1271 results

Level: débutant
Der Klimawandel dürfte die globalen Migrationsbewegungen in den kommenden Jahren deutlich verstärken – was die Politik gleich an mehreren Fronten unter Handlungsdruck setzt.
Level: débutant
Critique of neoclassical economics is presented and contrasted with the more realistic assumptions made by an complex adaptive systems and evolutionary approach.
Level: débutant
Mounting evidence suggests a lot of published research is false. Check out Audible: http://bit.ly/AudibleVe Support Veritasium on Patreon: http://bit.ly/VePa...
Level: débutant
As part of a larger series on Just Transitions, the author describes how the current corona crisis comes with new economic policy responses which would have been considered unthinkable only a year ago. Arguing that with the current high levels of confidence in politicians and scientific advice, combined with the realisation that the market has not been able to solve this problem on its own, we are now in a unique position to implement a radically different solution than was politically possible previously.
Level: débutant
In this one-on-one interview, co-host Gerardo Serra talks with Felwine Sarr, author of Afrotopia (2016) and professor of economics at Gaston Berger University in Senegal. Topics include the relevance (or lack thereof) of development economics to conditions in African economies, the significance of African philosophy for thinking about the economic problems of the continent, and the status of the field of history of economic thought in Africa.
Level: avancé
This report presents the results of the “Financial Mechanisms for Innovative Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems” project, designed to foster a better understanding of the different ways in which financial resources can be made available and accessed to support the growth of social and solidarity economy (SSE) organizations and their ecosystems. The project is supported by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social and Solidarity Economy of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Level: débutant
This short video visualizes the destabilizing effects financial markets can have on food prices, based on a paper by Jayati Ghosh. It introduces and explains the idea of future contracts and how those are used to speculate with basic food stuffs. After establishing the concepts, the video sketches out how the increase in those practices resulted in a substantial rise and later collapse of food prices around 2008 with severe consequences for many developing countries and their people.
Level: débutant
A multimedia dossier outlining the relevance and the history of the shipping container for global trade and supply chains.
Level: avancé
Max Krahé explains the role of economic planning for a green transition.
Level: débutant
This essay deals with the concepts of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN).
Level: débutant
Exploring Economics, an open-source e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods.
Level: avancé
The Currency of Politics explains why only through greater awareness of the historical limits of monetary politics can we begin to articulate more democratic conceptions of money.
Level: débutant
Le libéralisme allemand qui est au cœur de la construction européenne porte le nom d’ordolibéralisme. C’est une voie à mi-chemin entre le capitalisme à l’anglo-saxonne, qu’on considère en général comme le plus proche de l’orthodoxie classique, de l’ultra-libéralisme, et un capitalisme keynésien plutôt orienté vers des politiques de la demande. Cependant, l'ordolibéralisme allemand demeure une forme de néolibéralisme. L'idée de l'épisode est de décrire un courant de pensée qui tient plus de l’idéologie ou de l’opinion politique que de la science. En effet, l’ordolibéralisme, comme de nombreux autres courants de pensés en économie, propose des hypothèses plausibles, potentiellement justes, mais non vérifiées voire non vérifiables ainsi qu’une version simplifiée de la mécanique économique qui ne colle pas toujours avec la réalité. La description de la pensée ordolibérale permet de comprendre pourquoi la Zone Euro est organisée d'une manière si spécifique : Pourquoi la banque centrale européenne est-elle indépendante ? Pourquoi celle-ci ne peut-elle pas financer des états ? Pourquoi doit-elle se concentrer uniquement sur des problématiques d'inflation ? Pourquoi la commission européenne insiste-t-elle tant sur le rôle de la concurrence ? Pourquoi le budget des états ne doit pas dépasser un déficit de 3% du PIB ?
Level: débutant
This course provides future change makers in public and private sectors with a comprehensive overview on the structures and actors that shape markets.
Level: débutant
Balance of payments stability is of paramount importance for developing countries, both to secure the value of their domestic currencies as well as reliable foreign currency inflows. But how is that stability ensured and how important is the growth of exports for stability?
Level: débutant
This interactive and practice-oriented course updated in 2021 covers the basics of Sustainable Finance including sustainable finance instruments, methodologies and frameworks for integrating sustainability into financial decisions, key global sustainable finance initiatives, and sustainable finance regulations.
Level: avancé
L’économiste américain d’origine russe Hyman Minsky accordait une place centrale à la finance dans le fonctionnement des économies capitalistes. Cent ans après sa naissance, la crise de 2008-2009 remet en avant ses analyses de l’instabilité financière et ses pistes de réflexion sur les mécanismes qui pourraient la contenir.
Level: avancé
This graduate-level course examines issues related to women’s paid and unpaid work during a time of rapid integration of world markets. Students will analyze the role of government policy, unions, corporate responsibility, and social movements in raising women's wages, promoting equal opportunity, fighting discrimination in the workplace, and improving working conditions.
Level: débutant
Recovery from the Covid-19 crisis provides a chance to implement economic measures that are also beneficial from environmental and social perspectives. While ‘green’ recovery packages are crucial to support economies tracking a low-carbon transition in the short-term, green measures such as carbon pricing are also key to improving welfare in the long-term. This commentary specifies the need for carbon pricing, outlines its implications for our everyday lives, and explains how it works alongside value-based change in the context of climate action and societal well-being.
Level: avancé
First the global mean is calculated from a matrix of three sets each containing three observations. Then the sum of squares is calculated. Lastly, the concept of degree of freedom is explained.
Level: débutant
What does political economy say about the global sugar production? Take a look at global trade regulations, intercountry inequalities, and the role of marketing.
Level: avancé
Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods.
Level: avancé
p>Twenty-first-century economists will have to understand and improve a post-Cold War world in which no single economic theory or system holds the key to human betterment. Heterodox economists have much to contribute to this effort, as a wave of pluralism spawns new lines of research and new dialogues among non-mainstream economists.
Level: débutant
Galbraith gives an overview of economic history from the 18th century until the end of the 19th century covering issues such as the industrial revolution the enclosure of the Scottish highlands the Irish famine and the colonization of North America Additionally the ideas of economists such as Smith Ricardo Malthus …
Level: débutant
This video provides a brief introduction to post-keynesian economics and how the school of thought would tackle climate change.
Level: débutant
Au coeur de l instabilité monétaire et financière de nombreux pays l attaque spéculative n en est pas moins un concept obscur pour les néophytes Le CaptainEconomics coutumier de la vulgarisation de concepts obscurs nous prend une nouvelle fois par la main pour et déroule le mécanisme avec précision mais …
Level: avancé
Cet ouvrage est un manuel d'économie spécialement adapté à l'entrainement et aux révisions des candidats aux grands concours administratifs, en particulier le concours de l'ENA, qui doivent se préparer à cette épreuve d'économie (qui prend la forme le plus souvent d'une dissertation). Les politiques menées au niveau national, européen et international sont décrites de manière pratique et leur efficacité évaluée à l'aune des études empiriques auxquelles elles ont donné lieu. Les dernières recommandations d'institutions nationales, comme la Banque de France, le Conseil d'analyse économique, la DG Trésor, et européennes ou internationales, comme la Commission européenne et le FMI, sont présentées avec le souci de mettre en avant la diversité des options de politique économique identifiées dans le champ de la recherche.
Level: avancé
"Stabilise, liberalise and privatise" has, since the debt crisis of the early 1980s, been the mantra chanted at developing countries by international financial institutions, donor countries and newspaper columnists with quasi-religious conviction.
Level: avancé
This article demonstrates Schumpeter s propagated approach to monetary analysis in macroeconomics so as to provide for a better understanding of the relation between finance and growth Peter Bofinger Lisa Geißendörfer Thomas Haas Fabian Mayer voxEU
Level: avancé
The author discusses the various dimensions of the recent hike in inflation in the context of the United States and policy dilemmas around high inflation GDP decline and unemployment Servaas Storm Institute for New Economic Thinking
Level: débutant
In this famous article Michal Kalecki describes the three main reasons that push business leaders to reject the intervention of the government to ensure full employment i dislike of government interference in the problem of employment as such ii dislike of the direction of government spending public investment and subsidizsing …
Level: avancé
Three dominant forces worldwide are driving change today in our financial markets: competition, technology and regulation. But their collective impact in reshaping the markets, though they may be viewed individually as desirable or well-intentioned, is producing challenging results that are difficult to predict, hard to control and not easy to understand.

Nous soutenir

Ce projet est le fruit du travail des membres du réseau international pour le pluralisme en économie, dans la sphère germanophone (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) et dans la sphère francophone (Rethinking Economics Switzerland / Rethinking Economics Belgium / PEPS-Économie France). Nous sommes fortement attachés à notre indépendance et à notre diversité et vos dons permettent de le rester ! 
