450 Ergebnisse

Level: mittel
This book presents recent thought on market efficiency, using a complex systems approach to move past equilibrium models and quantify the actual efficiency of markets.
Level: mittel
If a country’s Gross Domestic Product increases each year, but so does the percentage of its people deprived of basic education, health care, and other opportunities, is that country really making progress? If we rely on conventional economic indicators, can we ever grasp how the world’s billions of individuals are really managing?
Level: mittel
More than a century after Hartley Withers's "The Meaning of Money" and 80 years after Keynes's "Treatise on Money", the fundamentals of how banks create money still needs explaining and this book meets that need with clear exposition and expert marshalling of the relevant facts.
Level: mittel
Economics, Culture and Social Theory examines how culture has been neglected in economic theorising and considers how economics could benefit by incorporating ideas from social and cultural theory.
Level: mittel
In this book, the author critically examines a number of socialist proposals that have been put forward since the end of the Cold War. It is shown that although these proposals have many merits, their inability effectively to incorporate the benefits of information technology into their models has limited their ability to solve the problem of socialist construction. The final section of the book proposes an entirely new model of socialist development, based on a "needs profile" that makes it possible to convert the needs of large numbers of people into data that can be used as a guide for resource allocation. This analysis makes it possible to rethink and carefully specify the conditions necessary for the abolition of capital and consequently the requirements for socialist revolution and, ultimately, communist society.
Level: mittel
Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century is the most widely discussed work of economics in recent history, selling millions of copies in dozens of languages. But are its analyses of inequality and economic growth on target? Where should researchers go from here in exploring the ideas Piketty pushed to the forefront of global conversation? A cast of economists and other social scientists tackle these questions in dialogue with Piketty, in what is sure to be a much-debated book in its own right.
Level: leicht
Those who control the world’s commanding economic heights, buttressed by the theories of mainstream economists, presume that capitalism is a self-contained and self-generating system.
Level: leicht
In this book, the author, Intan Suwandi, engages with the question of imperialism through the specific channel of Global Value Chains.
Level: mittel
In this new book Smith returns to Solow s classic productivity paradox which essentially states that we can see automation everywhere like the spheres of leisure sociality and politics but not in the productivity statistics He examines why labor saving automation in the service age in the Global North has …
Level: leicht
This interactive and practice-oriented course updated in 2021 covers the basics of Sustainable Finance including sustainable finance instruments, methodologies and frameworks for integrating sustainability into financial decisions, key global sustainable finance initiatives, and sustainable finance regulations.
Level: leicht
Economics for Emancipation (E4E) is a seven-module introductory curriculum with interactive and participatory workshops. It offers a deep critical dive into the current political economic system, exploration of alternative economic systems, and dynamic tools to dream and build the economy that centers care, relationship, and liberation.
Level: leicht
Ein philosophischer Blick auf die Grundlagen internationaler Ökonomie Jakob Kapeller Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensiertes Buch Krugman P R Obstfeld M Melitz …
Level: leicht
Die Wirkung eines Mindestlohns in Ökonomie Lehrbüchern Camille Logeay Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Franz W 2013 Arbeitsmarktökonomik 8 Auflage Heidelberg …
Level: leicht
Wechselkurstheorie in drei Standardlehrbüchern der Volkswirtschaftslehre Jan Priewe Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Krugman P Obstfeld M Melitz M J 2015 …
Level: leicht
Fortgeschrittene Makroökonomie Lehrbücher mit Tunnelblick Über die Enge der DSGE Modellwelt Sebastian Dullien Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Walsh C E …
Level: leicht
Fragen über den Zweck, die Struktur und den Inhalt des wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Curriculums sie sind so alt wie die Disziplin selbst. Ein prominentes deutsches Beispiel ist der vor mehr als 100 Jahren ausgefochtene Werturteilsfreiheitsstreit. Das öffentliche kritische Interesse an den Wirtschaftswissenschaften korreliert mit den Krisen des Systems. Aus dieser Warte gesehen ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass sich nach der großen Finanzkrise in den Nuller Jahren dieses Jahrhunderts vermehrt kritische Stimmen zu Wort melden.
Level: schwer
Die Disziplin der Wirtschaftswissenschaften nutzt im Bereich der Verhaltensökonomik häufig experimentelle Spiele, um das menschliche Verhalten zu untersuchen, wie z.B. das Diktatorspiel. Mithilfe postkolonialer Analysemethoden untersucht dieser Essay am Beispiel eines bekannten Aufsatzes der Verhaltensökonomik von Henrich et al. 2001 zu indigenen Gemeinschaften, wie Wissen über menschliches Verhalten in wirtschaftlichen Kontexten konstruiert und kategorisiert wird.
Level: mittel
An essay of the writing workshop on Nigeria’s Readiness for and the Effect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Level: mittel
In diesem Text aus der Reihe "Exploring Economics - Foundations" werden die Grundlagen der Internationalen Politischen Ökonomie als interdisziplinäre wissenschaftliche Strömung dargestellt.
Level: leicht
Die Sozialökonomik ist 1. die historische Fachbezeichnung einer integrierten Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaft (vgl. Einzelwissenschaft, Disziplin) und 2. ein kontextabhängiger Ausdruck für komplexe Zusammenhänge von Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft (vgl. Sozialökonomie bzw. Sozioökonomie).
Level: leicht
What made the false assumption that saving the economy at all cost during a pandemic so popular? This paper discusses different pathways through the COVID-19 pandemic at national and international level, and their consequences on the health of citizens and their economies.
Level: leicht
Die Covid-19-Pandemie hat gezeigt, dass manche wirtschaftliche Zonen wichtiger sind als andere, um Lebensgrundlagen zu sichern und ein gutes Leben zu ermöglichen. An dieser „Alltagsökonomie“ gilt es anzusetzen, um Wirtschaften zukunftsfähig zu machen. Ein Beitrag von Richard Bärnthaler, Andreas Novy, Leonhard Plank und Alexandra Strickner.
Level: leicht
In this lecture, Beatrice Cherrier explains why it is worth to research the history of JEL codes. The changing relationship between theory and application and the rise and death of new economic topics in the XXth century through the successive revisions of the classification system economists use to publish, recruit and navigate their discipline.
Level: mittel
This lecture is all about the challenge to include heterodox approaches into macroeconomics. After giving an overview of recent approaches to that problem Professor Michael Roos presents the theoretical framework of Complexity Economics as a means to combine behavioral aspects with macroeconomics.
Level: leicht
The main goal of this website is to make Economics less confusing. You can explore what the discipline of Economics is and could be. Learn about basic Economic terms and jargon.
Level: leicht
Prof. Yanis Varoufakis talks in this introductory lecture about the future of our economy and the current state of economics with special regard to pluralism in economics.
Level: leicht
Overview page for the collection of nobel laureateas on Exploring Economics
Level: leicht
Peter Bofinger argues that the Modern Monetary Theory gives theoretical justification for bold answers to the corona crisis.
Level: leicht
This is an online panel and discussion on the ongoing and potential gendered impacts of COVID-19 organized by the International Association of Feminist Economics (IAFFE).
Level: leicht
In the pluralist showcase series by Rethinking Economics, Cahal Moran explores non-mainstream ideas in economics and how they are useful for explaining, understanding and predicting things in economics.
Level: leicht
Economists claim they are not biased or ideological, but research by economist Mohsen Javdani tells another story. Javdani discovered that 82% of economists claim that statements and arguments should be evaluated on the content only, but the results of the study show the exact opposite.
Level: leicht
Dr. Katherine Trebeck explains some reasons why we should believe the future of the economy should be a wellbeing economy.


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