Gross capital flows and the balance-of-payments: a balance sheet perspective
Income Inequality in Quesnay, Smith, Ricardo and Marx (Part 1: Quesnay, Smith)
Debt: The First 5,000 Years
Theories of finance and financial crisis: Lessons for the Great Recession
Can Economics save the Environment?
Modern Money and the War Treasury
Karl Marx: An early post-Keynesian?
Development of heterodox economics at public German universities since the 1970s
The European economic crisis from 2007 onwards in the context of a global crisis of over-production of capital - a Marxian monetary theory of value interpretation
Brazil and Basic Income & Covid
Europe’s Collaborative Economy
Dependency Theory and Uneven Development
Agent-based models: understanding the economy from the bottom up
Why the Future Economy has to be a Wellbeing Economy
Marx's approach to economics: a claim for subjective praxis
Central banking, Finance and Power
Teaching and Learning Ontology and Epistemology in Political Science
Economics has an Africa Problem
Next Generation Central Banking
NextGen Central Banking: The collateral supply effect on central banking
Thandika Mkandawire - A Giant of African Economic Development
NextGen Central Banking: How the coronavirus almost brought down the global financial system
NextGen Central Banking: Central Banking Beyond Inflation
Political Economy and the History of Economic Thought
Foundations in Socioeconomics
Marxian Political Economy
Actors, Behaviours and Decision Processes
Socioeconomics of Disruptive Tech