A Theory of Enormous Gravity
The Contribution of the Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Finance to the Future of Work
Marxian Political Economy
Decoupling debunked: Evidence and arguments against green growth as a sole strategy for sustainability
Theory Seminar Macro-Distribution
What is Human Rights Economics?
The Global Financial Crisis
Narrative Fixation in Economics
Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics
Advanced Introduction to Feminist Economics
The Resistible Rise of Market Fundamentalism
The Imperial Mode of Living
Stabilizing an Unstable Economy
The People's Republic of Walmart
Wechselkurstheorie in drei Standardlehrbüchern der Volkswirtschaftslehre
Towards a practice of fare-free sustainability
Der Elefant im Raum: Carbon Majors als blinde Flecken in der Klimaökonomik
Internationale Politische Ökonomie
Representing everyone – Migrant Women's Representation by Labour Organizations in Germany
Bounded Rationality: the Case of ‘Fast and Frugal’ Heuristics
Behavioral Economics: The Next Generation
Manuela Mosca on Giandomenica Becchio, A History of Feminist and Gender Economics
Einführung in die Plurale Ökonomik
Post Keynesian and Ecological Economics
Use-Value, Exchange Value, and the Demise of Marx's Value Theory of Labor
The Environment in Economics and Development
Decolonise Development: Thoughts and Theories