Grünes Wachstum kontra Klimawandel: Wie nachhaltig ist ökologische Wirtschaftspolitik?
Innovationsökonomie - Prof. Carsten Dreher @FU-Berlin
Kritik der Grünen Ökonomie – Welches Wirtschaftsmodell brauchen wir? Diskussion mit Tim Jackson
The Age of Uncertainty Episode 1 - The Prophets and Promise of Classical Capitalism
Rationalität(en), echte Unsicherheit, und Evolution komplexer ökonomischer Systeme
Understanding technological change
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Economic Impact and Possible Disruptions
Socioeconomics of Disruptive Tech
Daniel E. Saros on Digital Socialism and the Abolition of Capital
Complexity Economics : A Different Framework for Economic Thought
Marx - wie sieht Entfremdung heute aus?
Historical Alternatives to Mass Production: Politics, Markets and Technology in Nineteenth-Century Industrialization
Atlas of Economic Complexity
Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive It
Evolutionary Economics and Environmental Policy
The Blockchain Alternative
Handbook on the Economics of Conflict
Rethinking Regulatory Structure
Information Technology and Socialist Construction
Smart Machines and Service Work