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1001 results

At the time of his death in 1950, Joseph Schumpeter was working on his monumantal History of Economic Analysis. Unprecedented in scope, the book was to provide a complete history of economic theory from Ancient Greece to the end of the Second World War. A major contribution to the history of ideas as well as to economics, History of Economic Analysis rapidly gained a reputation as a unique and classic work.
Level: advanced
History of Economic Analysis
This book is designed for a one-semester or two-semester course in international economics, primarily targeting non-economics majors and programs in business, international relations, public policy, and development studies. It has been written to make international economics accessible to wide student and professional audiences.
Level: advanced
An Introduction to International Economics
“Economics is the science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses1.” This is how Lionel Robbins came to define economics in the early 1930s and there is a good chance that many of you heard a variant of this definition in your first Economics 101 lecture.
Level: beginner
What is “Economics”?
This Encyclopedia is a very first fully refereed A-Z compendium of the main principles, concepts, problems, institutions, schools and policies associated with political economy. Part 1 of a 2-volume set comprises entries from A-K.
Level: advanced
Encyclopedia of Political Economy: A-K
Are there distinct European traditions in economics? Is modern economics homogenous and American? The volume includes case studies of the UK, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Greece.
Level: advanced
The Development of Economics in Western Europe Since 1945
Gilles Carbonnier, Professor of Development Economics and Director of Studies at The Graduate Institute Geneva, explains the emerging field of Humanitarian Economics. It analyses how economics can help to better grasp and respond to humanitarian crises, and why capturing market dynamics - including the humanitarian market itself, or in relation to e.g. kidnapping and detention in war - has become critical.
Level: beginner
The Birth of Humanitarian Economics
The plumbing of the financial system is coming under strain like never before. On this week’s podcast, we speak with two legendary experts on how the money system works: Zoltan Pozsar of Credit Suisse and Perry Mehrling of the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies. They explain the extreme level of stress we’re seeing, what the Fed has done to alleviate, what more needs to be done, and what the post-crisis future may look like.
Level: advanced
The Historic Crisis Of Financial Market Plumbing
In this essay the author elaborates on the EU's perspective on the fast growing sector of the platform economy.
Level: beginner
Sharing is Caring? On the EU- Narrative on Platform Economy
In this essay, the author takes a critical perspective on the pursuit of growth as the solution for providing for environmental sustainability and economic stability in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Drawing from the framework of dependency theory and presenting brief insights into European core-periphery relations the author then argues for the implementation of an alternative strategy to development that is built around the concept of self-reliance.
Level: advanced
Dependency in Central and Eastern Europe - Self-reliance and the need to move beyond economic growth
A comprehensive textbook on contemporary Global Political Economy and its historical evolution providing a broad-ranging and even-handed introduction to the subject by covering traditional elements (such as trade and finance) while also analysing issues such as gender, environment and labour.
Level: advanced
Global Political Economy
To explain the pronounced instability of the world economy since the 1970s, the book offers an important and systematic theoretical examination of money and finance.
Level: advanced
Political Economy of Money and Finance
Transition from central planning to a market economy, involving large-scale institutional change and reforms at all levels, is often described as the greatest social science experiment in modern times.
Level: advanced
Handbook of the Economics and Political Economy of Transition
Foundational economy is the most important concept you have never heard of. The foundational encompasses material utilities like water, gas and electricity and providential services like education, health and care. Taken together, these services matter economically and politically because they are the collectively consumed infrastructure of everyday life, the basis of civilization and should be citizen rights.
Level: beginner
Foundational Economy
In this podcast, Laura Basu speaks with a range of expert academics and public speakers – such as Jayati Ghosh, Yanis Varoufakis, Walden Bello, and Ashish Kothari about how the rules of the global economy are fostering the inequality and underdevelopment we see today.
Level: beginner
Decolonising the Global Economy
The Commentary explains the circular value chain and innovation potential along it. Focusing on Israel, examples on how cross-industry collaboration can help supporting a successful positioning in a (Digital) Circular Economy are presented.
Level: beginner
Innovation Potential for a Circular Economy "Made in Israel"
This book looks at the anti-capitalist economy and the organization of social relations in the context of the revolution and autonomy of Rojava (Kurdistan-Syria).
Level: beginner
Anticapitalist Economy in Rojava
Feminist Political Economy - A Global Perspective
Level: advanced
Feminist Political Economy - A Global Perspective
In this short video Peter Reich illustrates seven aspects of the state of the US economy. He provides suggestions on how to to get started to move towards a more fair distribution of wealth.
Level: beginner
Everything You Need to Know About the New Economy
Teaching the public about lobbying and its effects on financial institutions that help run the economy in which we all live and use.
Level: beginner
Is lobbying bad for the economy?
With the onset of an economic crisis that has been universally acknowledged since the end of March, two main questions arise: To what extent is the corona pandemic the starting point (or even the cause) of this crisis? And secondly: can the aid programmes that have been adopted prevent a deep and prolonged recession?
Level: beginner
Economic crisis only because of the Corona pandemic?

The 2007-2008 financial crisis exposed the shortcomings of mainstream economic theory with economists unprepared to deal with it. In the face of this, a major rethinking of economics seems necessary and in presenting alternative approaches to economic theory, this book contributes to the rebuilding of the discipline.

Level: advanced
Alternative Approaches to Economic Theory
Steven G. Medema is a Research Professor at Duke University. His research focuses on the History of Economic Thought, having published extensively on the issue of social costs of production (conceptualized as externalities in neoclassical economics). In this recorded seminar, he exposes his working paper on the history of the concept of externalities in economic literature, starting from Pigou’s “The Economics of Welfare” (1920), where Pigou makes the case for governmental intervention in the market where there is a divergence between private and social costs or benefits of a productive activity. T
Level: advanced
'Exceptional and Unimportant'? The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Externalities in Economic Analysis
The author identifies three principal economic phenomena, which are explained: long run productivity growth as the central driver of increasing economic activity, short-term and long-term debt cycles. The latter two are explained to some detailed with reference to money creation, central banking and long term crisis tendencies. With regards to the long run debt cycle, which leads into deleveraging and recession, some policy measures which can smoothen the crisis are discussed.
Level: beginner
How The Economic Machine Works
New Tools of Economic Dynamics gives an introduction and overview of recently developed methods and tools, most of them developed outside economics, to deal with the qualitative analysis of economic dynamics. It reports the results of a three-year research project by a European and Latin American network on the intersection of economics with mathematical, statistical, and computational methods and techniques.
Level: advanced
New Tools of Economic Dynamics
Study of the German Council of Economic Experts on the potential economic effects of a comprehensive energy embargo against Russia
Level: advanced
A potential sudden stop of energy imports from Russia: Effects on energy security and economic output in Germany and the EU
This syllabus provides an overview of the contents of the course "Understanding Economic Models" at the University of Helsinki.
Level: beginner
Understanding Economic Models
Although sometimes used as synonyms, economic growth and economic development refer to different processes. While economic growth refers to an increase in real national income and output (i.e., GDP growth rate), economic development refers to an improvement in the quality of life and living standards (i.e., life expectancy).
Level: beginner
Could gender equality help the economy?
In this essay, the principle of capital accumulation, as well as the idea of homo economicus as the basis of the growth model, are located and analyzed from a feminist perspective. The sufficiency approach is presented as an alternative to these two economic logics.
Level: beginner
Enough! The Sufficiency Approach and the Limits of Economic Growth
This is an overview of (possibly transformative) proposals to address the economic consequences of the corona crisis
Level: beginner
Overview of proposals to combat the economic consequences of the Corona crisis
The course will teach students to analyze the goals, implementation, and outcomes of economic policy.
Level: advanced
Advanced Economic Policy
This chapter discusses the role of gender in economic relations, processes, and outcomes. Gender differences in economic outcomes such as labor force participation and wages have received growing attention from economists in the last several decades – a positive and much needed development in economic thinking.
Level: beginner
Illuminating the role of gender in the economy
The Great Recession 2.0 is unfolding before our very eyes. It is still in its early phase. But dynamics have been set in motion that are not easily stopped, or even slowed. If the virus effect were resolved by early summer—as some politicians wishfully believe—the economic dynamics set in motion would still continue. The US and global economies have been seriously ‘wounded’ and will not recover easily or soon. Those who believe it will be a ‘V-shape’ recovery are deluding themselves. Economists among them should know better but are among the most confused. They only need to look at historical parallels to convince themselves otherwise.
Level: beginner
Origins & Emergence of the 2020 Great Recession in the US Economy


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