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Global Value Chains (GVCs) started to play an increasing and key role in the global economy from the 1990s on. The market mechanism in GVCs supports industrialisation in the Global South and under certain conditions product and process upgrading. But GVCs do not lead to the catching-up of countries in the sense of them approaching real GDP per capita levels comparable with developed countries. These arguments are supported by a critical interpretation of the traditional trade theory, the New Trade Theory and specific approaches to explain GVCs, especially different governance structures and power relationships. Several case studies support these arguments. For catching-up, countries need comprehensive horizontal and vertical industrial policy and policies for social coherence. The small number of countries which managed to catch up did this in different variations. Level: beginner Global Value Chains in economic development   Institute for International Political Economy Berlin This paper attempts to clarify how the European economic crisis from 2007 onwards can be understood from the perspective of a Marxian monetary theory of value that emphasizes intrinsic, structural flaws regarding capitalist reproduction. Chapter two provides an empirical description of the European economic crisis, which to some extent already reflects the structural theoretical framework presented in chapter three. Regarding the theoretical framework Michael Heinrich's interpretation of 'the' Marxian monetary theory of value will be presented. Heinrich identifies connections between production and realization, between profit and interest rate as well as between industrial and fictitious capital, which represent contradictory tendencies for which capitalism does not have simple balancing processes. In the context of a discussion of 'structural logical aspects' of Marx's Critique of the Political Economy, explanatory deficits of Heinrich's approach are analyzed. In the following, it is argued that Fred Moseley's view of these 'structural logical aspects' allows empirical 'applications' of Marxian monetary theories of value. It is concluded that a Marxian monetary theory of value, with the characteristics of expansive capital accumulation and its limitations, facilitates a structural analysis of the European economic crisis from 2007 onwards. In this line of argument, expansive production patterns are expressed, among other things, in global restructuring processes, while consumption limitations are mitigated by expansive financial markets and shifts in ex-port destinations. 2019 Level: expert The European economic crisis from 2007 onwards in the context of a global crisis of over-production of capital - a Marxian monetary theory of value interpretation Sascha Gander Institute for International Political Economy Berlin Exploring Economics, an open-source e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2019 Level: advanced Karl Marx: An early post-Keynesian? Eckhart Hein Institute for International Political Economy Berlin This article examines the spread of financialization in Germany before the financial crisis. It provides an up-to date overview on the literature on financialization and reviews which of the phenomena typically associated with financialization have emerged in Germany. In particular, the article aims to clarify how the prevailing institutional structure and its changes had contributed to or had countervailed the spread of financialization and how it had shaped the specific German variant of financialization. For this end, it combines the rich literature on Germany's institutional structure with the more macroeconomic oriented literature on financializaton. With the combination of those different perspectives the article sheds light on the reasons for the spread of financialization and the specific forms it has taken in Germany. 2019 Level: beginner Financialization made in Germany: A review Daniel Detzer Institute for International Political Economy Berlin In spite of the manifold critique about the state of economics in the aftermath of the financial crisis, an even increasing presence of economists and economic experts can be observed in the public sphere during the last years. On the one hand this reflects the still dominant position of economics in the social sciences as well as the sometimes ignorant attitude of economists towards findings of other social sciences. On the other hand this paper shows that the public debate on politico-economic issues among economists is dominated by a specific subgroup of economists, tightly connected to an institutional network of “German neoliberalism”. This group of “public economists” (i) is dominant in public debates even after the financial crisis, (ii) reproduces the formative German economic imaginary of the Social Market Economy in a German neoliberal interpretation and (iii) has a good access to German economic policymaking, rooted in a long history of economic policy advice. 2016 Level: advanced Still the queens of social sciences? (Post-)Crisis power balances of “public economists” in Germany Stephan Pühringer Institut für Ökonomie und Philosophie Cusanus Hochschule In this paper the main developments in post-Keynesian macroeconomics since the mid- 1990s will be reviewed. For this purpose the main differences between heterodox economics in general, including post-Keynesian economics, and orthodox economics will be reiterated and an overview over the strands of post-Keynesian economics, their commonalities and developments since the 1930s will be outlined. This will provide the grounds for touching upon three important areas of development and progress of post-Keynesian macroeconomics since the mid-1990s: first, the integration of distribution issues and distributional conflict into short- and long-run macroeconomics, both in theoretical and in empirical/applied works; second, the integrated analysis of money, finance and macroeconomics and its application to changing institutional and historical circumstances, like the process of financialisation; and third, the development of full-blown macroeconomic models, providing alternatives to the mainstream 'New Consensus Model' (NCM), and allowing to derive a full macroeconomic policy mix as a more convincing alternative to the one implied and proposed by the mainstream NCM, which has desperately failed in the face of the recent crises. 2012 Level: advanced Post-Keynesian macroeconomics since the mid-1990s: Main developments Eckhart Hein Institute for International Political Economy Berlin The article compares market fundamentalism and right-wing populism on the basis of its core patterns of thinking and reasoning. Based on an analysis of important texts in both fields we find many similarities of these two concepts in their "inner images". Thus, we develop a scheme of the similar dual social worlds of right-wing-populism and market fundamentalism and offer some recent examples of market fundamentalism and right-wing populism mutually reinforcing each other or serving as a gateway for each other. We then apply our scheme for the analysis of the recent political developments and its ideological roots in the US under Donald Trump. 2017 Level: advanced Right-wing populism and market-fundamentalism: Two mutually reinforcing threats to democracy in the 21st century Walter O. Ötsch & Stephan Pühringer Institut für Ökonomie und Philosophie Cusanus Hochschule Exploring Economics, an open-source e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2016 Level: beginner Development of heterodox economics at public German universities since the 1970s Sebastian Thieme, Arne Heise Zentrum für Ökonomische und Soziologische Studien, Universität Hamburg Exploring Economics, an open-source e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2017 Level: beginner Reclaiming the university: Transforming economics as a discipline Arne Heise Zentrum für Ökonomische und Soziologische Studien, Universität Hamburg Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2019 Level: advanced Marx's approach to economics: a claim for subjective praxis Clara Mattei New School for Social Research, Department of Economics The current Great Recession, the worst crisis that capitalism has faced since the Great Depression, has failed, at least so far, to generate a change in the teaching and practice of Macroeconomics. This seems bizarre as if nothing has happened and the economists are just going about doing business as usual. In light of this, the current paper attempts to address how Macroeconomics ought to be taught to students at the advanced intermediate level, which gives them an overall perspective on the subject. Level: beginner Plurality in Teaching Macroeconomics Rohit Azad New School for Social Research, Department of Economics This paper surveys the development of the concept of socialism from the French Revolution to the socialist calculation debate. Karl Marx’s politics of revolutionary socialism led by an empowered proletariat nurtured by capital accumulation envisions socialism as a “top-down” system resting on political institutions, despite Marx’s keen appreciation of the long-period analysis of the organization of social production in the classical political economists. Collectivist thinking in the work of Enrico Barone and Wilfredo Pareto paved the way for the discussion of socialism purely in terms of the allocation of resources. The Soviet experiment abandoned the mixed economy model of the New Economic Policy for a political-bureaucratic administration of production only loosely connected to theoretical concepts of socialism. The socialist calculation debate reductively recast the problem of socialism as a problem of allocation of resources, leading to general equilibrium theory. Friedrich Hayek responded to the socialist calculation debate by shifting the ground of discussion from class relations to information revelation 2017 Level: beginner Socialist alternatives to capitalism I: Marx to Hayek Duncan Foley New School for Social Research, Department of Economics Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2017 Level: advanced Socialist alternatives to capitalism II: Vienna to Santa Fe Duncan Foley New School for Social Research, Department of Economics Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2020 Level: advanced Impact of FDI on economic growth: The role of country income levels and institutional strength Tamar Baiashvili, Luca Gattini European Investment Bank Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2019 Level: expert Monetary sovereignty is a spectrum: modern monetary theory and developing countries Bruno Bonizzi, Annina Kaltenbrunner, Jo Michell Post-Autistic Economics Network After a brief illustration of sovereign green bonds’ features, this paper describes the market evolution and identifies the main benefits and costs for sovereign issuers. The financial performance of these securities is then analysed. 2021 Level: advanced Green Bonds: the Sovereign Issuers’ Perspective Raffaele Doronzo, Vittorio Siracusa and Stefano Antonelli Mercati, infrastrutture, sistemi di pagamento Karl Marx was the greatest champion of the labor theory of value. The logical problems of this theory have, however, split scholars of Marx into two factions: those who regard it as an indivisible component of Marxism, and those who wish to continue the spirit of analysis begun by Marx without the labor theory of value. 1993 Level: expert Use-Value, Exchange Value, and the Demise of Marx's Value Theory of Labor Steve Keen Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 15, Issue 1 Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2015 Level: expert Socialist Calculation and Market Socialism Paul Jael Munich Personal RePEc Archive A central question in development economics literature is, “Why do countries stay poor?” The key disagreements are whether the lack of economic growth stems from institutions or from geography (Nunn 2009). From an institutional perspective, hostile tariff regimes and commodity price dependencies form a barrier to a sectoral shift that would otherwise lead to economic development in developing countries (Blink and Dorton 2011) (Stiglitz 2006).[i] 2020 Level: beginner Trade Barriers to Development explored through various lenses Johannes M. Halkenhaeusser Pluralist Economics Fellowship The core of Georgism is a policy known as the Land Value Tax (LVT), a policy which Georgists claim will solve many of society and the economy’s ills. Georgism is an interesting school of thought because it has the twin properties that (1) despite a cult following, few people in either mainstream or (non-Georgist) heterodox economics pay it much heed; (2) despite not paying it much heed, both mainstream and heterodox economists largely tend to agree with Georgists. I will focus on the potential benefits Georgists argue an LVT will bring and see if they are borne out empirically. But I will begin by giving a nod to the compelling theoretical and ethical dimensions of George’s analysis, which are impossible to ignore. 2020 Level: beginner It’s the Land, Stupid! Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics This syllabus provides an overview of the contents of the course "Understanding Economic Models" at the University of Helsinki. 2018 Level: beginner Understanding Economic Models N. Emrah Aydinonat, Michiru Nagatsu University of Helsinki Mainstream inflation theories in economics do little to explain the recent acceleration in price increases. The associated economic policy recommendations further increase the misery of low-income groups. 2023 Level: beginner The inflation conundrum Thomas Sablowski Exploring Economics The term "de-risking" can be seen as one element of a strategy aimed at discursively reframing the trade policy confrontation with China. This confrontation has mainly been driven by the US in recent years and received initially cautious, but later growing support from the EU. 2023 Level: beginner De-risking, de-coupling, de-globalization? Samuel Decker Exploring Economics In 18th century Europe figures such as Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Friedrich List and Jean Baptiste Colbert developed theories regarding international trade, which either embraced free trade seeing it as a positive sum game or recommended more cautious and strategic approaches to trade seeing it as a potential danger and a rivalry and often as a zero-sum game. What about today? 2016 Level: beginner Free trade in economic theories Exploring Economics Exploring Economics The Nobel laureate Amartya Sen´s text analyzes three main figures in social sciences and the relation between them: the Italian economist Piero Sraffa, the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, and the Italian politician and philosopher Antonio Gramsci. 2003 Level: advanced Sraffa, Wittgenstein, and Gramsci Amartya Sen Journal of Economic Literature This film looks at the role economic growth has had in bringing about this crisis, and explores alternatives to it, offering a vision of hope for the future and a better life for all within planetary boundaries. 2020 Level: beginner Fairytales of Growth Pierre Smith Khanna Fairy Tales of Growth In this article, Hannah Ritchie presents the data we need to understand the scale of their contribution, and which countries are most reliant on Ukraine for their food supplies. 2022 Level: beginner How could the war in Ukraine impact global food supplies? Hannah Ritchie Our World in Data This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) discusses Global Workers’ Rights and shows instruments and strategies which can be used to implement them. Level: beginner Workers' Rights in a Global Economy Paul Whitehead; Mark Anner; Mark Anner; Stefanie Lorenzen; Fernando Lopes; Michael Fichter; Frank Hoffer; Victor Hugo Ricco; Camilo Rubiano; Christoph Scherrer; Ben Scully; Beatriz Vacotto; Beatriz Vacotto Global Labour University Experimental economists are leaving the reservation. They are recruiting subjects in the field rather than in the classroom, using field goods rather than induced valuations, and using field context rather than abstract terminology in instructions. 2004 Level: beginner Field Experiments in Economics Harrison, Glenn W.; Carpenter, Jeffrey P.; List, John A. Emerald Group Adam Smith and Karl Marx recognized that the best way to understand the economy is to study the most advanced practice of production. Today that practice is no longer conventional manufacturing: it is the radically innovative vanguard known as the knowledge economy. 2019 Level: beginner The Knowledge Economy Roberto Mangabeira Unger Verso Books In this course you will study the different facets of human development in topics such as education health gender the family land relations risk informal and formal norms public policy and institutions While studying each of these topics we will delve into the following questions What determines the decisions of … Level: advanced Foundations of Development Policy: Advanced Development Economics Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee, Esther Duflo & Benjamin Olken Massachusetts Institute of Technology As opposed to the conventional over-simplified assumption of self-interested individuals, strong evidence points towards the presence of heterogeneous other-regarding preferences in agents. Incorporating social preferences – specifically, trust and reciprocity - and recognizing the non-constancy of these preferences across individuals can help models better represent the reality. 2019 Level: advanced A fresh perspective to economic theory: Social preferences and their impact on gender and policy Sheral Shah Exploring Economics


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