52 Ergebnisse

Level: leicht
Was heißt Pluralität und warum soll Wissenschaft oder die Ökonomie plural sein? Mit diesen Fragen befasst sich Arne Heise im Vortrag „Wissenschaftstheorie und Pluralität in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft“. Dabei kontrastiert er die Auffassung von Pluralität und Paradigmen unterschiedlicher Denker, u.a. von Kuhn und Lakatos. Zudem unterscheidet er Pluralität von Variation, welche Pluralität innerhalb eines Paradigmas bedeuten würde. Die Argumentation erläutert er mit vielen Beispielen, u.a. welche ökonomischen Paradigmen er als plural und welche als Variation betrachtet. Im Anschluss präsentiert Heise eine Struktur zur Aufteilung von Forschungsprogrammen (Vergleich von Kernannahmen, Methoden und Heuristiken). Zuletzt geht Heise auf die paradigmatische Entwicklung der Wirtschaftswissenschaft ein, insbesondere auf die De-Pluralisierung der VWL seit den 1970er Jahren, was er anhand von Lehrstuhl Besetzungen ausführt. Der Vortrag bietet eine gut Möglichkeit, die Überlegungen hinter der Struktur von Exploring Economics nachzuverfolgen.
Level: leicht
The Heterodox Economics Directory provides a broad variety of links to heterodox journals, books, conferences, study programs, teaching materials and blogs. Some categories are subdivided by schools of thoughts - it's a valuable source for heterodox material on the internet.
Level: mittel
First the emergence of the Austrian school is described regarding the historical context and other schools of thought that were presence at its inception. Emphasis is given to the methodological differences and disputes that members of the Austrian schools had with representatives of the German historical school. Then some defining theoretical and methodological features of the Austrian school are explained. Later, Friedrun Quaas gives an overview of the different generations of scholars associated with the school and their theories, research questions and concepts. Against the background of this knowledge the question as to whether the question as to whether the Austrian school is sufficiently homogenous to denote a consistent paradigm is discussed. At the end, some general, philosophy of science oriented, questions concerning pluralism in the social sciences are posed.
Level: leicht
The first keynote speech was given by Sebastian Dullien, current spokesperson of FMM and who is one of the most well-known German economists in applied European economics and a very active contributor to the pluralist debate. Sebastian discusses the strategy of “running with the pack” by using orthodox methods to disseminate pluralist economics and politics. Referring to diverse examples Sebastian addresses the pros and cons of “running with the pack” and proposes alternative approaches to achieve more pluralism in economics.
Level: leicht
Irene van Staveren, professor of pluralist development economics, presents her pluralist teaching method for the introductory level. Based on her textbook “Economics After the Crisis: An Introduction to Economics from a Pluralist and Global Perspective” she suggests to focus on real-world problems and pari passu apply economic theories such as Social economics, Institutional economics, Post-Keynesian economics as well as Neoclassical economics without wasting time to single out the latter. Besides pointing out advantages of such a pluralist method Irene illustrates her approach based on interesting topics such as growth or feminist economics.
Level: leicht
„Textbook Economics" ist mittlerweile zu einer eigenen Problemkategorie avanciert. Gemeint sind damit die Lehren, die aus dem neoklassischen Standardmodell für die grundständige Bildung, Politikberatung und Öffentlichkeitskommunikation abgeleitet werden.
Level: leicht
Braucht Wissenschaft Pluralismus? Sind ökonomische Modelle Theorien und wie setzen sich Theorien praktisch durch? Ausgehend von zwei wissenschaftstheoretischen Perspektiven nähert sich Jakob Kapeller diesen und anderen Fragen.
Level: mittel
This lecture is all about the challenge to include heterodox approaches into macroeconomics. After giving an overview of recent approaches to that problem Professor Michael Roos presents the theoretical framework of Complexity Economics as a means to combine behavioral aspects with macroeconomics.
Level: mittel
The article is a formal response to the debate between the economists Diane Coyle and Howard Reed, whose articles were published online by Prospect magazine in 2018. Then, it was taken by Rethinking Economics as representative for the vision of the global network which advocates for changing economics curricula. In fact, it clearly solves some issues within the debate around pluralism by explaining its common misunderstandings among academics and its true - often mislead - meaning.
Level: leicht
Auch wenn viele Ökonom_innen den Kritikpunkten zustimmen, wie die 2016 von dem Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik und der Universität Kassel erstellte Studie EconPLUS aufzeigt, ändert sich die Lehre nur sehr langsam. Deswegen entstand im Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik die Idee, selbst eine Online-Lehr- und Lernplattform zu pluraler Ökonomik zu erstellen. Diese Plattform Exploring Economics ging im Dezember 2016 online.
Level: leicht
Die Studie untersucht, wie Studierende der Volkswirtschaftslehre (VWL) an deutschen Hochschulen ihr Fach und die Pluralismusdebatte wahrnehmen. Schriftlich befragt wurden 351 Studierende der VWL im vierten Semester an den Universitäten Bonn, Frankfurt/M., Hamburg, Heidelberg und Mannheim.
Level: leicht
Prof. Yanis Varoufakis talks in this introductory lecture about the future of our economy and the current state of economics with special regard to pluralism in economics.
Level: leicht
Auf dieser Seite ist eine Übersicht der FGW-Impulse für Neues Ökonomisches Denken zu finden.
Level: leicht
Die Studie basiert auf einer Online-Umfrage unter 448 Promovierenden im Fach Volkswirtschaftslehre (VWL) an Universitäten und Graduiertenschulen im deutschsprachigen Raum.
Level: leicht
This Forum in the Boston Review deals with the role of economics in modern policymaking and presents a wide set of perspectives on the topic. The opening text by Suresh Naidu, Dani Rodrik and Gabriel Zucman aims to answer a range of common criticisms against the modern, neoclassical science of economics and its influence on public discussions.
Level: leicht
This is webinar series organized by the SOAS Open Economic Forum and the SOAS Economics Department with speakers from the same department as well as other academic figures.
Level: leicht
Can pluralism in economics be useful to tackle the fight against climate change? How can a diversity in methods and ideas allow for a better understanding of the issue of the climate crisis? What solutions do different schools of thought offer to overcome the most pressing challenge of the 21st Century? Our Rethinker Henrika Meyer will give you some answers and give you a glimpse of the solutions pluralism offers to tackle the fight against climate change.
Level: mittel
Exploring Economics, an open-source e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods.
Level: leicht
Exploring Economics, an open-source e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods.
Level: mittel
From the two premises that (1) economies are complex systems and (2) the accumulation of knowledge about reality is desirable, I derive the conclusion that pluralism with regard to economic research programs is a more viable position to hold than monism. To substantiate this claim an epistemological framework of how scholars study their objects of inquiry and relate their models to reality is discussed. Furthermore, it is argued that given the current institutions of our scientific system, economics self-organizes towards a state of scientific unity. Since such a state is epistemologically inferior to a state of plurality, critical intervention is desirable.
Level: leicht
This paper starts with an evaluation of three common arguments against pluralism in economics: (1) the claim that economics is already pluralist, (2) the argument that if there was the need for greater plurality, it would emerge on its own, and (3) the assertion that pluralism means ‘anything goes’ and is thus unscientific. Pluralist responses to all three arguments are summarized. The third argument is identified to relate to a greater challenge for pluralism: an epistemological trade-off between diversity and consensus that suggests moving from a discussion about ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ towards a discussion about the adequate degree of plurality. We instantiate the trade-off by showing how it originates from two main challenges: the need to derive adequate quality criteria for a pluralist economics, and the necessity to propose strategies that ensure the communication across different research programs. The paper concludes with some strategies to meet these challenges.
Level: leicht
The current Great Recession, the worst crisis that capitalism has faced since the Great Depression, has failed, at least so far, to generate a change in the teaching and practice of Macroeconomics. This seems bizarre as if nothing has happened and the economists are just going about doing business as usual. In light of this, the current paper attempts to address how Macroeconomics ought to be taught to students at the advanced intermediate level, which gives them an overall perspective on the subject.
Level: leicht
The module is designed to first present some of the main schools of thought from a historical and methodological perspective. Each week we explore and critically assess the main tenants of each school of thought. In the second part of the module we link history of economic thought and methodology to a specific and contemporary economic question. The second part allows you to engage with current economic issues with an awareness of methodology and methodological differences and with some knowledge of the history of economics.
Level: leicht
The workshop introduces into the field of critical political economy and tries to identify the role of finacial markets in capitalism, the reason for financial crises and the relevance of Marx in regard to these topics.
Level: leicht
This module examines current socio-political issues through the lens of pluralism, that is pluralism of theory, pluralism of method and interdisciplinary pluralism
Level: leicht
New challenges require new approaches. Is economics part of the problem or part of the solution? Probably both.
Level: leicht
A pithy, stimulating debate between three great economists on the heterogeneous character of economic thought
Level: leicht
Understanding the financial crisis from four very different economic theories: Social Economics, Institutional Economics, Post Keynesian economics.
Level: leicht
Trade Tramm Elisabeth Allgoewer lecture2go Uni Hamburg Universität Hamburg
Level: mittel
The Routledge Handbook of Heterodox Economics presents a comprehensive overview of the latest work on economic theory and policy from a 'pluralistic' heterodox perspective.

Contributions throughout the Handbook explore different theoretical perspectives including: Marxian-radical political economics; Post Keynesian-Sraffian economics; institutionalist-evolutionary economics; feminist economics; social economics.

Level: mittel
This collection of previously published and new papers is a major intervention in the on-going debate about the nature and future of economics. Instead of the present deductivist-formalist orientation of mainstream economics, Lars Syll advocates for the adoption of a more pluralist approach to economics, arguing for more realism and relevance with less insistence on mathematical modeling.
Level: mittel
Mehr denn je braucht es dieser Tage eine Wirtschaftswissenschaft, die das Interesse an der Welt nicht verliert und sich für die Vielfalt der Wege interessiert, die Unternehmen gehen, um diese Welt besser zu machen.


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