How not to save the economy? The interplay of economics and health during the COVID-19 pandemic
Marxian Political Economy
Bidding farewell to growth: How to provide welfare in a degrowth society
The Dichotomy, Inconsistency, and Peculiar Outmodedness of the "Mainstream" Textbook
Post-pandemic future of work - How does digitization impact labour?
Humanisierung der Ökonomie oder Ökonomisierung der Humanität? Zur normativen Verortung der Verhaltensökonomik
What is the fiscal multiplier and why is it so controversial?
Inflation in economic theory
Origins & Emergence of the 2020 Great Recession in the US Economy
Sharing is Caring? On the EU- Narrative on Platform Economy
Bentham’s Two Sovereign Masters - Examining Bentham’s Influence on the Social Sciences
The power of economic textbooks: A discourse analysis
The Role of Fiscal Policy in Climate Change Mitigation Via Environmental Management and Sustenance in Nigeria
The Unexpected Reckoning: Coronavirus and Capitalism
Making Many Maps: Why We Need an Interested Pluralism in Economics and How to Get There
Wechselkurstheorie in drei Standardlehrbüchern der Volkswirtschaftslehre
A Pluralist Perspective on Ecosystem Service Valuation Introduction
Interdisciplinary Economics
Internationale Politische Ökonomie
Unemployment in Nigeria: Policy Review and Recommendations
Wie die Wende zu einem nachhaltigen Finanzsystem gelingen kann
Die Bedeutung des Pariser Klimaabkommen für den Bankensektor