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The notion that the demand and supply side are independent is a key feature of textbook undergraduate economics and of modern macroeconomic models. Economic output is thought to be constrained by the productive capabilities of the economy - the ‘supply-side' - through technology, demographics and capital investment. In the short run a boost in demand may increase GDP and employment due to frictions such as sticky wages, but over the long-term successive rises in demand without corresponding improvements on the supply side can only create inflation as the economy reaches capacity. In this post I will explore the alternative idea of demand-led growth, where an increase in demand can translate into long-run supply side gains. This theory is most commonly associated with post-Keynesian economics, though it has been increasingly recognised in the mainstream literature. 2020 Level: leicht It’s Demand All the Way Down Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics Michael Kalecki famously remarked “I have found out what economics is; it is the science of confusing stocks with flows”. Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC) models were developed precisely to address this kind of confusion. The basic intuition of SFC models is that the economy is built up as a set of intersecting balance sheets, where transactions between entities are called flows and the value of the assets/liabilities they hold are called stocks. Wages are a flow; bank deposits are a stock, and confusing the two directly is a category error. In this edition of the pluralist showcase I will first describe the logic of SFC models – which is worth exploring in depth – before discussing empirical calibration and applications of the models. Warning that there is a little more maths in this post than usual (i.e. some), but you should be able to skip those parts and still easily get the picture. 2020 Level: leicht Stock Flow Consistent Macroeconomics Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics Als Weltwährung wird die abstrakte Idee einer weltweit gültigen Währung verstanden, mit der manche Ökonomen das derzeitige Weltwährungssystem ersetzt sehen wollen. 2021 Level: leicht Weltwährung   Wiwiwiki Complexity economics focuses on interactions and interdependencies between individuals and structures in economic systems. Those are systems of organised complexity. High importance is given to the analysis of networks. Complexity Economics     Der Fokus der Komplexitätsökonomik liegt auf den Interaktionen und Wechselwirkungen zwischen Individuen und Strukturen wirtschaftlicher Systeme. Diese werden als Systeme organisierter Komplexität aufgefasst. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der Analyse von Netzwerken. Komplexitätsökonomik     The core idea of ecological economics is that human economic activity is bound by absolute limits. Interactions between the economy, society and the environment are analysed, while always keeping in mind the goal of a transition towards sustainability. Ecological Economics     Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People s Economy The leading thinker and most visible public advocate of modern monetary theory the freshest and most important idea about economics in decades delivers a radically different bold new understanding for how to build a just and prosperous society Stephanie … 2020 Level: leicht The Deficit Myth Stephanie Kelton Hachette UK Dichotomien Inkonsistenz merkwürdige Antiquiertheit Mainstream Mikro Lehrbücher Das Beispiel sozialer Institutionen Wolfram Elsner Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Pindyck R S … 2016 Level: leicht Dichotomien, Inkonsistenz, merkwürdige Antiquiertheit Mainstream-Mikro-Lehrbücher: Das Beispiel sozialer Institutionen Wolfram Elsner Wirtschaft neu denken: Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie In this essay the author reviews empirical studies in economics that analyze factors behind the rise of nationalist and populist parties in Western countries. He stresses that economic factors (e.g., trade shocks and economic crisis) play a crucial role in the rise of populist parties; however, the discussion of mechanisms driving this trend remains unsatisfying 2019 Level: mittel The Economics of Populism in the Present Felix Kersting Exploring Economics Introduction Economics is by necessity a multi paradigmatic science Several theoretical structures exist side by side and each theory can never be more than a partial theory Rothschild 1999 Likening scientific work to the self coordinating invisible hand of the market Michael Polanyi cautioned strongly against centralized attempts to steer … 2021 Level: leicht Making Many Maps: Why We Need an Interested Pluralism in Economics and How to Get There Patrick Leon Gross Patrick Léon Gross Capitalism is dissolving boundaries - not only in the sense of ever-expanding global trade flows, but also in the concrete everyday working lives of individuals. What implications does this have for our understanding of freedom, work and borders? Level: leicht Capitalism & Boundaries   Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V. Evolutionary economics focuses on economic change. Hence processes of change such as growth, innovation, structural and technological change, as well as economic development in general are analysed. Evolutionary economics often gives emphasis to populations and (sub-)systems. Evolutionary Economics     This chapter by the Centre of Economy Studies provides a map through the complex jungle of economic theories. It provides key insights and ideas for thirteen core topics in economics, organised by selecting the most relevant theoretical approaches per topic and contrasting them with each other. 2021 Level: leicht Pragmatic Pluralism Sam de Muijnck and Joris Tieleman Economy Studies A rethinking of the way to fight global poverty and winners of the Swedish Bank Prize for Economics. 2019 Level: mittel Social Experiments to Alleviate Poverty Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Michael Kremer Exploring Economics Neoclassical Economics imposed itself over the past decades as the core of mainstream economics, largely influencing academia and policy making. 2020 Level: leicht Clips on Climate: Neoclassical Economics Henrika Meyer Rethinking Economics This text summarizes the content of the 2018 Nobel Prize winner W. Nordhaus. It is extended by some critical perspectives on this topic. The short dossier gives an overview of the most important texts we have read in the climate economics reading group. 2018 Level: leicht Climate Economics and the DICE Model William D. Nordhaus and Paul Romer Exploring Economics In this webinar for the Princeton Bendheim Center for Finance, Nobel Prize winner William Nordhaus explains the main problems regarding the economics of a low-carbon energy transition. 2020 Level: leicht Climate Compacts to Combat Free Riding in International Climate Agreements William Nordhaus Princeton Bendheim Center for Finance Yao Graham, coordinator of Third World Network- Africa, reflects on lessons learned from past Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), specifically as they relate to the Post-Cotonou Agreement. 2020 Level: leicht Lessons From Economic Partnership Agreements to the Post- Cotonou Framework Yao Graham Post-Colonialisms Today: postcolonialisms.regionsrefocus.org Ecological economics explores new ways of thinking about how we manage our lives and our planet to achieve a sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future. Ecological economics extends and integrates the study and management of both "nature's household" and "humankind's household"—An Introduction to Ecological Economics, Second Edition, the first update and expansion of this classic text in 15 years, describes new approaches to achieving a sustainable and desirable human presence on Earth. 2014 Level: mittel An Introduction to Ecological Economics, Second Edition Robert Costanza, John H Cumberland, Herman Daly, Robert Goodland, Richard B Norgaard, Ida Kubiszewski, Carol Franco CRC Press Wealth inequality between Black and white people in the US barely has changed in the last 150 years. In her book "The Color of Money. Black Banks and the Racial Wealth Gap" Mehrsa Baradaran, analyzes why also Black banks have not successfully changed this and not enabled Black wealth on a broader scale. 2017 Level: mittel The Color of Money Mehrsa Baradaran Harvard University Press One of the world’s leading economists of inequality, Branko Milanovic presents a bold new account of the dynamics that drive inequality on a global scale. Drawing on vast data sets and cutting-edge research, he explains the benign and malign forces that make inequality rise and fall within and among nations. 2016 Level: mittel Global Inequality Branko Milanovic Harvard University Press Fragen über den Zweck, die Struktur und den Inhalt des wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Curriculums sie sind so alt wie die Disziplin selbst. Ein prominentes deutsches Beispiel ist der vor mehr als 100 Jahren ausgefochtene Werturteilsfreiheitsstreit. Das öffentliche kritische Interesse an den Wirtschaftswissenschaften korreliert mit den Krisen des Systems. Aus dieser Warte gesehen ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass sich nach der großen Finanzkrise in den Nuller Jahren dieses Jahrhunderts vermehrt kritische Stimmen zu Wort melden. Level: leicht Eine kritische Lehrbuchanalyse   Universität Siegen As seen with the United Nations significant promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the past few years, the issue of global development is of growing concern to many international organizations. As humanity continues to become more interconnected through globalization, the inequalities and injustices experienced by inhabitants of impacted countries becomes increasingly clear. While this issue can be observed in the papers of different types (e.g., different schools of thought) of economists throughout the world, the work of behavioral and complexity economists offer a unique, collaborative perspective on how to frame decisions for individuals in a way that can positively reverberate throughout society and throughout time. 2018 Level: leicht Behavioural vs Complexity Economics: Approaches to Development Erika Sloan Pluralist Economics Fellowship The vast uncertainty surrounding the possible spread of COVID 19 and the duration of the near economic standstill required to combat it make forecasting little different from guessing Clearly this is a whatever it takes moment for large scale outside the box fiscal and monetary policies Carmen M Reinhart Project … 2020 Level: mittel This Time Truly Is Different | by Carmen M. Reinhart Carmen M. Reinhart Project Syndicate This video provides a brief introduction to post-keynesian economics and how the school of thought would tackle climate change. 2020 Level: leicht Clips on Climate: Postkeynesian Economics Henrika Meyer Rethinking Economics From the two premises that (1) economies are complex systems and (2) the accumulation of knowledge about reality is desirable, I derive the conclusion that pluralism with regard to economic research programs is a more viable position to hold than monism. To substantiate this claim an epistemological framework of how scholars study their objects of inquiry and relate their models to reality is discussed. Furthermore, it is argued that given the current institutions of our scientific system, economics self-organizes towards a state of scientific unity. Since such a state is epistemologically inferior to a state of plurality, critical intervention is desirable. 2017 Level: mittel The Complexity of Economies and Pluralism in Economics Claudius Gräbner Johannes Kepler University Linz (ICAE) and University of Duisburg-Essen (IfSO), Journal of Contextual Economics Fabian Georgi analysiert, wie Migration und Grenzen, sowohl grundlegend als auch in der gegenwärtigen historischen Phase, mit dem Kapitalismus zusammenhängen. 2024 Level: leicht Fachkräfte anwerben, Grenzen abschotten? Der Zusammenhang von Migration, Grenzregimen und Kapitalismus Fabian Georgi Exploring Economics This chapter by the Centre for Economy Studies explores how courses on the history of economic thought and methods could look if they were pluralist and interdisciplinary. 2021 Level: leicht Rethinking the History of Economic Thought & Methods Sam de Muijnck and Joris Tieleman Economy Studies This article investigates the set up of the CFA franc zones, its ties to French neocolonialism and its ability to further breed dependency in the former colonies. 2018 Level: leicht The CFA Franc Zones: Neocolonialism and Dependency Mariamawit Tadesse Economic Questions In this article, Jihen Chandoul discusses the importance of food sovereignty in Africa, reflecting on the continent’s early post independence movements for self sufficiency. 2021 Level: leicht Food and the Struggle for Africa’s Sovereignty Jihen Chandoul Post-Colonialisms Today: postcolonialisms.regionsrefocus.org Aim of this intensive workshop is to understand macroeconomic workings of climate change as as the background of sustainable finance; to analyse financial assets with ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria attached to them and their markets and important institutional players; to develop a critical perspective on the current setup of sustainable finance; and to synthesise this knowledge by applying it on in-depth case studies. 2020 Level: leicht Sustainable Finance Anne Löscher Summer Academy for Pluralist Economics Aim of this intensive workshop is 1.) to introduce the participants to the macroeconomic workings of the climate crisis as the background of sustainable finance; 2.) to introduce financial assets with ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria attached to them and their markets and important institutional players; 3.) to provide a critical perspective on the current setup of sustainable finance; 4.) and to work on in-depth case studies illustrating the workings on ESG-finance markets, its emitters and traders as well as their macroeconomic implications. 2022 Level: leicht Sustainable Finance – Hoax or necessity. A global perspective Anne Löscher Summer Academy 2022 for Pluralist Economics


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