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Work defines who we are It determines our status and dictates how where and with whom we spend most of our time It mediates our self worth and molds our values But are we hard wired to work as hard as we do Did our Stone Age ancestors also live … 2020 Level: beginner Work James Suzman Bloomsbury Circus To what extent does gender affect people's patterns of labor force participation, educational preparation for work, occupations, hours of work (paid and unpaid) and earnings? 2014 Level: beginner Sex-Segregated Labor Markets Julie Nelson University of Massachusetts In this famous article Michal Kalecki describes the three main reasons that push business leaders to reject the intervention of the government to ensure full employment i dislike of government interference in the problem of employment as such ii dislike of the direction of government spending public investment and subsidizsing … 1943 Level: beginner Political Aspects of Full Employment Michael Kalecki Political Quarterly Capitalism is dissolving boundaries - not only in the sense of ever-expanding global trade flows, but also in the concrete everyday working lives of individuals. What implications does this have for our understanding of freedom, work and borders? Level: beginner Capitalism & Boundaries   Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V. Anwar Shaikh explores alternative economic explanations, emphasizing 'real competition' theory and the role of imperfections in economic patterns. 2017 Level: advanced Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crisis Anwar Shaikh The New School for Social Research This article investigates the set up of the CFA franc zones, its ties to French neocolonialism and its ability to further breed dependency in the former colonies. 2018 Level: beginner The CFA Franc Zones: Neocolonialism and Dependency Mariamawit Tadesse Economic Questions Donald Trump won in 2016 largely because enough voters in three states, all in the Rustbelt, which had voted for Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012, switched their electoral votes from Democratic to Republican. 2019 Level: beginner The Rise of Trumpism John Komlos Duke University’s John Hope Franklin Center Peter Bofinger argues that the Modern Monetary Theory gives theoretical justification for bold answers to the corona crisis. 2020 Level: beginner Coronavirus crisis: now is the hour of Modern Monetary Theory Peter Bofinger Social Europe This lecture of the anthropologist David Graeber gives a brief introduction to the thoughts of his 2011 published book Debt: The First 5000 Years. 2012 Level: beginner Debt: The First 5,000 Years David Graeber Talks at Google Dr. Katherine Trebeck explains some reasons why we should believe the future of the economy should be a wellbeing economy. 2020 Level: beginner Why the Future Economy has to be a Wellbeing Economy Katherine Trebeck TEDx Talks Teaching and learning ontology and epistemology. Onto-what? Bates & Jenkins explain what is needed to equip students with the ability to critically reflect on learned content and understand meta-discussions in their field. 2007 Level: advanced Teaching and Learning Ontology and Epistemology in Political Science Stephen R. Bates and Laura Jenkins Political Studies Association This part is devoted to simulation experiments based on the simulation model developed in part I from the value theoretic reconstruction of the main parts of Marx s critique of Political Economy After introducing the main parameters and the range of their variation Section 1 a singular run as well … 2020 Level: advanced A value-theoretic approach to economic dynamics and evolution—synthesizing different Marxian modules in a simulation model Part II Frank Beckenbach Review of Evolutionary Political Economy This video explains what a co-operative is, discussing the different types, their history and purposes, before moving on to discuss the current state of the co-operative movement. 2019 Level: beginner What is a Co-op? John Atherton Co-operatives UK In this roundtable conversation, Post-Colonialisms Today members, Omar Ghannam, Kareem Megahed and Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei, look to policies from early post-independence Africa to tackle issues exacerbated by the COVID- 19 pandemic. 2020 Level: beginner Lessons from Africa’s past to cope with COVID-19 Omar Ghannam, Kareem Megahed, Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei Post-Colonialisms Today: In this article, Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei and Camden Goetz discuss the ongoing impacts of colonialism on Africa’s natural resources. 2021 Level: beginner A History of Resource Plunder Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei and Camden Goetz Post-Colonialisms Today: In this piece Alexander Kravchuk gives an overview over the history of dept dependency in Ukraine, highlighting especially the role of international creditors and the negative socio-economic impacts of debt dependency for the Ukrainian economy. 2015 Level: advanced The origins of Ukraine’s debt dependence Alexander Kravchuk Commons: Journal for Social Criticism This website belongs to PolyluxMarx and provides open access material for use while reading Karl Marx Capital For several years now people have been starting to dust off Marx and return to his analysis of society This is mainly due to the social turmoil in global capitalism weaknesses in prevailing … 2013 Level: beginner PolyluxMarx - A Capital Workbook in Slides Valeria Bruschi, Antonelle Muzzupappa, Sabine Nuss, Anne Stecker & Ingo Stütze Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung The World Inequality Lab gathers social scientists committed to helping everyone understand the drivers of inequality worldwide through evidence based research The World Inequality Lab hosts the World Inequality Database the most extensive public database on global inequality dynamics Their main missions are The extension of the World Inequality Database … Level: beginner WORLD INEQUALITY LAB Neoliberalism is dead. Again. After the election of Trump and the victory of Brexit in 2016, many diagnosed the demise of the ideology of Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Augusto Pinochet, and the WTO. Yet the philosophy of the free market and the strong state has an uncanny capacity to survive and even thrive in crisis. 2020 Level: advanced Nine Lives of Neoliberalism Dieter Plehwe Verso Books In his 2010 published book “The Enigma of Capital and the Crises of Capitalism” multi-talented US geographer, anthropologist and Marxist economist David Harvey aims to analyse the capitalist system that has shaped western society and the globalized world of today. 2011 Level: advanced The Enigma of Capital David Harvey Profile Books Thinking in Systems, is a concise and crucial book offering insight for problem solving on scales ranging from the personal to the global. Edited by the Sustainability Institute's Diana Wright, this essential primer brings systems thinking out of the realm of computers and equations and into the tangible world, showing readers how to develop the systems-thinking skills that thought leaders across the globe consider critical for 21st-century life. 2015 Level: advanced Thinking in Systems Donella H. Meadows Chelsea Green Publishing Co Foundational economy is the most important concept you have never heard of. The foundational encompasses material utilities like water, gas and electricity and providential services like education, health and care. Taken together, these services matter economically and politically because they are the collectively consumed infrastructure of everyday life, the basis of civilization and should be citizen rights. 2018 Level: beginner Foundational Economy Karel Williams, Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal, Michael Moran, Angelo Salento, Davide Arcidiacono, Filippo Barbera, Andrew Bowman, John Buchanan, Sandra Busso, Joselle Dagnes, Joe Earle, Ewald Engelen, Peter Folkman, Colin Haslam, Ian Jones, Darlo Minerv Manchester University Press Within the heterodox field one of the most active topics is related to the theory of economic growth and distribution This is a textbook for advance undergraduate and graduate students Throughout its 18 chapters Classical Neoclassical and post Keynesian models are developed Each chapter contains study problems and suggested readings … 2019 Level: expert Growth and Distribution Duncan K. Foley, Thomas R. Michl, Daniele Tavani Harvard University Press This book offers the first systematic analysis of economic thought concerning war. 2020 Level: advanced War in Economic Theories over Time Renata Allio Springer Nature An ideal type of a pluralistic book. Instead of arguing for one specific interpretation of a complex phenomenon, the authors present six different views on globalisation. Roberts and Lamp carefully balance the different perspectives, presenting the merits of each. 2021 Level: advanced Six Faces of Globalization Anthea Roberts, Nicolas Lamp Harvard University Press This report to the DEFRA summarizes the main approaches, opportunities and difficulties that come with individual carbon trading. 2006 Level: advanced A Rough Guide To Individual Carbon Trading Simon Roberts and Joshua Thumim, for the Centre for Sustainable Energy Departement for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) This course will focus on the emergence and evolution of industrial societies around the world We will begin by comparing the legacies of industry in ancient and early modern Europe and Asia and examining the agricultural and commercial advances that laid the groundwork for the Industrial Revolution of the 18th … Level: beginner Global Perspectives on Industrialization Jonathan Robins; Andrew Ramey Michigan Technological University In analyzing the global competition between Chinese and Indian tea, Andrew B. Liu challenges past economic histories premised on the technical “divergence” between the West and the Rest, arguing instead that seemingly traditional technologies and practices were central to modern capital accumulation across Asia. 2020 Level: advanced Tea War Andrew B. Liu Yale University Press From the mercantile monopolies of seventeenth-century empires to the modern-day authority of the WTO, IMF, and World Bank, the nations of the world have struggled to effectively harness globalization's promise. The economic narratives that underpinned these eras the gold standard, the Bretton Woods regime, the "Washington Consensus" brought great success and great failure. 2011 Level: advanced The Globalization Paradox Dani Rodrik W. W. Norton & Company This lecture offers a general and introductory overview of the theory of racial capitalism, focusing on the origins of racial capitalism and some of the debates it has generated. 2021 Level: beginner Introduction to Racial Capitalism Alana Lentin n.a. In Colonial Debts Rocío Zambrana develops the concept of neoliberal coloniality in light of Puerto Rico's debt crisis. Drawing on decolonial thought and praxis, Zambrana shows how debt functions as an apparatus of predation that transforms how neoliberalism operates. 2021 Level: advanced Colonial Debts Rocío Zambrana Duke University Press Regression Analysis: A Constructive Critique identifies a wide variety of problems with regression analysis as it is commonly used and then provides a number of ways in which practice could be improved. 2004 Level: advanced Regression Analysis Richard A. Berk SAGE


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