licht für grünes Wachstum? Patricia Urban Economists for Future Der Fokus der Evolutorischen Ökonomik liegt auf der Erklärung wirtschaftlichen Wandels. Analysiert werden Wandlungsprozesse, wie Wirtschaftswachstum, Innovationen, Strukturwandel, technologischen Wandel, institutionellen Wandel oder allgemein die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Evolutionsökonomik     Fabian Georgi analysiert, wie Migration und Grenzen, sowohl grundlegend als auch in der gegenwärtigen historischen Phase, mit dem Kapitalismus zusammenhängen. 2024 Level: leicht Fachkräfte anwerben, Grenzen abschotten? Der Zusammenhang von Migration, Grenzregimen und Kapitalismus Fabian Georgi Exploring Economics Der Fokus der feministische Ökonomik liegt auf dem wechselseitigen Zusammenhang von Geschlechterverhältnissen und Ökonomie. Sie rückt insbesondere Care und die teils nicht marktvermittelte Reproduktionssphäre in das Blickfeld. Feministische Ökonomik     Der Fokus der Verhaltensökonomik liegt auf dem beobachtbaren Verhalten von Menschen und deren Entscheidungen. Verhaltensökonomik     Economist and 2020 Balzan Prize winner for Environmental Challenges: Responses from the Social Sciences and Humanities, Joan Martínez Alier, speaks on the importance of ecological economics and its timeliness around the 2007/2008 global financial crisis. He speaks on the importance of building the field of ecological economics “from the ground up” through praxis. 2012 Level: leicht Ecological Economics Joan Martinez Alier Extraenvironmentalist Maria Nikolaidi on how Minsky’s theory has been modelled over past decades and how one can use these models in order to analyse contemporary issues such as financial fragility and financial instability caused by climate change. 2016 Level: mittel Minsky's theory about financial fragility and financial instability Maria Nikolaidi IMK The Sufficiency Policy Map is an online tool for initiatives, political actors, organisations and individuals. It provides recommendations, strategies and communication tools for realizing projects and policy around the topic sufficiency. Sufficiency projects have the aim to reduce one's own ecological footprint. 2016 Level: leicht Sufficiency Politics Map Dominik Zahrnt, Angelika Zahrnt Institute for Ecological Economy Research This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Economic theory is centuries out of date and that's a disaster for ... 2014 Level: leicht Why it's time for 'Doughnut Economics' Kate Raworth TEDx What is “equitable growth” and how do we measure it? A better understanding of equitable growth—and how to measure it—can improve our understanding, inform decisions and lead to better outcomes for all. 2017 Level: leicht Why current definitions of family income are misleading, and why this matters for measures of inequality Nancy Folbre Equitable Growth Blog How does fiscal policy work and which dimensions have to be considered? In this short text, you can learn about the difficulty of juggling different dimensions and which optimal rules exist at the micro and macro level. 2019 Level: leicht Why is fiscal policy so difficult?   Dezernat Zukunft Planet Money and The Indicator aim to explain current economic events in an easy, fun and accessible manner. 2008 Level: leicht Planet Money Amanda Aronczyk, Mary Childs, Karen Duffin, Jacob Goldstein, Sarah Gonzalez, and Kenny Malone https://www.npr.org/ To prevent the coronavirus shock to demand precipitating a long-lasting depression, government needs to become short-term payer of last resort. 2020 Level: leicht Introducing the Payer of Last Resort Emmanuel Saez & Gabriel Zucman Social Europe This is an online panel and discussion on the ongoing and potential gendered impacts of COVID-19 organized by the International Association of Feminist Economics (IAFFE). 2020 Level: leicht Feminist Economics Perspectives on COVID-19 International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), Nancy Folbre, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Jeanine Anderson, Catholic University of Peru; and Naila Kabeer, London School of Economics. Moderates: James Heintz, UMass Amherst. International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE) Banner and Pastor debunk granted assumptions of the neoclassical theory, such as self-interested human behavior, the necessity of inequality and growth, to pull the threads between the new possible foundations of our society, "prosperity, security and community". 2020 Level: leicht Solidarity Economics—for the Coronavirus Crisis and Beyond Chris Benner, Manuel Pastor The American Prospect This is webinar series organized by the SOAS Open Economic Forum and the SOAS Economics Department with speakers from the same department as well as other academic figures. 2020 Level: leicht The Economics of Covid-19 | SOAS University of London SOAS Open Economics Forum, SOAS Economics Department, Various SOAS Open Economics Forum This text summarizes the content of the 2018 Nobel Prize winner W. Nordhaus. It is extended by some critical perspectives on this topic. The short dossier gives an overview of the most important texts we have read in the climate economics reading group. 2018 Level: leicht Climate Economics and the DICE Model William D. Nordhaus and Paul Romer Exploring Economics Since the 1980s, the financial sector and its role have increased significantly. This development is often referred to as financialization. Authors working in the heterodox tradition have raised the question whether the changing role of finance manifests a new era in the history of capitalism. The present article first provides some general discussion on the term financialization and presents some stylized facts which highlight the rise of finance. Then, it proceeds by briefly reviewing the main arguments in the Marxian framework that proposedly lead to crisis. Next, two schools of thought in the Marxian tradition are reviewed which consider financialization as the latest stage of capitalism. They highlight the contradictions imposed by financialization that disrupt the growth process and also stress the fragilities imposed by the new growth regime. The two approaches introduced here are the Social Structure of Accumulation Theory and Monthly Review School. The subsequent part proceeds with the Post-Keynesian theory, first introducing potential destabilizing factors before discussing financialization and the finance-led growth regime. The last section provides a comparative summary. While the basic narrative in all approaches considered here is quite similar, major differences stem from the relationship between neoliberalism and financialization and, moreover, from the question of whether financialization can be considered cause or effect. 2016 Level: mittel Financialization and the crises of capitalism Petra Dühnhaupt Institute for International Political Economy Berlin In this podcast, Laura Basu focuses on how capitalist markets and nation-states perpetuate structural racism. 2020 Level: leicht Is capitalism racist? Laura Basu openDemocracy This paper presents an overview of different models which explain financial crises, with the aim of understanding economic developments during and possibly after the Great Recession. In the first part approaches based on efficient markets and rational expectations hypotheses are analyzed, which however do not give any explanation for the occurrence of financial crises and thus cannot suggest any remedies for the present situation. A broad range of theoretical approaches analyzing financial crises from a medium term perspective is then discussed. Within this group we focused on the insights of Marx, Schumpeter, Wicksell, Hayek, Fisher, Keynes, Minsky, and Kindleberger. Subsequently the contributions of the Regulation School, the approach of Social Structures of Accumulation and Post-Keynesian approach, which focus on long-term developments and regime shifts in capitalist development, are presented. International approaches to finance and financial crises are integrated into the analyses. We address the issue of relevance of all these theories for the present crisis and draw some policy implications. The paper has the aim to find out to which extent the different approaches are able to explain the Great Recession, what visions they develop about future development of capitalism and to which extent these different approaches can be synthesized. 2015 Level: mittel Theories of finance and financial crisis: Lessons for the Great Recession Nina Dodig, Hansjörg Herr Institute for International Political Economy Berlin Are there any limits to government spending? In times of war, particularly? And what about the aftermath of such special times when treasuries seemingly feel unshackled from any rules? And are those times really any special? That is what this paper is about. 2019 Level: mittel Modern Money and the War Treasury Sam Levey Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity Exploring Economics, an open-source e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2019 Level: mittel Karl Marx: An early post-Keynesian? Eckhart Hein Institute for International Political Economy Berlin This article examines the spread of financialization in Germany before the financial crisis. It provides an up-to date overview on the literature on financialization and reviews which of the phenomena typically associated with financialization have emerged in Germany. In particular, the article aims to clarify how the prevailing institutional structure and its changes had contributed to or had countervailed the spread of financialization and how it had shaped the specific German variant of financialization. For this end, it combines the rich literature on Germany's institutional structure with the more macroeconomic oriented literature on financializaton. With the combination of those different perspectives the article sheds light on the reasons for the spread of financialization and the specific forms it has taken in Germany. 2019 Level: leicht Financialization made in Germany: A review Daniel Detzer Institute for International Political Economy Berlin In this paper the main developments in post-Keynesian macroeconomics since the mid- 1990s will be reviewed. For this purpose the main differences between heterodox economics in general, including post-Keynesian economics, and orthodox economics will be reiterated and an overview over the strands of post-Keynesian economics, their commonalities and developments since the 1930s will be outlined. This will provide the grounds for touching upon three important areas of development and progress of post-Keynesian macroeconomics since the mid-1990s: first, the integration of distribution issues and distributional conflict into short- and long-run macroeconomics, both in theoretical and in empirical/applied works; second, the integrated analysis of money, finance and macroeconomics and its application to changing institutional and historical circumstances, like the process of financialisation; and third, the development of full-blown macroeconomic models, providing alternatives to the mainstream 'New Consensus Model' (NCM), and allowing to derive a full macroeconomic policy mix as a more convincing alternative to the one implied and proposed by the mainstream NCM, which has desperately failed in the face of the recent crises. 2012 Level: mittel Post-Keynesian macroeconomics since the mid-1990s: Main developments Eckhart Hein Institute for International Political Economy Berlin Rethinking Economics NL explores every month together with a new host the field of economics from a different perspective. 2021 Level: leicht Epistemic Humility and Rethinking Economics Julika Frome, Merve Burnazoglu Rethinking Economics NL Industrial policy has been a central part of policy prescription by many heterodox schools arguably since mercantilism, but the theories behind it and types of policy advocated for have evolved over time. Recently some neoclassical economists have shown renewed interest in it, but is this mainstream acceptance a step back or a step forward from earlier heterodox ideas? 2021 Level: leicht Industrial policy Jezri Krinsky blobMetropolis


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