1262 results

Level: débutant
Xerfi Canal a reçu Denis Colombi, sociologue, enseignant en sciences économiques et sociales, auteur du blog « une heure de peine » sur l’actualité de la sociologie, dans le cadre de son livre "Où va l’argent des pauvres". Une interview menée par Adrien de Tricornot.
Level: avancé
In this piece Alexander Kravchuk gives an overview over the history of dept dependency in Ukraine, highlighting especially the role of international creditors and the negative socio-economic impacts of debt dependency for the Ukrainian economy.
Level: débutant
Le libéralisme allemand qui est au cœur de la construction européenne porte le nom d’ordolibéralisme. C’est une voie à mi-chemin entre le capitalisme à l’anglo-saxonne, qu’on considère en général comme le plus proche de l’orthodoxie classique, de l’ultra-libéralisme, et un capitalisme keynésien plutôt orienté vers des politiques de la demande. Cependant, l'ordolibéralisme allemand demeure une forme de néolibéralisme. L'idée de l'épisode est de décrire un courant de pensée qui tient plus de l’idéologie ou de l’opinion politique que de la science. En effet, l’ordolibéralisme, comme de nombreux autres courants de pensés en économie, propose des hypothèses plausibles, potentiellement justes, mais non vérifiées voire non vérifiables ainsi qu’une version simplifiée de la mécanique économique qui ne colle pas toujours avec la réalité. La description de la pensée ordolibérale permet de comprendre pourquoi la Zone Euro est organisée d'une manière si spécifique : Pourquoi la banque centrale européenne est-elle indépendante ? Pourquoi celle-ci ne peut-elle pas financer des états ? Pourquoi doit-elle se concentrer uniquement sur des problématiques d'inflation ? Pourquoi la commission européenne insiste-t-elle tant sur le rôle de la concurrence ? Pourquoi le budget des états ne doit pas dépasser un déficit de 3% du PIB ?
Level: débutant
Critique of neoclassical economics is presented and contrasted with the more realistic assumptions made by an complex adaptive systems and evolutionary approach.
Level: débutant
Mounting evidence suggests a lot of published research is false. Check out Audible: http://bit.ly/AudibleVe Support Veritasium on Patreon: http://bit.ly/VePa...
Level: débutant
This interactive and practice-oriented course updated in 2021 covers the basics of Sustainable Finance including sustainable finance instruments, methodologies and frameworks for integrating sustainability into financial decisions, key global sustainable finance initiatives, and sustainable finance regulations.
Level: débutant
The sum of squares and degree of freedom calculation from the previous videos are put into a ratio to calculate the F Value, on whose basis the null hypothesis is confirmed or rejected. If variance is higher between samples than within the null hypothesis is more likely to be rejected. The results of a numerical example are interpreted more abstractly and then tested with regards to a confidence interval and the corresponding F table.
Level: débutant
Esther Duflo discusses the fact that in social policy one cannot check the big questions, i.e. whether development assistance as an aggregate is helpful, because there is no counterfactual. She then suggests to focus on smaller questions such as what prevents or incentiveses people from immunizing their kids or whether mosquito bednets should be distributed for free. These questions can be answered by using randomized control trials as in the medical sciences. Thus, she argues, by bringing the experimental method to social policy analysis better decisions as to where allocate funds can be made.
Level: débutant
A multimedia dossier outlining the relevance and the history of the shipping container for global trade and supply chains.
Level: avancé
Max Krahé explains the role of economic planning for a green transition.
Level: débutant
Galbraith gives an overview of economic history from the 18th century until the end of the 19th century covering issues such as the industrial revolution the enclosure of the Scottish highlands the Irish famine and the colonization of North America Additionally the ideas of economists such as Smith Ricardo Malthus …
Level: débutant
This video provides a brief introduction to post-keynesian economics and how the school of thought would tackle climate change.
Level: débutant
In this radio interview, Andrew Sayer first outlines some features of neoliberalism and policies that are associated with it. Then a difference between wealth creation via investment and wealth extraction by means of lending money to those deprived of it or by acquiring property such as real estate or financial assets on the secondary market as absentee owner is established. In this context reference is made to J.A. Hobson's concept of "improperty." Finally, there are some words on the power dynamics associated with capitalism and its relation to climate change.
Level: débutant
Departing from an analysis of women's employment and changing gender regimes in the pre crisis period, Jill Rubery illustrates how the crisis affects men's and women's employment differently. Afterwards, she discusses the crisis' impact on gender relations. Based on empirical findings, she shows how men were more affected by the recession and women more by austerity and presents possible explanations. Those are furthermore linked to women's employment decisions and prevalent gender regimes. In particular, Rubery discusses cut backs in public spendings on care, flexibilization and the role of conservative gender ideologies.
Level: avancé
Özlem Onaran analyses the current problems of secular stagnation from a global perspective. At the core of global economic problems is insufficient demand caused by falling wage shares, because most individual countries, and the world as a whole are “wage-led”. Hence a strategy for global growth is to aim at increasing wages and thus the wage share, and the abandonment of policies focusing purely on national competitiveness. Financialization has broken the link between corporate profitability and investment. Reregulation of finance and higher public investment is required in order to crowd in private investment, in this way, reversing the declining trend of potential output growth.
Level: débutant
Mark Blyth criticises the political inability to solve the persistent economic crisis in Europe against the background of a deflationary environment. Ideological blockades and impotent institutions are the mutually reinforcing causes of European stagnation. The deeper roots lie in the structural change of the economic system since the 1980s, when neoliberalism emerged as hegemonic ideology. This ideology prepared the ground for austerity and resulting deflationary pressures and a strategy of all seeking to export their way out of trouble. Worryingly this is breeding populist and nationalist resentments in Europe.
Level: débutant
Au coeur de l instabilité monétaire et financière de nombreux pays l attaque spéculative n en est pas moins un concept obscur pour les néophytes Le CaptainEconomics coutumier de la vulgarisation de concepts obscurs nous prend une nouvelle fois par la main pour et déroule le mécanisme avec précision mais …
Level: avancé
This article demonstrates Schumpeter s propagated approach to monetary analysis in macroeconomics so as to provide for a better understanding of the relation between finance and growth Peter Bofinger Lisa Geißendörfer Thomas Haas Fabian Mayer voxEU
Level: débutant
In this lecture, Beatrice Cherrier explains why it is worth to research the history of JEL codes. The changing relationship between theory and application and the rise and death of new economic topics in the XXth century through the successive revisions of the classification system economists use to publish, recruit and navigate their discipline.
Level: débutant
During his life, Keynes was credited with, amongst other things, with helping to save capitalism from the Great Depression, funding the war against the Nazis and building post-war decades of growth and rising prosperity. And when the global crisis struck in 2008, it was his ideas that the world's leaders turned to help avoid another depression.
Level: avancé
In order to describe the global structure of the monetary and financial system and its effects on the global economy, most economics textbooks rely on unappropriated theories that provide nothing but outdated descriptions. In this talk, key speakers in economics, economic history and banking try to make this complex system a little more understandable by relying on real-world insights.
Level: débutant
Andrew McAfee about the history of human progress and the modern uncoupling of our prosperity from resource consumption. They discuss the pitfalls and hidden virtues of capitalism, technological progress, environmental policy, the future of the developing world, and other topics.
Level: avancé
The author discusses the various dimensions of the recent hike in inflation in the context of the United States and policy dilemmas around high inflation GDP decline and unemployment Servaas Storm Institute for New Economic Thinking
Level: débutant
In this famous article Michal Kalecki describes the three main reasons that push business leaders to reject the intervention of the government to ensure full employment i dislike of government interference in the problem of employment as such ii dislike of the direction of government spending public investment and subsidizsing …
Level: avancé
From the perspective of mainstream theory the effectiveness of monetary policy in bringing down inflation depends on two very important equations the aggregate demand equation and the infamous Phillips Curve Without these it becomes more difficult or rather impossible for central banks to carry out monetary policy and obtain the …
Level: débutant
Parler de part des dépenses publiques dans le PIB a-t-il vraiment un sens ? Jean Gadrey critique cette approche en prenant l'exemple d'une simple entreprise commerciale.
Level: débutant
There are three things one can do in this website - 1. Learn 2. Help Teach 3. Sign up MOOC. This is a semester-long graduate course in Econometrics. This course is intended for graduate students in economics-related fields and more generally in social sciences. The course includes an overview of the models and theory and applications using Stata, R, or SAS programs. This econometrics class covers about 15 of the most commonly used econometric models in economics, such as linear regression, panel data models, probit and logit models, limited dependent variable models, count data models, time series models, and many more.
Level: débutant
James Robinson gives in this talk a short introduction into the theory and ideas of his popular book "Why Nations Fail" which was published together with D. Acemoglu in 2012. With many real-life examples he gives a lively description on the fundamentals for economic success from an institutionalist view. According to Robinson, the nature of institutions is a crucial factor for economic success. Whether institutions are inclusive (such as in prosperous economies) or extractive (poor economies) stems from the nation's political process and the distribution of political power.
Level: débutant
Léon Walras, un des grands fondateurs de la théorie néoclassique, est un penseur complexe et à découvrir : tantôt brandi comme une grande figure du libéralisme, tantôt théoricien d'une planification économique rationnellement fondée. Court article tiré du mensuel Le Point sur l'auteur.
Level: débutant
John Christensen from the Tax Justice Network addresses the Modern Monetary Theory idea that governments don't need tax revenues if they want to spend money. Doing so, he sums up the main points made by MMT proponents and their critics, and shows how MMT can be reconciled with another progressive economic narrative: "Modern Tax Theory". While MMT made valuable contributions to the policy debate on fiscal policy, it misrepresents the importance of taxation as a political matter and as a way to generate public revenues. This is where MMT steps in.
Level: débutant
En quelques mots, Gaël Plumecocq explique ce qu'est l'économie écologique : ses grandes thèses, auteurs et projets. Il est l'auteur d'une introduction à l'économie écologique aux éditions La Découverte.
Level: débutant
According to Karl Marx, work should satisfy people and encourage creativity. But the capitalist production, the separation of labour and the exploitation of workers alienates them from their products.

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Ce projet est le fruit du travail des membres du réseau international pour le pluralisme en économie, dans la sphère germanophone (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) et dans la sphère francophone (Rethinking Economics Switzerland / Rethinking Economics Belgium / PEPS-Économie France). Nous sommes fortement attachés à notre indépendance et à notre diversité et vos dons permettent de le rester ! 
