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In the fifth part of the Economics of COVID-19 Webinar by SOAS, Jo Michell sketches out the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the wider macroeconomy and warns against a resurgence of austerity politics. 2020 Level: advanced Will Coronavirus Mean the End of Austerity? The Macroeconomics of the COVID-19 Crisis SOAS Open Economics Forum, SOAS Economics Department, Jo Michell SOAS University of London Economists claim they are not biased or ideological, but research by economist Mohsen Javdani tells another story. Javdani discovered that 82% of economists claim that statements and arguments should be evaluated on the content only, but the results of the study show the exact opposite. 2020 Level: beginner The Dangerous Ideological Bias of Economists Mohsen Javdani INET - Institute for New Economic Thinking In this interview, the political activist, author and lecturer Dr. Vandana Shiva explains the linkage between ecology, feminism and economics along the lines of current effects and implications of the Corona-Crisis in India and around the world. 2020 Level: beginner Ecology, feminism and economics in times of Covid-19 pandemic Dr. Vandana Shiva Cusanus Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung In this short podcast, Naomi Fowler, the Tax Justice Network's creative strategist, discusses how the laws made by those who profited from slavery and the empire and, the extractive business models of the major financial sector continue to impoverish some of the poorest nations. 2020 Level: beginner Systemic racism, reparations and tax justice Naomi Fowler, John Christensen, David Sorenson, Cortney Sanders, Michael Leachman Tax Justice Network An essay of the writing workshop on Nigeria’s Readiness for and the Effect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 2020 Level: advanced The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Economic Impact and Possible Disruptions Emmanuel Obijole Exploring Economics An essay of the writing workshop on Nigeria’s Readiness for and the Effect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 2020 Level: advanced The Role of Women in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Damilola Phebean Owasanoye Exploring Economics An essay of the writing workshop on Nigeria’s Readiness for and the Effect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 2020 Level: advanced The Role of Women in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Peter Ogundairo Exploring Economics Shadow banking became one of the main features of modern market based financial capitalism and financial globalisation. Daniel Gabor locates this development in a Super-Cycle framework and sketches out opportunities to launch a new cycle that is green and just through financial regulation and publicly organised sustainable finance. 2019 Level: advanced Shadow banking and financial market regulation FFM Conference 2019, Daniela Gabor Hans-Böckler-Stiftung Hamilton argues that economics lacks the political economy context in order to understand racism, and demonstrates how racism is embedded in the political economy of America. 2020 Level: beginner How America’s Economy Runs on Racism Lynn Parramore Institute for New Economic Thinking A historical glimpse of how economists of the 19th century debated the usefulness of mathematics to economics 2020 Level: beginner Mathematical Economics in the 19th Century Nicolà Bezzola Exploring Economics In this podcast 'How Economic Theory and Policy Reinforce Racism' William Spriggs, the AFL-CIO’s chief economist, discusses the inadequacies of the pandemic economic rescue package and the influence of mainstream economic theory. He further explores how mainstream economic theory continues to fail everyone, especially Black communities, by disregarding history. 2020 Level: beginner How Economic Theory and Policy Reinforce Racism William Spriggs INET In the history of the social sciences, few individuals have exerted as much influence as has Jeremy Bentham. His attempt to become “the Newton of morals” has left a marked impression upon the methodology and form of analysis that social sciences like economics and political science have chosen as modus operandi. 2020 Level: advanced Bentham’s Two Sovereign Masters - Examining Bentham’s Influence on the Social Sciences Jerome Warren Exploring Economics Most mainstream neoclassical economists completely failed to anticipate the crisis which broke in 2007 and 2008. There is however a long tradition of economic analysis which emphasises how growth in a capitalist economy leads to an accumulation of tensions and results in periodic crises. This paper first reviews the work of Karl Marx who was one of the first writers to incorporate an analysis of periodic crisis in his analysis of capitalist accumulation. The paper then considers the approach of various subsequent Marxian writers, most of whom locate periodic cyclical crises within the framework of longer-term phases of capitalist development, the most recent of which is generally seen as having begun in the 1980s. The paper also looks at the analyses of Thorstein Veblen and Wesley Claire Mitchell, two US institutionalist economists who stressed the role of finance and its contribution to generating periodic crises, and the Italian Circuitist writers who stress the problematic challenge of ensuring that bank advances to productive enterprises can successfully be repaid. 2014 Level: advanced Finance and Crisis: Marxian, Institutionalist and Circuitist approaches Georgios Argitis, Trevor Evans, Jo Michell, Jan Toporowski Institute for International Political Economy Berlin Could working less make people and the planet better off? Find out in this dossier by exploring the landscape of working time reduction policies and their potential for reimagining, restructuring, and redistributing time as a political resource in the 21st century economy. 2020 Level: beginner Could Working Time Reduction Policies Save People and the Planet? Patrick Léon Gross, Laura Wedemeyer, Caroline Schenck, and Bettina Chlond Exploring Economics Nathan Tankus created this series to introduce people outside of the inner financial circles of professionals, journalists and policymakers to the basic mechanisms and dynamics of monetary policy. 2020 Level: advanced Monetary Policy 101 Nathan Tankus Can pluralism in economics be useful to tackle the fight against climate change? How can a diversity in methods and ideas allow for a better understanding of the issue of the climate crisis? What solutions do different schools of thought offer to overcome the most pressing challenge of the 21st Century? Our Rethinker Henrika Meyer will give you some answers and give you a glimpse of the solutions pluralism offers to tackle the fight against climate change. 2020 Level: beginner Climate Economics Henrika Meyer Rethinking Economics This text summarizes the content of the 2018 Nobel Prize winner W. Nordhaus. It is extended by some critical perspectives on this topic. The short dossier gives an overview of the most important texts we have read in the climate economics reading group. 2018 Level: beginner Climate Economics and the DICE Model William D. Nordhaus and Paul Romer Exploring Economics The general idea of a Job Guarantee (JG) is that the government offers employment to everybody ready, willing and able to work for a living wage in the last instance as an Employer of Last Resort. The concept tackles societal needs that are not satisfied by market forces and the systemic characteristic of unemployment in capitalist societies. Being a central part of the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), attention for the JG concept rose in recent years. 2020 Level: beginner The Job Guarantee Jannik Landwehr Exploring Economics In this essay, Professor Robert Pollin explores the short falls of the degrowth perspective in handling the impending environmental collapse as well as elaborates on the efficacies of a green new deal. 2018 Level: advanced De-Growth vs a Green New Deal Robert Pollin New Left Review These notes aim to clarify some basic features and implications of gross capital flows In the context of the 2007 08 Global Financial Crisis and the 2010 12 Eurozone Crisis trade imbalances and capital flows received a lot of attention from academics policymakers and the media However there is still … 2020 Level: advanced Gross capital flows and the balance-of-payments: a balance sheet perspective Karsten Kohler Post Keynesian Economics Society Working Paper Series Can pluralism in economics be useful to tackle the fight against climate change? How can diversity in methods and ideas allow for a better understanding of the issue of the climate crisis? What solutions do different schools of thought offer to overcome the most pressing challenge of the 21st Century? 2020 Level: beginner Clips on Climate: Ecological Economics Henrika Meyer Rethinking Economics Can pluralism in economics be useful to tackle the fight against climate change? How can diversity in methods and ideas allow for a better understanding of the issue of the climate crisis? 2020 Level: beginner Clips on Climate: Behavioral Economics Henrika Meyer Rethinking Economics Can pluralism in economics be useful to tackle the fight against climate change? How can diversity in methods and ideas allow for a better understanding of the issue of the climate crisis? What solutions do different schools of thought offer to overcome the most pressing challenge of the 21st Century? Our Rethinker Henrika Meyer will give you some answers and give you a glimpse of the solutions pluralism offers to tackle the fight against climate change. 2020 Level: beginner Clips on Climate: Complexity Economics Henrika Meyer Rethinking Economics This video provides a brief introduction to post-keynesian economics and how the school of thought would tackle climate change. 2020 Level: beginner Clips on Climate: Postkeynesian Economics Henrika Meyer Rethinking Economics Neoclassical Economics imposed itself over the past decades as the core of mainstream economics, largely influencing academia and policy making. 2020 Level: beginner Clips on Climate: Neoclassical Economics Henrika Meyer Rethinking Economics In this lecture, Branko Milanovic gives an overview of the concept of inequality as conceptualized within the classical school of thought. 2020 Level: beginner Income Inequality in Quesnay, Smith, Ricardo and Marx (Part 1: Quesnay, Smith) Branko Milanovic Youtube This video explains what the term 'Feminist Economics' describes and goes into detail on how feminist economists use methodology differently, why they advocate for diversity in research and how to look into preconditions for the functioning of our economies. It, additionally, highlights the link between feminist economics and the study of climate change. 2020 Level: beginner What is Feminist Economics & what does it have to do with studying the climate crisis? Henrika Meyer Rethinking Economics "Bank Underground" is the staff blog of the Bank of England, founded to publish the views and insights of the people working for one of the world's oldest central banks. The blog covers a wide range of macroeconomic topics, mostly linked to the effects of monetary policy, of course, but not all the time. It provides timely, relevant analysis of contemporary challenges in economic policy and is thus often a perfect primer. Level: advanced Bank Underground Various staff of the 'Old Lady in Threadneedle Street' Bank of England staff blog This paper investigates how the concept of public purpose is used in Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). As a common denominator among political scientists, the idea of public purpose is that economic actions should aim at benefiting the majority of the society. However, the concept is to be considered as an ideal of a vague nature, which is highly dependent on societal context and, hence, subject to change over time. MMT stresses that government spending plans should be designed to pursue a certain socio-economic mandate and not to meet any particular financial outcome. The concept of public purpose is heavily used in this theoretical body of thought and often referred to in the context of policy proposals as the ideas of universal job guarantee and banking reform proposals show. MMT scholars use the concept as a pragmatic benchmark against which policies can be assessed. With regards to the definition of public propose, MMT scholars agree that it is dependent on the social-cultural context. Nevertheless, MMT scholars view universal access to material means of survival as universally applicable and in that sense as the lowest possible common denominator. 2020 Level: advanced Modern Monetary Theory and the public purpose Dirk H. Ehnts, Maurice Höfgen Institute for International Political Economy Berlin We collect selected high quality working papers from the leading international universities and research institutes in the field of plural and heterodox economics. The working papers in our selection present economic schools of thought and debates in a first-class way and give an insight into the latest research. 2021 Level: beginner Exploring Economics Working Paper Selection   Exploring Economics Since the 1980s, the financial sector and its role have increased significantly. This development is often referred to as financialization. Authors working in the heterodox tradition have raised the question whether the changing role of finance manifests a new era in the history of capitalism. The present article first provides some general discussion on the term financialization and presents some stylized facts which highlight the rise of finance. Then, it proceeds by briefly reviewing the main arguments in the Marxian framework that proposedly lead to crisis. Next, two schools of thought in the Marxian tradition are reviewed which consider financialization as the latest stage of capitalism. They highlight the contradictions imposed by financialization that disrupt the growth process and also stress the fragilities imposed by the new growth regime. The two approaches introduced here are the Social Structure of Accumulation Theory and Monthly Review School. The subsequent part proceeds with the Post-Keynesian theory, first introducing potential destabilizing factors before discussing financialization and the finance-led growth regime. The last section provides a comparative summary. While the basic narrative in all approaches considered here is quite similar, major differences stem from the relationship between neoliberalism and financialization and, moreover, from the question of whether financialization can be considered cause or effect. 2016 Level: advanced Financialization and the crises of capitalism Petra Dühnhaupt Institute for International Political Economy Berlin This lecture of the anthropologist David Graeber gives a brief introduction to the thoughts of his 2011 published book Debt: The First 5000 Years. 2012 Level: beginner Debt: The First 5,000 Years David Graeber Talks at Google


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