19 Ergebnisse

The website contains a vast amount of information on the history of economic thought. It presents thinkers, their main works (and links to those works) and schools of thought which are sorted by political economy schools, neoclassical schools, alternative schools as well as thematic schools. Level: mittel The history of economic thought website Gonçalo L. Fonseca Gonçalo L. Fonseca This historic timeline presents economic events, economic thinkers and schools of thought from the 18th century until the 2007/2008 financial and economic crisis with short texts on the respective event or perspective. 2017 Level: leicht Economics: An Illustrated Timeline Heske van Doornen theminsky.org In this lecture, Prof. Israel Kirzner presents a historical overview of the development of the Austrian school. The talk covers a timespan from the beginnings of the Austrian School in the early 1870's till just before the more recent 'revival' of the School in the mid-1970's. 2011 Level: leicht The History of Austrian Economics Israel Kirzner Foundation for Economic Education - YouTube In this tenth lecture in INET’s “How and How Not to Do Economics,” Robert Skidelsky argues that there are two main reasons why economists should study history. 2019 Level: leicht Economic History Robert Skidelsky INET In this podcast 'How Economic Theory and Policy Reinforce Racism' William Spriggs, the AFL-CIO’s chief economist, discusses the inadequacies of the pandemic economic rescue package and the influence of mainstream economic theory. He further explores how mainstream economic theory continues to fail everyone, especially Black communities, by disregarding history. 2020 Level: leicht How Economic Theory and Policy Reinforce Racism William Spriggs INET Identify the historical and cultural systems driving globalization and changing societies around the world. Level: leicht Age of Globalization John Hoberman University of Texas at Austin Explore the pressing topic of globalisation and how it affects economics, politics and society with this online course. Level: leicht International Affairs: Globalisation Richard Baldwin Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Geneva A free online course at Masters-level will enable you to understand the past, present and future role of money in society. Level: mittel Money and Society Jem Bendell, Matthew Slater University of Cumbria Are there distinct European traditions in economics? Is modern economics homogenous and American? The volume includes case studies of the UK, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Greece. 2005 Level: mittel The Development of Economics in Western Europe Since 1945 Coats, A.W. Routledge Edited by two of the foremost academics in the field, the volumes comprise insightful and original contributions from scholars across the world. The encyclopaedic breadth and scope of the original entries will make these reference books an invaluable source of knowledge for all serious students and scholars of the history of economic thought. 2016 Level: leicht Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis, Volume 1: Great Economists since Petty and Boisguilbert Faccarello, Gilbert; Kurz, Heinz D. Cheltenham 'Die Geschichte des ökonomischen Denkens' gibt einen umfassenden und dennoch detaillierten Überblick über die Entwicklung der ökonomischen Theorie. 2012 Level: leicht Geschichte Ökonomischen Denkens Fritz Söllner Springer-Verlag International Economics, 15e continues to combine rigorous economic analysis with attention to the issues of economic policy that are alive and important today in this field. 2011 Level: mittel International Economics Pugel, Thomas A. McGraw Hill Book Co Die Ökonomie ist zu einer Art Leitwissenschaft geworden, aus der viele Menschen ihre Anschauungen über "normal" und "richtig" beziehen, über den Wert von Beziehungen und Tätigkeiten. 2015 Level: leicht Wirtschaft ist Care oder: Die Wiederentdeckung des Selbstverständlichen Ina Praetorius Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung A short film that questions the current state of the economy with thought-provoking sequences and takes a look into the past how the present understanding of the economy came to be. 2018 Level: leicht Economy is care Author: Ina Praetorius (WiC - Wirtschaft ist Care) Producer: Hans Jörg Fehle Realisator: Sergio Herencias, Andreas Tanner and others https://www.economy-is-care.com Ein Kurzfilm, der den heutigen Stand der Wirtschaft aus einer Care-Perspektive mit kleinen Gedankenspielen hinterfragt und mit einem Blick in die Vergangenheit zeigt, wie es zum jetzigen Wirtschaftsverständnis gekommen ist. 2018 Level: leicht Wirtschaft ist Care Autorin: Ina Praetorius Produzent: Hans Jörg Fehle Realisator: Sergio Herencias, Andreas Tanner https://wirtschaft-ist-care.org Die Autorinnen kritisieren ein Wirtschaftssystem, das den »unbezahlten Sektor« der Care-Arbeit ignoriert, und eine Ökonomie, die sich noch immer um die Frage dreht, was zahlungskräftige Leute sich leisten können, statt das Sich-Kümmern um Hausarbeit, Kindererziehung, Pflege, Freundschaften, um soziales und globales Miteinander in den Vordergrund zu rücken. 2023 Level: leicht Um-Care Ina Praetorius, Uta Meier-Gräwe Patmos-Verlag Economics has become a monolithic science, variously described as formalistic and autistic with neoclassical orthodoxy reigning supreme. So argue Dimitris Milonakis and Ben Fine in this new major work of critical recollection. 2009 Level: mittel From Political Economy to Economics Dimitris Milonakis, Ben Fine Routledge Helps students succeed in the principles of economics course. This title offers trademark colloquial approach that focuses on modern economics, institutions, history, and modeling, and is organized around learning objectives to make it easier for students to understand the material and for instructors to build assignments within Connect Plus. 2013 Level: leicht Economics Colander, David C. Mcgraw-Hill Education A previously unpublished collection of Rodney's essays on Marxism, spanning his engagement with of Black Power, Ujamaa Villages, and the everyday people who put an end to a colonial era 2022 Level: leicht Decolonial Marxism Walter Rodney Verso Books


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