1262 results

Level: débutant
Source image UMassEconomics Youtbe channel Stephen Resnick UMassEconomics University of Massachusetts Amherst
Level: débutant
À l'occasion de la parution de la première grande synthèse en français sur l'école post-keynésienne, entretien de Mediapart avec Virginie Monvoisin, professeure à la Grenoble École de Management, qui a coordonné l'ouvrage, et Dany Lang, maître de conférence à Paris 13 qui y a participé.
Level: débutant
Dirk Bezemer exemplary presents pattern of the U.S. economy before the 2007 economic crisis and explains how due to those pattern the crisis could have been, unless not precisely predicted, yet anticipated.
Level: débutant
In the first intellectual history of neoliberal globalism, Quinn Slobodian follows neoliberal thinkers from the Habsburg Empire’s fall to the creation of the World Trade Organization to show that neoliberalism emerged less to shrink government and abolish regulations than to deploy them globally to protect capitalism.
Level: débutant
The gender pay gap is a pressing issue that affects individuals and society as a whole, so it is important for economics students to understand it. Despite recent progress, women still earn less than men for the same jobs, leading to economic inequalities and reduced efficiency (see, for example, the recent report released by Moody’s). Understanding the causes and consequences of the gender pay gap is critical in developing policies that promote fairness and equality.
Level: débutant
The short clip gives a basic introduction to the concept of the market equilibrium and its graphical representation: taking the example of a market for apples, it presents supply and demand curves as well as scenarios how prices and quantities adapt, leading to an equilibrium.
Level: débutant
Xerfi Canal a reçu Denis Colombi, sociologue, enseignant en sciences économiques et sociales, auteur du blog « une heure de peine » sur l’actualité de la sociologie, dans le cadre de son livre "Où va l’argent des pauvres". Une interview menée par Adrien de Tricornot.
Level: débutant
The video presents different ways of how to measure the money supply and thereby explains the differences between M0, M1 and M2.
Level: avancé
Think Academy Think Academy
Level: débutant
Conférence de Gaël Plumecocq (INRA) sur l'économie écologique, ses fondements, auteurs et projets. Il est l'auteur d'une introduction à cette école de pensée aux éditions La Découverte.
Level: débutant
Learn the basics of microeconomics including supply and demand of commodities and how equilibrium in the market affects price Joon Koo Lee edX Seoul National University
Level: débutant
This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of the economic Methodology.
Level: avancé
In this piece Alexander Kravchuk gives an overview over the history of dept dependency in Ukraine, highlighting especially the role of international creditors and the negative socio-economic impacts of debt dependency for the Ukrainian economy.
Level: avancé
This graduate-level course examines issues related to women’s paid and unpaid work during a time of rapid integration of world markets. Students will analyze the role of government policy, unions, corporate responsibility, and social movements in raising women's wages, promoting equal opportunity, fighting discrimination in the workplace, and improving working conditions.
Level: débutant
As tax day approached, St. Francis College Economics Professors launched their first Economics Week with three days of guest speakers and student research. Randall Wray explains some basic principles of Modern Monetary Theory.
Level: avancé
In a capitalist system, consumers, investors, and corporations orient their activities toward a future that contains opportunities and risks. How actors assess uncertainty is a problem that economists have tried to solve through general equilibrium and rational expectations theory. Powerful as these analytical tools are, they underestimate the future's unknowability by assuming that markets, in the aggregate, correctly forecast what is to come.
Level: débutant
Has neoliberalism destroyed gender equality Advocate author and broadcaster Beatrix Campbell examines the emergence of a new model of patriarchy and proposes solutions Beatrix Campbell iai
Level: débutant
Multimedia dossier on unpaid labor (featuring the UK statistics office unpaid work calculator), migrant care labor and feminist political economy more generally.
Level: avancé
Au début des années 2020, le consensus de la Silicon Valley se délite. Inégalités folles, stagnation de la productivité, instabilité endémique... la nouvelle économie n’est pas advenue. Les algorithmes sont omniprésents, mais ce n’est pas pour autant que le capitalisme s’est civilisé. Au contraire. La thèse de ce livre est qu’avec la digitalisation du monde se produit une grande régression. Retour des monopoles, dépendance des sujets aux plateformes, brouillage de la distinction entre l’économique et le politique
Level: débutant
Think Academy Think Academy
Level: avancé
Use economic models to learn how prices and markets benefit society in the face of scarcity and then apply those models to analyze policy Jonathan Gruber edX Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Level: débutant
What are the debates, feminist and otherwise, surrounding the phenomena of globalization? How does a gendered lens complicate our understandings of neoliberal globalization? How are particular labor regimes integral to global restructuring, and how are these gendered? What are the implications of global restructuring for bodies, identities, relations, and movements?
Level: débutant
Le libéralisme allemand qui est au cœur de la construction européenne porte le nom d’ordolibéralisme. C’est une voie à mi-chemin entre le capitalisme à l’anglo-saxonne, qu’on considère en général comme le plus proche de l’orthodoxie classique, de l’ultra-libéralisme, et un capitalisme keynésien plutôt orienté vers des politiques de la demande. Cependant, l'ordolibéralisme allemand demeure une forme de néolibéralisme. L'idée de l'épisode est de décrire un courant de pensée qui tient plus de l’idéologie ou de l’opinion politique que de la science. En effet, l’ordolibéralisme, comme de nombreux autres courants de pensés en économie, propose des hypothèses plausibles, potentiellement justes, mais non vérifiées voire non vérifiables ainsi qu’une version simplifiée de la mécanique économique qui ne colle pas toujours avec la réalité. La description de la pensée ordolibérale permet de comprendre pourquoi la Zone Euro est organisée d'une manière si spécifique : Pourquoi la banque centrale européenne est-elle indépendante ? Pourquoi celle-ci ne peut-elle pas financer des états ? Pourquoi doit-elle se concentrer uniquement sur des problématiques d'inflation ? Pourquoi la commission européenne insiste-t-elle tant sur le rôle de la concurrence ? Pourquoi le budget des états ne doit pas dépasser un déficit de 3% du PIB ?
Level: débutant
This interactive and practice-oriented course updated in 2021 covers the basics of Sustainable Finance including sustainable finance instruments, methodologies and frameworks for integrating sustainability into financial decisions, key global sustainable finance initiatives, and sustainable finance regulations.
Level: avancé
This course is intended to present some of the main ideas underlying the micro aspects of gender economics. The courses will tackle issues as fertility, marriage, women labor force participation, wage gap, gender inequality, violence against women and women empowerment within her household and within the society where she lives.
Level: débutant
This book provides important insights into agrarian history and the economic and cultural meanings associated with land.
L’économie institutionnelle se focalise sur le rôle des institutions sociales en termes légaux ou contractuels, mais aussi en termes de normes sociales et de schèmes du comportement humain, et analyse les liens de ces institutions avec l’organisation sociale de la production, de la distribution et de la consommation dans l’économie.
Level: débutant
This video by the Khan Academy presents the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy and how they affect aggregate demand. The video especially elaborates on the basic explanation on how expansionary monetary policy increases aggregate demand via the market for money and the AD-AS model.
Level: avancé
The Austrian School of Economics is an intellectual tradition in economics and political economy dating back to Carl Menger in the late-19th century. Menger stressed the subjective nature of value in the individual decision calculus. Individual choices are indeed made on the margin, but the evaluations of rank ordering of ends sought in the act of choice are subjective to individual chooser.
Level: débutant
This book provides a new methodological approach to money and macroeconomics. Realizing that the abstract equilibrium models lacked descriptions of fundamental issues of a modern monetary economy, the focus of this book lies on the (stylized) balance sheets of the main actors. Money, after all, is born on the balance sheets of the central bank or commercial bank.
Level: avancé
Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski examine the apparent contradiction between the demise of real-existing socialism and the rise of large corporations engaging in planning every day, making a strong argument that these planning efforts should be transformed to now fulfil the needs of the people.
Level: expert
The dominant view of inflation holds that it is macroeconomic in origin and must always be tackled with macroeconomic tightening. In contrast, we argue that the US COVID-19 inflation is predominantly a sellers’ inflation that derives from microeconomic origins, namely the ability of firms with market power to hike prices.

Nous soutenir

Ce projet est le fruit du travail des membres du réseau international pour le pluralisme en économie, dans la sphère germanophone (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) et dans la sphère francophone (Rethinking Economics Switzerland / Rethinking Economics Belgium / PEPS-Économie France). Nous sommes fortement attachés à notre indépendance et à notre diversité et vos dons permettent de le rester ! 
