Deliberate Misunderstandings in Economics: What Pluralism Really Means

Leonardo Conte
Rethinking Economics, 2018
Level: mittel
Perspektiven: Neoklassik, Diverse
Thema: Reflexion der Ökonomik
Format: Blog & Zeitungsbeitrag

The article is a formal response to the debate between the economists Diane Coyle and Howard Reed, whose articles were published online by Prospect magazine in 2018. Then, it was taken by Rethinking Economics as representative for the vision of the global network which advocates for changing economics curricula. In fact, it clearly solves some issues within the debate around pluralism by explaining its common misunderstandings among academics and its true - often mislead - meaning.

Go to: Deliberate Misunderstandings in Economics: What Pluralism Really Means


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