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An essay of the writing workshop on contemporary issues in the field of Nigerian economics: The adverse effect of climate change is overwhelming, not just in Nigeria but globally. Global warming is the result of hostile human activities that have impacted the environment negatively. This is the principal variable the government should tackle through practical innovations such as the acceptable implementation of Adaptation Policies and also through the adequate implementation of environmental tax. These will enhance pro-environmental behaviour which is fit for socio-political and economic activities for sustainability. Level: beginner The Role of Fiscal Policy in Climate Change Mitigation Via Environmental Management and Sustenance in Nigeria Ayuba Yahaya Karatu Exploring Economics This course provides future change makers in public and private sectors with a comprehensive overview on the structures and actors that shape markets. 2019 Level: beginner The Governance of Markets in Challenging Times: From Classic Authors to New Approaches Lukas Graf Hertie School of Governance This study offers a unique evolutionary economics perspective on energy and innovation policies in the wider context of the transition to sustainable development. The authors include: - an analysis of the environmental policy implications of evolutionary economics - a critical examination of current Dutch environmental and innovation policies and policy documents - systematic evaluation of three specific energy technologies, namely fuel cells, nuclear fusion and photovoltaic cells, within the evolutionary-economic framework. 2007 Level: advanced Evolutionary Economics and Environmental Policy Jeroen C. J. M. van den Bergh, Albert Faber, Annemarth M. Idenburg, Frans H. Oosterhuis Edward Elgar Environmental cost-benefit analysis was developed by economists in the belief that monetary valuation of the environmental repercussions of economic activity is essential if the "environment " stands any chance of being included in government and business decisions. 2006 Level: advanced Alternatives for Environmental Valuation Michael Getzner, Clive Spash, Sigrid Stagl Routledge Does Karl Polanyi's work “The Great Transformation” serve to analyse the current multiple crisis and social movements? Nancy Fraser revises Polanyi's concept of a double movement to capture social forces in the aftermath of the economic crisis of the 1930s – on the one side marketization and on the other hand social protection. Fraser proposes to talk about a triple movement and to account for emancipatory struggles. In the lecture, she discusses interactions as well as conflicts between those three forces, in particular conflicting aims of social protection. The lecture presents the content of her paper “A TRIPLE MOVEMENT? Parsing the Politics of Crisis after Polanyi“ in the New Left Review (2013). 2011 Level: advanced Crisis of Capitalism, Crisis of Governance: Re-reading Karl Polanyi in the 21st Century Nancy Fraser The University of Warwick This book explores frontier work at the intersection of experimental and environmental economics, with cutting edge research provided by premier scholars in the field.The book begins by focusing on improving benefit-cost analysis, which remains the hallmark of public policy decision-making around the globe. 2006 Level: advanced Using Experimental Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics John A. List Edward Elgar Based on a paper by Jason Hickel and Giorgos Kallis Decoupling refers to the separation of economic value creation material extraction and pollution. Ecological limits pose a challenge to growth-led development and the low historical and predicted rate of decoupling suggests that long-term sustainable growth-led development is impossible. 2021 Level: beginner Degrowth and Environmental Justice: Decoupling Jezri Krinsky blobMetropolis Aim of this intensive workshop is to understand macroeconomic workings of climate change as as the background of sustainable finance; to analyse financial assets with ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria attached to them and their markets and important institutional players; to develop a critical perspective on the current setup of sustainable finance; and to synthesise this knowledge by applying it on in-depth case studies. 2020 Level: beginner Sustainable Finance Anne Löscher Summer Academy for Pluralist Economics Aim of this intensive workshop is 1.) to introduce the participants to the macroeconomic workings of the climate crisis as the background of sustainable finance; 2.) to introduce financial assets with ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria attached to them and their markets and important institutional players; 3.) to provide a critical perspective on the current setup of sustainable finance; 4.) and to work on in-depth case studies illustrating the workings on ESG-finance markets, its emitters and traders as well as their macroeconomic implications. 2022 Level: beginner Sustainable Finance – Hoax or necessity. A global perspective Anne Löscher Summer Academy 2022 for Pluralist Economics Environmental catastrophe looms large over politics: from the young person’s climate march to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, increasing amounts of political space are devoted to the issue. Central to this debate is the question of whether economic growth inevitably leads to environmental issues such as depleted finite resources and increased waste, disruption of natural cycles and ecosystems, and of course climate change. Growth is the focal point of the de-growth and zero-growth movements who charge that despite efficiency gains, increased GDP always results in increased use of energy and emissions. On the other side of the debate, advocates of continued growth (largely mainstream economists) believe that technological progress and policies can ‘decouple’ growth from emissions. 2020 Level: beginner To Grow or Not to Grow? Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics In this essay, the author takes a critical perspective on the pursuit of growth as the solution for providing for environmental sustainability and economic stability in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Drawing from the framework of dependency theory and presenting brief insights into European core-periphery relations the author then argues for the implementation of an alternative strategy to development that is built around the concept of self-reliance. 2018 Level: advanced Dependency in Central and Eastern Europe - Self-reliance and the need to move beyond economic growth Simon Schoening Exploring Economics In this essay the authors argue for a wider concept of care work that includes community building, civic engagement and environmental activism. On the basis of the case of Cargonomia, a grassroot initiative in Budapest, they show that such a wider concept of care work could allow for different narratives that promote sustainable lifestyles with a milder environmental and social impact on the planet and its communities. 2019 Level: beginner Reimagining the world of (care)work: the case of Cargonomia Ágota Csoma, Orsolya Lazányi Exploring Economics This book argues that mainstream economics, with its present methodological approach, is limited in its ability to analyze and develop adequate public policy to deal with environmental problems and sustainable development. Each chapter provides major insights into many of today’s environmental problems such as global warming and sustainable growth. 2009 Level: advanced Post Keynesian and Ecological Economics Richard P. F. Holt, Steven Pressman, Clive L. Spash Edward Elgar Publishing Robert Costanza briefly present various methods of environmental valuation, and talks about the changes in the global value of ecosystem services. He then introduces the major ecosystem services, and how different methods of valuation affect the preferred policies to address environmental issues. 2014 Level: advanced Robert Costanza: Ecosystem Service Valuation Robert Costanza ELD (the economics of land degradation) As a response to ongoing economic, social and environmental crises, many private actors have enlarged their definition of 'value' to include environmental and social elements. Such practices, however, appear incompatible with the current epistemological structure of academic financial discourse. 2016 Level: advanced Finance Reconsidered Bernard Paranque, Roland Perez Emerald Group Publishing Research on consumption from an environmental perspective has exploded since the late 1990s. This important new volume cuts across disciplines to present the latest research in the field. The book is divided into three parts, the first of which addresses the problems of consumption both as a concept and as an economic and social force with high environmental impact. 2004 Level: advanced The Ecological Economics of Consumption Inge Rpke E. Elgar Rethinking Business is a volume of thought-provoking researches that sets out to challenge the paradigm of business along the areas of governance, finance, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability. 2014 Level: advanced Rethinking Business Raymund B. Habaradas and Denver Bingski D. Daradar De La Salle University (DLSU) Publishing House The text presents a short perspective of International Political Economy, which "have often sought to complement discussions of governance with a healthy dose of critique", on resistance against e.g. economic inequality or economic and political power. 2017 Level: beginner Resistance James Brassett I-PEEL This animated video explains gender responsive budgeting and how it is used to mainstream gender in governance planning and budgeting. The video has been pro... 2017 Level: beginner What is Gender Responsive Budgeting UN Women YouTube Global Value Chains (GVCs) started to play an increasing and key role in the global economy from the 1990s on. The market mechanism in GVCs supports industrialisation in the Global South and under certain conditions product and process upgrading. But GVCs do not lead to the catching-up of countries in the sense of them approaching real GDP per capita levels comparable with developed countries. These arguments are supported by a critical interpretation of the traditional trade theory, the New Trade Theory and specific approaches to explain GVCs, especially different governance structures and power relationships. Several case studies support these arguments. For catching-up, countries need comprehensive horizontal and vertical industrial policy and policies for social coherence. The small number of countries which managed to catch up did this in different variations. Level: beginner Global Value Chains in economic development   Institute for International Political Economy Berlin Smith contends that there is no possible solution to our global ecological crisis within the framework of any conceivable capitalism. The only alternative to market-driven planetary collapse is to transition to a largely planned, mostly publicly-owned economy based on production for need, on democratic governance and rough socio-economic equality, and on contraction and convergence between the global North and South. 2016 Level: advanced Green Capitalism Richard Smith, World Economics Association College Publications This article outlines the fundamental challenges of democratically planned economies and categorises proposed models into six groups, each of which approaches planning and coordination at different levels of authority and between myriad economic units in a particular way, taking into account efficiency as well as democratic principles and environmental and social sustainability. Through a classification system based on decision-making authority and mediation mechanisms, the article provides a framework for understanding and comparing these models. By examining their different approaches, it offers insights into the complexities and potential paths of democratically planned economies in the 21st century. 2024 Level: beginner Rethinking Democratic Economic Planning: An Overview Jakob Heyer Exploring Economics The core idea of ecological economics is that human economic activity is bound by absolute limits. Interactions between the economy, society and the environment are analysed, while always keeping in mind the goal of a transition towards sustainability. Ecological Economics     "Ecological economics is an exciting interdisciplinary field of study that combines insights from the natural sciences, economics, philosophy and other fields to develop innovative approaches to environmental problems. 2000 Level: advanced Ecological Economics - A Introduction Gareth Edwards-Jones, Ben Davies, Salman S. Hussain Wiley Recovery from the Covid-19 crisis provides a chance to implement economic measures that are also beneficial from environmental and social perspectives. While ‘green’ recovery packages are crucial to support economies tracking a low-carbon transition in the short-term, green measures such as carbon pricing are also key to improving welfare in the long-term. This commentary specifies the need for carbon pricing, outlines its implications for our everyday lives, and explains how it works alongside value-based change in the context of climate action and societal well-being. 2021 Level: beginner Carbon Pricing: The Key to Open the Way Toward a Sustainable Recovery and Long-Term Wellbeing Stefano Vrizzi, Jessica Geraghty, Matilda Saarinen, Beatrice Noun, Olivia de Vesci, Philippine Levy Exploring Economics Deforestation is estimated to be responsible for about 12-29% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This essay will explore ecological economics as an alternative lens through which to approach forest conservation and the acceleration of climate change. 2018 Level: beginner Ecological Economics: A Solution to Deforestation? Maike Pfeiffer Pluralist Economics Fellowship In this searing and insightful critique, Adrienne Buller examines the fatal biases that have shaped the response of our governing institutions to climate and environmental breakdown, and asks: are the 'solutions' being proposed really solutions? Tracing the intricate connections between financial power, economic injustice and ecological crisis, she exposes the myopic economism and market-centric thinking presently undermining a future where all life can flourish. 2022 Level: beginner The Value of a Whale Adrienne Buller Manchester University Press This brief views the environment through diverse lenses – those of standard economics, institutional economics, political science, environmental science and ecology. 2013 Level: advanced The Environment in Economics and Development Vikram Dayal Springer Science & Business Media The first day of the workshop is intended to initiate students to the foundational concepts of ecological economics. Ecological economics is an ecological critique of economics, applying the energetics of life to the study of the economy. It also investigates the social distribution of environmental costs and benefits. It does so by deconstructing concepts that are taken for granted like “nature” or “the economy”, excavating their ideological origins. 2022 Level: beginner Political ecology, degrowth, and the Green New Deal Ricardo Mastini Summer Academy 2022 for Pluralist Economics, Economist and 2020 Balzan Prize winner for Environmental Challenges: Responses from the Social Sciences and Humanities, Joan Martínez Alier, speaks on the importance of ecological economics and its timeliness around the 2007/2008 global financial crisis. He speaks on the importance of building the field of ecological economics “from the ground up” through praxis. 2012 Level: beginner Ecological Economics Joan Martinez Alier Extraenvironmentalist In this article, Gareth Dale analyzes and compares the main characteristics and differences of two visions that are currently emerging to tackle Climate Change: the Green New Deal and Degrowth. Which are the consequences from the environmental, economic and political point of view? And what are the underlying doctrines? 2019 Level: expert Degrowth and the Green New Deal Gareth Dale The Ecologist Andrew McAfee about the history of human progress and the modern uncoupling of our prosperity from resource consumption. They discuss the pitfalls and hidden virtues of capitalism, technological progress, environmental policy, the future of the developing world, and other topics. 2019 Level: beginner The Great Uncoupling A Conversation with Andrew McAfee Sam Harris, Sam Harris and Andrew McAfee


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