1502 Ergebnisse

In this webinar for the Princeton Bendheim Center for Finance, Nobel Prize winner William Nordhaus explains the main problems regarding the economics of a low-carbon energy transition.
Level: leicht
Climate Compacts to Combat Free Riding in International Climate Agreements
Snow removal, ambulance transport, and school performance -the film aims at illustrating the principles of gender mainstreaming through concrete examples.
Level: leicht
Sustainable Gender Equality - a film about gender mainstreaming in practice
In this talk Robert Skidelsky analyses how sociology did and could enrich economic analyses, but also how critical sociological insights have been colonised by mainstream economics.
Level: leicht
How Can Sociology Help Economics?
This article considers the strengths of agent-based modelling and the ways that it can be used to help central banks understand the economy. These models provide a complement to more traditional economic modelling which has been criticised in the wake of the Great Recession.
Level: mittel
Agent-based models: understanding the economy from the bottom up
This collection of videos offers a short introduction to ecological economics and its main differences with respect to environmental economics.
Level: leicht
Short lectures on ecological economics
Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei, member of the Post-Colonialisms Today Working Group, provides insight on the history of primary commodity export dependence in Africa, and relates it to the difficulties African governments are facing finding necessary resources to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic.
Level: leicht
Tracing Primary Commodity Export Dependence
In this interview Ilya Matveev discusses the social, political, economic, and ideological foundations of the Russian regime, to provide additional context about Russia’s geopolitical goals.
Level: leicht
The Putin Regime Is Straining Under Its Own Contradictions
In this teaching pack, we look at the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk. In particular, we focus on what it means to take a company private and how the deal was financed.
Level: leicht
Musk buys Twitter
In this teaching pack, we look at the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk. In particular, we focus on what it means to take a company private and how the deal was financed.
Level: leicht
Musk buys Twitter
John Maurice Clark’s article “The Changing Basis of Economic Responsibility,“ published in the Journal of Political Economy, is the topical starting point for all scholars interested in economic responsibility and responsible economic action.
Level: mittel
Economic Responsibility
Understanding the American stock market boom and bust of the 1920s is vital for formulating policies to combat the potentially deleterious effects of busts on the economy.
Level: mittel
The Great Crash of 1929
Das weitgehende Verschwinden Marx scher Ökonomie aus den Standardlehrbüchern der Volkswirtschaftslehre Johannes Jäger Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Mankiw N G …
Level: leicht
Das weitgehende Verschwinden Marx’scher Ökonomie aus den Standardlehrbüchern der Volkswirtschaftslehre
When you notice inequality in your everyday life do you ever wonder where it comes from and what keeps it going This sociology course introduces you to core concepts of class gender and racial inequality and an approach to studying complex forms of inequality called intersectionality Featuring interviews with top …
Level: leicht
Global Inequality
This talk is an exploration of a feminist centred world, where women's labour, women's energy, women's contributions to the economy are not a side event but the main event.
Level: leicht
Feminist economics is everything. The revolution is now!
In this interview Mariana Mazzucato talks about economic actions governments need to take facing the Corona-crisis. Using the example of Britain, she argues that governmental bailouts need to be bound to commitment to sustainability.
Level: leicht
Mariana Mazzucato on New Economic Approaches
The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching implications across the African continent. This discussion brings to light the role of African think tanks, such as the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) in rethinking the continent’s development models, especially, in light of the unprecedented crisis.
Level: leicht
Growth with 'DEPTH' should guide economic transformation in Africa
New challenges require new approaches. Is economics part of the problem or part of the solution? Probably both.
Level: leicht
Diversifying Economics - an Introduction
The New Mulit Purpose Mobility Solution All in on socially responsible ride share and delivery app This lecture was held in the context of the a two day conference called Which pluralism for thinking about how to achieve a more sustainable and resilient economy The practices institutions and system logics …
Level: leicht
The New Mulit-Purpose Mobility Solution
This archive contains open access copies of most of the written work, including the books of Karl William Kapp (1910-1976) was one of the forefathers of Ecological Economics.
Level: mittel
K. William Kapp archive
Mitch Jeserich interviews Professor Richard D Wolff a professor of economics at the New School University in New York City Prof Wolff presents an explanatory theory of how inflation occurs in an economy Briefly profit driven employers raise the price in order to maximize profits of private corporations they own …
Level: leicht
Richard Wolff On Everything You Need to Know About Inflation
This course describes Bayesian statistics in which one s inferences about parameters or hypotheses are updated as evidence accumulates You will learn to use Bayes rule to transform prior probabilities into posterior probabilities and be introduced to the underlying theory and perspective of the Bayesian paradigm The course will apply …
Level: leicht
Bayesian Statistics
There are three things one can do on this website - 1. Learn 2. Help Teach 3. Sign up for the MOOC.
Level: leicht
Econometrics Academy
Level: mittel
This book offers the first systematic analysis of economic thought concerning war.
Level: mittel
War in Economic Theories over Time
Homo sapiens is now evolving into post economy The New Economy must manage scarcity and affluence a dual problem that is not integrated into the main classical economic theories There will be an important shock between opulence described by the economist John Kenneth Galbraith in The Affluent Society and scarcity …
Level: leicht
Shifting Economy
This is a recording of an introductory course held at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Federico Demaria from the French-Spanish organisation Research and Degrowth gives an introduction to degrowth. The presentation is based on the introduction to the book “Degrowth. A vocabulary for a new era.” and discusses definitions of degrowth, degrowth literature, debates, history and further research to be done.
Level: leicht
Introductory Course: "Degrowth: What?!"
How do we get our dinner? And who cooked Adam Smith's dinner? Starting with Smith's answer on the origin of a dinner, Katrine Marçal problematizes and illustrates how unpaid labour was and is still being ignored by economic theory and how the homo economics represents characteristics perceived as male.
Level: leicht
How Economics Forgot about Women
In this radio interview, Philip Mirowski, author of the book "Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste" presents several differences between neoclassical economics and neoliberalism. Apart from a historical outline, Mirowski primarily discusses different perceptions of markets and the role of the state. Mirowski further reflects on the role think tanks ("part of the "neoliberal thought collective") and the entrepreneurial self (the "neoliberal agent") in the spreading and fostering of the neoliberalism.
Level: leicht
How Neoliberalism Survived the Financial Meltdown
What is innovation, what drives innovation and the process that differentiates firms? What is competition and what kind of dynamics lie behind the differences between firms and their innovative activities? Mariana Mazzucato elaborates on those questions from an evolutionary economics' and Schumpeterian perspective. The slides of her lecture are not visible, hence some visualizations can't be followed.
Level: mittel
Economics of Innovation
In the inspiring interview on Economics of Care, Nancy Foblre takes a closer look to the consequences of the marketization of caring activities on those activities and on the societal organization of care. Folbre elaborates on how to value care and how this shifts the perspectives on living standards. She points to the fact, that caring activities are undervalued both in the market sphere and within the family and thereby questions the division between those spheres. Lastly, Folbre answers the question how to reteach Economics when accounting for caring activities.
Level: leicht
The Economics of Care
Gilles Carbonnier, Professor of Development Economics and Director of Studies at The Graduate Institute Geneva, explains the emerging field of Humanitarian Economics. It analyses how economics can help to better grasp and respond to humanitarian crises, and why capturing market dynamics - including the humanitarian market itself, or in relation to e.g. kidnapping and detention in war - has become critical.
Level: leicht
The Birth of Humanitarian Economics
We collect selected high quality working papers from the leading international universities and research institutes in the field of plural and heterodox economics. The working papers in our selection present economic schools of thought and debates in a first-class way and give an insight into the latest research.
Level: leicht
Exploring Economics Working Paper Selection


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