Reconceptualising Global Finance and its Regulation
Rethinking Regulation of International Finance
Shadow banking and financial market regulation
The Magic Money Tree: From Modern Monetary Theory to Modern Tax Theory
Central Bank theories of Banking and Money
Use-Value, Exchange Value, and the Demise of Marx's Value Theory of Labor
The European economic crisis from 2007 onwards in the context of a global crisis of over-production of capital - a Marxian monetary theory of value interpretation
How Economic Theory and Policy Reinforce Racism
Inflation in economic theory
Critical Theory for Heterodox Economists: Questioning the Premises of Supply and Demand
Alternative Approaches to Economic Theory
Economics, Culture and Social Theory
Modern Monetary Theory and Practice: an Introductory Text
Dependency Theory After Fifty Years
An Introduction to Game Theory in Public Policy
Rethinking Regulatory Structure
The Economics of Uncertainty
Regulierung der Finanzmärkte
Labour market: Applicable Labour Market Models and Gender Issues
Theories of finance and financial crisis: Lessons for the Great Recession
Water Resource Management and Policy
Institutional Economics - An Introduction
Economic theory, methodology, and secure foundations
Eine Kritik der Modern Monetary Theory als geldtheoretisches Konzept
Social Reproduction Theory: Ein neuer Ansatz der feministischen Ökonomik?
Land and Financialization: Role of International Financial Actors in Land Deals in Africa
Introduction to Modern Monetary Theory
Monetary Theory and Policy from Hume and Smith to Wicksell
Social Reproduction Theory