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436 results

This course focus on the behaviour of individuals from an pluralist economic and an interdisciplinary bevavioural science apprach. 2020 Level: advanced Actors, Behaviours and Decision Processes Sigrid Stagl and Roman Hausmann University of Vienna Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2019 Level: expert Monetary sovereignty is a spectrum: modern monetary theory and developing countries Bruno Bonizzi, Annina Kaltenbrunner, Jo Michell Post-Autistic Economics Network How should we discuss welfare when understanding the role of growth and the viability of Growth-led development? One option is to look at subjective happiness. This provides an anti-materialistic view which may superficially appear more compatible with significant reductions in consumption in order to remain within safe ecological limits. 2021 Level: beginner Degrowth, Happiness and and wellbeing Jezri Krinsky blobMetropolis Recent events such as the Black Lives Matter protests the the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis US and the toppling of the statue of Edward Colston in Bristol UK have exposed existing racism colonialism and sexism in our society and in Economics While calls to improve diversity in Economics … 2021 Level: beginner Decolonising Economics in Practice Dr. Danielle Guizzo, Dr. Devika Dutt, Dr. Surbhi Kesar, Dr. Amir Lebdioui Exploring Economics The world is regularly shaken by crises some are bigger others are smaller in scope Local turmoil military conflicts commodity scarcity bank runs health threats the history of mankind can be written as a history of crises Three major global crises occurred in the last fifty years alone the oil … 2021 Level: beginner Understanding Crises - What to take from here for better policy advice in the future? Dr. Carolina Alves, Prof. Dr. Ishac Diwan Exploring Economics This film looks at the role economic growth has had in bringing about this crisis, and explores alternatives to it, offering a vision of hope for the future and a better life for all within planetary boundaries. 2020 Level: beginner Fairytales of Growth Pierre Smith Khanna Fairy Tales of Growth Yao Graham, coordinator of Third World Network- Africa, reflects on lessons learned from past Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), specifically as they relate to the Post-Cotonou Agreement. 2020 Level: beginner Lessons From Economic Partnership Agreements to the Post- Cotonou Framework Yao Graham Post-Colonialisms Today: Aim of this intensive workshop is to understand macroeconomic workings of climate change as as the background of sustainable finance; to analyse financial assets with ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria attached to them and their markets and important institutional players; to develop a critical perspective on the current setup of sustainable finance; and to synthesise this knowledge by applying it on in-depth case studies. 2020 Level: beginner Sustainable Finance Anne Löscher Summer Academy for Pluralist Economics This article introduces the series, “Reclaiming Africa’s Early Post- Independence History,'' from Post-Colonialisms Today. It explores the policies and thinking of African governments in the early post-independence period, and the lessons for today’s struggles for political and economic agency on the continent. 2020 Level: beginner Reclaiming Africa’s Early Post-Independence History Adebayo Olukoshi, Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei, Aishu Balaji, and Anita Nayar Post-Colonialisms Today: In this interview Ilya Matveev discusses the social, political, economic, and ideological foundations of the Russian regime, to provide additional context about Russia’s geopolitical goals. 2022 Level: beginner The Putin Regime Is Straining Under Its Own Contradictions Interview with Ilya Matveev by Rafael Khachaturian Jacobin Magazine This note, by Theresa Neef, Panayiotis Nicolaides, Lucas Chancel, Thomas Piketty, and Gabriel Zucman, provides data on wealth inequality in Russia and advocates for a European Asset Registry. 2022 Level: beginner Effective sanctions against oligarchs and the role of a European Asset Registry Theresa Neef, Panayiotis Nicolaides, Lucas Chancel, Thomas Piketty, Gabriel Zucman EU Tax Observatory / World Inequality lab This section includes selected content from Post-Colonialisms Today - a research and advocacy project recovering insights from the immediate post-independence period in Africa, and mobilizing them through a feminist lens to address contemporary challenges. You will find additional content at 2022 Level: beginner Contributions from Post-Colonialisms Today   Post-Colonialisms Today Drawing on Gramsci s Marxist Political Economy Mike Davis situates the War in Ukraine within the general condition of a crisis of capitalist hegemony The key argument is that the pathological and violent situation that we are finding ourselves in today is an expression of the inability of both global … 2022 Level: beginner Thanatos Triumphant Mike Davis New Left Review - Sidecar This website belongs to PolyluxMarx and provides open access material for use while reading Karl Marx Capital For several years now people have been starting to dust off Marx and return to his analysis of society This is mainly due to the social turmoil in global capitalism weaknesses in prevailing … 2013 Level: beginner PolyluxMarx - A Capital Workbook in Slides Valeria Bruschi, Antonelle Muzzupappa, Sabine Nuss, Anne Stecker & Ingo Stütze Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Aim: to work out jointly with students a systematic perception of how the gender factor can impact on economic and demographic development. This course is pioneering: it is the first time that such a course has been introduced into the curriculum of a Russian higher educational institution with a focus on economics. Level: advanced Gender Economics I. E. Kalabikhina Lomonosov Moscow State University In this class we will explore how globalization shapes and is shaped by gender norms with a particular focus on questions related to ‘work,’ mobility and well-being. 2015 Level: beginner Gender and Globalization Prof. Jennifer Olmsted Drew University - Dept. of Economics Education policy seeks to ensure equality in access, equality within the classroom and in teaching- learning processes, and equality in outcomes. This course encourages students to assess and evaluate the extent to which these objectives are met in practice and the ways in which educational outcomes are shaped by, as well as alter, gendered social norms. Level: beginner Education, Gender and Development Ratna Sudarshan National University of National Planning and Administration, New Delhi Asset Management firms control large parts of the global economy Just the three American asset management firms BlackRock Vanguard and State Street manage more than half of the combined value of all shares for companies in the S P 500 Their combined managed assets amount to 22 trillion May 2022 … 2022 Level: advanced Asset Manager Capitalism Mark Blyth Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs In order to address discrimination, we must understand and address its fundamental basis of systemic oppression. Stratification economics goes beyond myopic mainstream conceptualisations of discrimination and recognises the historical, institutional, and structural factors that create and maintain socioeconomic disparities and hierarchies. To critically approach the economics of discrimination, this workshop will focus on stratification economics, a systematic and empirically grounded approach to addressing intergroup inequality (Darity, 2005). Focusing on racial discrimination, we will discuss the core elements of stratification economics, critically evaluate its relevance, and apply these understandings to construct case studies and solutions for change. In our discussions, we will consider an array of topics, including intersecting oppressions, reparative justice, and the role of knowledge production in overcoming injustice and creating a better world. 2022 Level: beginner Economics of Discrimination Tanita Lewis Summer Academy 2022 for Pluralist Economics The World Inequality Lab gathers social scientists committed to helping everyone understand the drivers of inequality worldwide through evidence based research The World Inequality Lab hosts the World Inequality Database the most extensive public database on global inequality dynamics Their main missions are The extension of the World Inequality Database … Level: beginner WORLD INEQUALITY LAB Identify the historical and cultural systems driving globalization and changing societies around the world. Level: beginner Age of Globalization John Hoberman University of Texas at Austin Information and skills required to make more sustainable choices every day. Level: beginner Sustainability in Everyday Life Anna Nyström Claesson; Matty Janssen Chalmers University of Technology Photo by Kaitlyn Ashley on Unsplash The world is still feeling reverberations from the financial crisis of 2008 foreseen by neither politicians nor economists The history of capitalism has been punctuated by major crises exposing the fragility of our entire economic system How has capitalism despite these ruptures managed to … 2012 Level: beginner The Future of Capitalism Anatole Kaletsky n.a. 'Impressive... provides a very good compendium of what are usually classified as "heterodox" development economics... an excellent volume.' Journal of International Development This important new collection tackles the failure of neoliberal reform to generate longterm growth and reduce poverty in many developing and transition economies. 2003 Level: advanced Rethinking Development Economics Ha-Joon Chang Anthem Press 'This Cambridge professor delights in paradox. And myth-busting . . . he does this with charm and a desire to see how things work in the real world' Guardian, 'In Praise of Ha-Joon Chang' In this revelatory book, Ha-Joon Chang destroys the biggest myths of our times and shows us the truth about how the world really works, including- there's no such thing as a free market. 2011 Level: advanced 23 Things They Don't Tell You about Capitalism Ha-Joon Chang Penguin Taking as its starting point the interdependence of the economy and the natural environment, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the emerging field of ecological economics. 2005 Level: beginner Ecological Economics Michael Common, Sigrid Stagl Cambridge University Press This brief views the environment through diverse lenses – those of standard economics, institutional economics, political science, environmental science and ecology. 2013 Level: advanced The Environment in Economics and Development Vikram Dayal Springer Science & Business Media Designed to give second-year undergraduates an intuitive understanding of basic mathematical techniques, and when and why they are applicable. Building on the traditional framework of calculus, the notion of a concave function is used to link the new algebraic methods with the more familiar graphical approachoand to introduce the modern use of duality in economic analysis. 1984 Level: advanced Mathematics for Modern Economics Chris Birchenhall, Paul Grout P. Allan This invaluable volume brings together seminal articles with a significant behavioural content on various areas in macroeconomics. 2012 Level: advanced Behavioural Macroeconomics Ian Martin McDonald Edward Elgar This Encyclopedia is a very first fully refereed A-Z compendium of the main principles, concepts, problems, institutions, schools and policies associated with political economy. Part 1 of a 2-volume set comprises entries from A-K. 1999 Level: advanced Encyclopedia of Political Economy: A-K Phillip Anthony O'Hara Psychology Press That’s why it is time, says renegade economist Kate Raworth, to revise our economic thinking for the 21st century. In Doughnut Economics, she sets out seven key ways to fundamentally reframe our understanding of what economics is and does. 2017 Level: beginner Doughnut Economics Kate Raworth Chelsea Green Publishing Modern mission theory is guided largely by the three self paradigm that suggests indigenous churches can only be healthy if they are self-governing, self-propagating, and self-supporting. Consequently, Western missionaries, their churches, and their agencies have been increasingly indisposed to giving generously. We must rethink the interplay of dollars dependency and what it means to do the right thing with our money as we pursue twenty-first century missions. 2007 Level: advanced To Give Or Not to Give John Rowell InterVarsity Press


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