123 Ergebnisse

Das kurze Video erklärt Begriffe und Messgrößen wie das BIP, den Gini-Koeffizient (Ungleichheit in der Bevölkerung), den HDI (inkludiert menschliche Entwicklung) und die Berechnung der Armutsgrenze. Außerdem wird zusammengefasst, wie wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Armut verringern kann und wie dabei eine wachsende Ungleichheit entsteht. Am Schluss wird allgemein die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung von Staaten und ihre Einteilung in Industrie-, Schwellen-, und Entwicklungsländer erläutert.
Level: leicht
Die Karten der Weltwirtschaft
Economist and 2020 Balzan Prize winner for Environmental Challenges: Responses from the Social Sciences and Humanities, Joan Martínez Alier, speaks on the importance of ecological economics and its timeliness around the 2007/2008 global financial crisis. He speaks on the importance of building the field of ecological economics “from the ground up” through praxis.
Level: leicht
Ecological Economics
The economist Thomas Piketty presents a central argument of his book Capital in the Twenty-First century: if the rate of return to capital generally exceeds an economy's growth rate, this leads to a higher concentration of wealth in the long run. He furthermore shows with historical data how wealth and income inequality increased within the past decades.
Level: mittel
New thoughts on capital in the twenty-first century
This is a recording of an introductory course held at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Federico Demaria from the French-Spanish organisation Research and Degrowth gives an introduction to degrowth. The presentation is based on the introduction to the book “Degrowth. A vocabulary for a new era.” and discusses definitions of degrowth, degrowth literature, debates, history and further research to be done.
Level: leicht
Introductory Course: "Degrowth: What?!"
In diesem Video werden die Themen (Post-)Wachstum der gesamten Wirtschaft sowie einzelner Sektoren, die Rolle von Technologie im Umweltschutz, die internationale, lokale und auch individuelle Dimension von Umweltpolitik, die Rolle von Industrie und Politik und viele anderen umweltbezogenen Themen besprochen. Das Panel setzt sich aus Wissenschaftlern, einem Industrievertreter und einer Unternehmensgründerin zusammen. Die letzten 20 Minuten widmen sich der Diskussion.
Level: mittel
Grünes Wachstum kontra Klimawandel: Wie nachhaltig ist ökologische Wirtschaftspolitik?
The video gives a short explanation of Max Weber's treatment of the protestant work ethic as the explanatory factor for the development of capitalism.
Level: leicht
An Introduction to Max Weber’s The Protestant Ethic - A Macat Sociology Analysis
What is sustainable development and what is the idea of a green economy? What is the role of the green economy in the current triple crisis? The short video discusses the concept and in particular the concerns about a green economy, especially with regards to inequality and poverty. The short statements in the video also reflect other possibilities of transformation.
Level: leicht
Green Economy and Sustainable Development: Bringing Back the Social
In this Ted Talk, Mariana Mazzucato argues against the juxtaposition of the state and entrepreneurial activities. By presenting examples of her research on the relation between innovation and (inclusive) growth, she shows how many innovations were led by states' initiatives. Mazzucato confronts the liberal narrative of the a state that merely provides the frame for the market.
Level: leicht
Government - investor, risk-taker, innovator
What does GDP measure? How was it constructed and how did it become so important? What are alternatives? A historical introduction into the critique of GDP as measure of economic welfare.
Level: leicht
Dirk Philipsen on GDP
In the keynote speech, Sigrid Stagl argues why it is necessary to include socio-ecological aspects in macoreconomic models. The talk focuses on the ecological necessities, mentioning limits to growth, resource extraction and planetary boundaries. At the end, Stagl shortly presents several current macroeconomic initiatives and models that move towards a a socio-ecological macroeconomics.
Level: leicht
Towards a socio-ecological macroeconomics
In this keynote speech, Roger Backhouse gives a historical overview of theories on secular stagnation: how it evolved from a description of the economic situation, especially in the U.S. of the 1930s to an analytical tool and then lost importance until its current revival. Backhouse touches upon the contributions of J. A. Hobson, Alvin Hansen, Evsey Domar and Paul Samuelson.
Level: mittel
Theories of stagnation in historical perspective
Was bedeutet Wirtschaftsdemokratie und wie werden darin Entscheidungen getroffen? Wie unterscheidet sich Wirtschaftsdemokratie von Mitsprache und kann über Wohlstand und Wachstum demokratisch entschieden werden? Alex Demirovic stellt im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung „Wohlstand ohne Wachstum“ Überlegungen zur Anwendung demokratischer Entscheidungen auf Produktion und Finanzmärkte an. Dabei hinterfragt er die Dichotomie von Markt und Staat und diskutiert, welche Folgen Wirtschaftsdemokratie für die Konzepte Eigentum, unternehmerische Freiheit oder Wettbewerbsfähigkeit hat.
Level: leicht
Wirtschaftsdemokratie als Fortschritt
Stiglitz answers the question why globalization and world trade has not delivered on its promise of increased well being as much as classical economists thought, by pointing to the power asymmetries: firstly, between industrialized nations and developing nations and secondly, between special corporate interest and social interests. In his analysis, developed countries and MNCs were able to extract the benefits, while shifting the costs (i.e. pollution) to states and communities with lesser power. Amongst many other historical examples the pharmaceutical and the mining industry are discussed to some length.
Level: leicht
Stiglitz on globalization, why globalization fails? The trade agreements
Nach einem kurzen wissenschaftstheoretischem Einstieg zur prä-analystischen Vision der Ökologischen Ökonomik, präsentiert Bernd Siebenhüner die Kernideen der Theorieschule. Dabei grenzt er diese von der Umwelt- & Ressourcenökonomik ab und erläutert auch Unterschiede zur Neoklassik. Während dieser Einführung in die Ökologische Ökonomik erläutert Siebenhüner Begriffe wie planetare Grenzen, Nachhaltigkeit oder Thermodynamik. Dabei gebt er insbesondere auf die Leitvision „Komplementarität statt Substituierbarkeit“ ein und stellt diese den in Kontext von schwacher und starker Nachhaltigkeit. Im Anschluss präsentiert Siebenhüner die Debatten um Wachstum und Ökosystemleistungen in der Ökologischen Ökonomik.
Level: leicht
Ökologische Ökonomik
In diesem Vortrag fragt Hartmut Rosa zunächst, was die Moderne und moderne Gesellschaften sind. Er beschreibt diese als Gesellschaften, die nur dynamisch über Steigerung zu stabilisieren sind und gezwungenermaßen krisenanfällig sind. Zudem wird erläutert, welche Rollen Beschleunigung und Entfremdung dabei spielen. Rosa macht vier Krisen aus, in der Ökonomie, der Politik, der Ökologie und der menschlichen Psyche, diese Krisen beschreibt er als miteinander verwoben. Zur Analyse von Beschleunigung und Entfremdung präsentiert Rosa Ansätze aus der Kritischen Theorie.
Level: leicht
Krisen und Entfremdungstheorien in der Soziologie
Carsten Dreher starts with a historical perspective on the development of evolutionary economics by mentioning the difficulties of neoclassical economics to explain economic growth and by referring to the work of Joseph Schumpeter. Then some concepts such as business cycles, path dependencies are shortly explained. Dreher continues by introducing two different approaches in evolutionary economics, a micro centred approach that is associated with Nelson and Winter's work and a macro institutional and historical approach that has been pursued amongst others by Chris Freeman. Lastly the policy implications of treating economies as innovation systems are discussed and a summary of the differences of neoclassical and evolutionary economics is provided.
Level: mittel
Innovationsökonomie - Prof. Carsten Dreher @FU-Berlin
Das Panel erörtert das Konzept einer grünen Wirtschaft, stellt insbesondere Kritiken an der grünen Wirtschaft vor und spricht dabei problematische Aspekte einer grünen Wirtschaft an.
Level: leicht
Kritik der Grünen Ökonomie – Welches Wirtschaftsmodell brauchen wir? Diskussion mit Tim Jackson
In diesem Video spricht die Journalistin Ulrike Hermann vom Anfang und Ende des Kapitalismus. Zunächst erläutert Hermann, was unter Kapitalismus und Kapital verstanden werden kann. Anschließend grenzt sie Kapitalismus vom Begriff Marktwirtschaft ab. Neben Errungenschaften des Kapitalismus nennt sie insbesondere dessen Krisenhaftigkeit und folgende Gefährdungen für die Demokratie als Gründe, warum über eine Transformation zu einer post-kapitalistischen Wirtschaftsordnung nachgedacht werden muss. Der Vortrag endet bei Minute 54.
Level: leicht
Anfang und Ende des Kapitalismus
Founded in 1968, The Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE) is an interdisciplinary membership organization of academics and of activists. Its mission is to promote the study, development and application of radical political economic analysis to social problems. Concretely, this involves a continuing critique of both the capitalist system, and of all forms of exploitation and oppression. URPE’s mission also includes, coming out of this critique, helping to construct a progressive social policy, and a human-centered radical alternative to capitalism.
Level: leicht
Union for Radical Political Economics
Özlem Onaran analyses the current problems of secular stagnation from a global perspective. At the core of global economic problems is insufficient demand caused by falling wage shares, because most individual countries, and the world as a whole are “wage-led”. Hence a strategy for global growth is to aim at increasing wages and thus the wage share, and the abandonment of policies focusing purely on national competitiveness. Financialization has broken the link between corporate profitability and investment. Reregulation of finance and higher public investment is required in order to crowd in private investment, in this way, reversing the declining trend of potential output growth.
Level: mittel
Current Problems of Secular Stagnation from a Global Perspective
How did economic growth become paramount as the public policy objective? Peter Victor discusses the role of growth within institutions, asks if it is possible to imagine a degrowth economy and discusses the role of grass-root movements.
Level: leicht
Ecological Economics
This is an introductory lecture to Stock Flow Consistent SFC modelling Antoine Godin presents this family of macroeconomic models which is based on a rigorous accounting framework and guarantees a correct and comprehensive integration of all the flows and the stocks of an economy SFC models focus especially on interactions …
Level: mittel
Post Keynesian Stock-Flow consistent Modelling
The Lecturer Prof. Francesco Lissoni presents basic concepts of the Economics of Innovation. Firstly, he distinguishes between invention, innovation and diffusion and relates innovation to economic growth. Subsequently, he elucidates learning and network effects.
Level: mittel
Economics of Innovation 1/2
Due to the IMF’s focus on gender budgeting, this essay will mainly examine its gender budgeting recommendations as an example of its general inclination towards gender issues and its conception of gender equality. What does the IMF’s focus on gender equality really mean from a critical feminist perspective? What are its main objectives? What does it seek to change and to maintain? What concept or idea of women does it follow and what are the underlying theoretical foundations?
Level: leicht
The Gender strategy of the IMF: The way to go towards gender equality or a mere instrumentalisation of feminism?
What is “equitable growth” and how do we measure it? A better understanding of equitable growth—and how to measure it—can improve our understanding, inform decisions and lead to better outcomes for all.
Level: leicht
Why current definitions of family income are misleading, and why this matters for measures of inequality
"Why information grows" by Cesar Hidalgo and the atlas of economic complexity. César visits the RSA to present a new view of the relationship between the individual and collective knowledge, linking information theory, economics and biology...
Level: mittel
Why information grows and the atlas of economic complexity.
Anwar Shaikh explores alternative economic explanations, emphasizing 'real competition' theory and the role of imperfections in economic patterns.
Level: mittel
Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crisis
Andreas Siemoneit zu den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer sozialen Utopie. „Man kann Marktwirtschaft und Kapitalismus deutlich voneinander abgrenzen und Marktwirtschaft als eine noch nicht realisierte soziale Utopie betrachten…“
Level: leicht
Kapitalistische Wachstumszwänge mit Marktwirtschaft überwinden – Zu den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer sozialen Utopie
Ever wondered how a rap battle between John Maynard Keynes and F.A. Hayek would sound like?
Level: leicht
Fear the Boom and Bust: Keynes vs. Hayek - The Original Economics Rap Battle!
In dieser Folge gibt Ulrike Herrmann, Wirtschaftsjournalistin und Publizistin (taz) einen Impulsvortrag mit Fokus auf die aktuell beschlossenen Maßnahmen, Haushaltsentwicklung und Staatsverschuldung in Zeiten der Krise.
Level: leicht
Steuert Europa auf den Crash zu? Aktuelle Krisenmaßnahmen und ihre Folgen
In this short lecture the marxist economic geographer David Harvey explains how his theory of The accumulation of dispossession came about and its central principles The theory builds on Marx law of the centralisation of capital arguing how the accumulation no longer stems from producing rather through trading asset values …
Level: mittel
Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Accumulation by Dispossession
In this TedTalk Dan O Neil explains why GDP and infinite growth are concepts that we should leave behind and which other perspectives have been developed Degrowth post growth well being or steady state economy The goal is to rethink a new paradigm that puts society and the environment at …
Level: leicht
The Economics of Enough


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