270 Ergebnisse

Die Darstellung von Unternehmen in Varians Lehrbuch „Grundzüge der Mikroökonomik“ 2018 Level: mittel Das Unternehmen aus der Sicht des Mainstreams Helge Peukert und Christian Rebhan Universität Siegen In this essay the authors argue for a wider concept of care work that includes community building, civic engagement and environmental activism. On the basis of the case of Cargonomia, a grassroot initiative in Budapest, they show that such a wider concept of care work could allow for different narratives that promote sustainable lifestyles with a milder environmental and social impact on the planet and its communities. 2019 Level: leicht Reimagining the world of (care)work: the case of Cargonomia Ágota Csoma, Orsolya Lazányi Exploring Economics In this essay the authors take a look at how welfare could be provided in a degrowth society. 2019 Level: leicht Bidding farewell to growth: How to provide welfare in a degrowth society Johanna Hopp and Laura Theuer Exploring Economics Recovery from the Covid-19 crisis provides a chance to implement economic measures that are also beneficial from environmental and social perspectives. While ‘green’ recovery packages are crucial to support economies tracking a low-carbon transition in the short-term, green measures such as carbon pricing are also key to improving welfare in the long-term. This commentary specifies the need for carbon pricing, outlines its implications for our everyday lives, and explains how it works alongside value-based change in the context of climate action and societal well-being. 2021 Level: leicht Carbon Pricing: The Key to Open the Way Toward a Sustainable Recovery and Long-Term Wellbeing Stefano Vrizzi, Jessica Geraghty, Matilda Saarinen, Beatrice Noun, Olivia de Vesci, Philippine Levy Exploring Economics Due to the IMF’s focus on gender budgeting, this essay will mainly examine its gender budgeting recommendations as an example of its general inclination towards gender issues and its conception of gender equality. What does the IMF’s focus on gender equality really mean from a critical feminist perspective? What are its main objectives? What does it seek to change and to maintain? What concept or idea of women does it follow and what are the underlying theoretical foundations? 2017 Level: leicht The Gender strategy of the IMF: The way to go towards gender equality or a mere instrumentalisation of feminism? Lisa Weinhold and Carolin Brodtmann Exploring Economics Education policy seeks to ensure equality in access, equality within the classroom and in teaching- learning processes, and equality in outcomes. This course encourages students to assess and evaluate the extent to which these objectives are met in practice and the ways in which educational outcomes are shaped by, as well as alter, gendered social norms. Level: leicht Education, Gender and Development Ratna Sudarshan National University of National Planning and Administration, New Delhi In this essay, the principle of capital accumulation, as well as the idea of homo economicus as the basis of the growth model, are located and analyzed from a feminist perspective. The sufficiency approach is presented as an alternative to these two economic logics. 2018 Level: leicht Enough! The Sufficiency Approach and the Limits of Economic Growth Fernanda Nacif Exploring Economics The concept of financialisation has undergone a similar career as ‘globalisation’, ‘neoliberalism’ or even ‘capitalism’, in the course of which it changed from the explanandum to the explanans; the process of financialisation is taken for granted, while the concrete historical and empirical causal conditions of its realisation and perpetuation are being moved into the background. 2023 Level: schwer A holistic theory of financialisation Samuel Decker Exploring Economics In the history of the social sciences, few individuals have exerted as much influence as has Jeremy Bentham. His attempt to become “the Newton of morals” has left a marked impression upon the methodology and form of analysis that social sciences like economics and political science have chosen as modus operandi. 2020 Level: mittel Bentham’s Two Sovereign Masters - Examining Bentham’s Influence on the Social Sciences Jerome Warren Exploring Economics What made the false assumption that saving the economy at all cost during a pandemic so popular? This paper discusses different pathways through the COVID-19 pandemic at national and international level, and their consequences on the health of citizens and their economies. 2021 Level: leicht How not to save the economy? The interplay of economics and health during the COVID-19 pandemic Vera Leuner, Navaneeth M S, Leandro Pereira Monteiro, Eduardo Lacerda Camargo Bisneto Exploring Economics An essay of the writing workshop on contemporary issues in the field of Nigerian economics: The adverse effect of climate change is overwhelming, not just in Nigeria but globally. Global warming is the result of hostile human activities that have impacted the environment negatively. This is the principal variable the government should tackle through practical innovations such as the acceptable implementation of Adaptation Policies and also through the adequate implementation of environmental tax. These will enhance pro-environmental behaviour which is fit for socio-political and economic activities for sustainability. Level: leicht The Role of Fiscal Policy in Climate Change Mitigation Via Environmental Management and Sustenance in Nigeria Ayuba Yahaya Karatu Exploring Economics An essay of the writing workshop on contemporary issues in the field of Nigerian economics: In Nigeria, it appears that there is nothing in the constitution, which excludes the participation of women in politics. Yet, when it comes to actual practice, there is extensive discrimination. The under-representation of women in political participation gained root due to the patriarchal practice inherent in our society, much of which were obvious from pre-colonial era till date. Level: leicht Women Participation – Women Contribution to Economics and Politics Mary Otunba Exploring Economics The Covid-19 pandemic has laid bare the deep structural rifts in modern capitalist economies. It has exposed and exacerbated the long-lasting systemic inequalities in income, wealth, healthcare, housing, and other aspects of economic success across a variety of dimensions including class, gender, race, regions, and nations. This workshop explores the causes of economic inequality in contemporary capitalist economies and its consequences for the economy and society in the post-pandemic reality, as well as what steps can be taken to alleviate economic inequality in the future. Drawing from a variety of theoretical and interdisciplinary insights, the workshop encourages you to reflect on your personal experiences of inequality and aims to challenge the way in which the issue is typically approached in economics. 2022 Level: leicht Inequality in the Post-pandemic Era Hanna Szymborska Summer Academy 2022 for Pluralist Economics The Philosophy of Economics Foundational Text provides a systematic and well-structured overview over the field of philosophy of economics. 2023 Level: leicht Philosophy of Economics Milena Dehn, Ella Needler and Jessica Palka Exploring Economics Diese Webseite widmet sich der Vielfalt bestehender ökonomischer Theorien und Methoden. Orientiere Dich, vergleiche, entdecke und studiere die unterschiedlichen ökonomischen Perspektiven. 2018 Level: mittel Eine plurale Sicht des (Wohnungs)marktes Helge Peukert und Christian Rebhan Universität Siegen What are the implications of the politics of "behavioural change"? Alexander Feldmann took a closer look for you on nudging and framing and if this is a legitimate instrument being used by the state to make us behave better in terms of our carbon footprint. 2019 Level: leicht Politics as supermarket? Or how current policy design changes the relationship between the state and its citizens Alexander Feldmann Exploring Economics The module is designed to first present some of the main schools of thought from a historical and methodological perspective. Each week we explore and critically assess the main tenants of each school of thought. In the second part of the module we link history of economic thought and methodology to a specific and contemporary economic question. The second part allows you to engage with current economic issues with an awareness of methodology and methodological differences and with some knowledge of the history of economics. 2019 Level: leicht History of Economic Thought Dr. Jeff Powell University of Greenwich Course goals Learn about women men and work in the labor market and the household Learn to apply the tools of economic analysis to these topics and deepen understanding of these tools Develop the skills to think critically about gender issues including policy interventions Enhance understanding of how to analyze … 2016 Level: leicht Women in the Economy Professor Francine D. Blau International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE) A review of: [1] Intermediate Microeconomics, H.R. Varian [2] Mikrooekonomie, R.S. Pindyck, D.L. Rubinfeld [3] Grundzuege der mikrooekonomischen Theorie, J. Schumann, U. Meyer, W. Stroebele 2016 Level: leicht The Dichotomy, Inconsistency, and Peculiar Outmodedness of the "Mainstream" Textbook Wolfram Elsner Wirtschaft neu denken: Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie In this short video, John Holmwood problematizes Marxian Economics from a post-colonial perspective. 2021 Level: mittel Marx: Colonialism, Class and Capitalism John Holmwood https://www.connectedsociologies.org/ This essay suggests to bring together two aspects of economic thought which so far have developed largely separately: degrowth and feminist economics. In this strive, the concept of care work and its role in feminist economics will be introduced and the downsides of the commodification of care work will be discussed. Subsequently, contributions to the discussion on the (re)valuation of care work will be taken into account. 2017 Level: leicht Who cares? A convergence of feminist economics and degrowth Jannis Eicker, Katharina Keil Exploring Economics In this essay the author elaborates on the EU's perspective on the fast growing sector of the platform economy. 2019 Level: leicht Sharing is Caring? On the EU- Narrative on Platform Economy Laura Porak Exploring Economics The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is rapidly spreading around the world. The real economy is simultaneously hit by a supply shock and a demand shock by the spread of coronavirus. Such a twin shock is a rare phenomenon in recent economic history. 2020 Level: leicht How to Manage the Economic Fallout of the Coronavirus Kavaljit Singh Madhyam Austrian economics focuses on the economic coordination of individuals in a market economy. Austrian economics emphasises individualism, subjectivism, laissez-faire politics, uncertainty and the role of the entrepreneur, amongst others. Austrian Economics     In this book, the author, Intan Suwandi, engages with the question of imperialism through the specific channel of Global Value Chains. 2019 Level: leicht Value Chains Intan Suwandi NYU Press This lecture course, which will be taught in English, will deal with gender issues in developing countries. After providing an overview of the gender differences in various aspects of welfare and economic life, the course will then tackle a number of specific issues. Level: mittel Gender and Development Stephan Klasen and Teaching Assistants Bumi Camara and Merle Kreibaum Department of Economics University of Göttingen In this essay, the author takes a critical perspective on the pursuit of growth as the solution for providing for environmental sustainability and economic stability in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Drawing from the framework of dependency theory and presenting brief insights into European core-periphery relations the author then argues for the implementation of an alternative strategy to development that is built around the concept of self-reliance. 2018 Level: mittel Dependency in Central and Eastern Europe - Self-reliance and the need to move beyond economic growth Simon Schoening Exploring Economics The book explores the imperialist tendency inherent in global capitalism by using a rigorous political economy framework. 2019 Level: mittel The Wealth of (some) Nations Zak Cope Pluto Press On July 2020 ZOE-Institute published a unique platform for transformative policymaking: Sustainable Prosperity. Building on insights from new economic thinking the platform provides knowledge about ideas, arguments and procedures that support effective promotion of political change. It aims to strengthen change makers in public policy institutions, who are working on an ambitious green and just transition. As such, it provides convincing arguments and policy ideas to overcome the reliance of economic policy on GDP growth Level: leicht Sustainable Prosperity   ZOE Hannes Vetter hat sich in Rahmen der Schreibwerkstatt "Varieties of Mainstream Economics?" mit der Evaluation der Bewertung von Umwelt in neoklassischen Makromodellen auseinandergesetzt. Level: mittel Kritische Evaluation der Bewertung von Umwelt in neoklassischen Makromodellen Hannes Vetter Exploring Economics With the onset of an economic crisis that has been universally acknowledged since the end of March, two main questions arise: To what extent is the corona pandemic the starting point (or even the cause) of this crisis? And secondly: can the aid programmes that have been adopted prevent a deep and prolonged recession? 2020 Level: leicht Economic crisis only because of the Corona pandemic? Jakob Schäfer Exploring Economics This book offers the first systematic analysis of economic thought concerning war. 2020 Level: mittel War in Economic Theories over Time Renata Allio Springer Nature


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