1020 Ergebnisse

Level: leicht
In this lecture Ben Fine aims at stimulating interest for and explaining the relevance of Marxist Political Economy. Ben Fine dedicates the first half of his comprehensible lecture to the question on how mainstream economics became the way it is by explaining its key concepts and how those evolved during the past 150 years. While critically reflecting those concept he also emphasizes that mainstream economics does not consider historical processes. This is the point of departure on his presentation of the core terms and crucial categories of Marxist Political Economy: e.g. the production process and class relations (Part 1). Part 2 examines the consequences of the capitalist mode of production and its propensity to crises. Ben Fine illustrates this Marxist analysis with the example of the current crisis and explains current conditions for the accumulation of capital.
Level: leicht
In this lecture Ben Fine aims at stimulating interest for and explaining the relevance of Marxist Political Economy. Ben Fine dedicates the first half of his comprehensible lecture to the question on how mainstream economics became the way it is by explaining its key concepts and how those evolved during the past 150 years. While critically reflecting those concept he also emphasizes that mainstream economics does not consider historical processes. This is the point of departure on his presentation of the core terms and crucial categories of Marxist Political Economy: e.g. the production process and class relations (Part 1). Part 2 examines the consequences of the capitalist mode of production and its propensity to crises. Ben Fine illustrates this Marxist analysis with the example of the current crisis and explains current conditions for the accumulation of capital.
Level: leicht
Stiglitz answers the question why globalization and world trade has not delivered on its promise of increased well being as much as classical economists thought, by pointing to the power asymmetries: firstly, between industrialized nations and developing nations and secondly, between special corporate interest and social interests. In his analysis, developed countries and MNCs were able to extract the benefits, while shifting the costs (i.e. pollution) to states and communities with lesser power. Amongst many other historical examples the pharmaceutical and the mining industry are discussed to some length.
Level: leicht
Prof. Kädtler (Soziologe) betrachtet die Kapitalismusform des "Finanzmarktkapitalismus" aus soziologischer Perspektive, im besonderen aus Sicht der Konventionenökonomik. Nach Einführungen in (a) Finanzmärkte, (b) Finanzialisierung und Finanzmarktkapitalismus (ab 9:30) sowie (c) Formationstheorien und „Cultural Economy"-Ansätze (u.a. Konventionenökonomik) (ab 16:00), liegt der Schwerpunkt der Analyse darauf, (d) mithilfe der Konventionenökonomik zu erklären, wie ein System des Finanzmarktkapitalismus entstehen konnte (ab 38:00). Kurz geht der Vortragende am Ende der Frage nach, warum sich die Situation auch nach der globalen Finanzkrise nicht geändert hat. Der Vortrag bietet einen interessanten ersten Einblick in die soziologische Perspektive auf Finanzmarktkapitalismus. Die Hauptanalyse und die Anwendung der Theorie an praktischen Beispielen ist eher kurz gehalten, allerdings werden relevante Schulen und Autoren genannt, die weiter recherchiert werden können.
Level: mittel
Hartmut Kliemt first traces the concept of the homo oeconomicus back to the philosophy of Spinoza and Hobbes. Then he addresses criticisms of this concept in particular by discussing the ultimatum game as a strong piece of counterevidence. After this, he outlines a difference in the behavioural sciences between internal perspectives that seek to understand actors' cognitive processes and external perspectives, which look at observed behaviour only.
Level: mittel
Walter Ötsch beschreibt wie die Ökonomik sich von der Moralwissenschaft unter Adam Smith zu einer Wissenschaft mit einem biologisch determinierten Menschenbild unter Malthus und Ricardo entwickelt. In diesem Prozess kommen naturwissenschaftliche Metaphern (Uhr-System, Waage-Gleichgewicht, Computer-Information) immer mehr zum Tragen. Anhand der Geschichte wird die Entwicklung der modernen Neoklassik gezeigt. Dann wird die marktliberale Interpretation der Neoklassik kritisiert. Zum Schluss wird noch auf das fehlende Narrativ der Ökonomik zur Finanzkrise eingegangen und auf den nicht stattgefundenen Bruch mit der Marktradikalität der Eliten.
Level: leicht
Die Vorlesung präsentiert zunächst grundlegende Konzepte der Evolutionären Ökonomik, wie den Fokus auf Wandel, das naturalistische, aber nicht reduktionistische Konzept von Menschen und sozialen Institutionen sowie die zentralen Elemente der historischen Zeit, Unsicherheit und Wissen. Anschließend wird das Konzept der Ko-evolution auf verschiedenen interdependenten Ebenen präsentiert. Es wird betont, dass es nicht reduktionistisch ist, da die kulturelle Ebene z.B. die biologische beeinflussen kann. Im Anschluss werden verhaltenswissenschaftliche und neurale Einsichten gegeben. Die Vorlesung schließt mit einer Diskussion ab, die die Bedeutung von Statussymbolen diskutiert (mit Bezug zu Smith und Veblen) und Empfehlungen an die Ökonomik als Wissenschaft gibt, um wieder an Bedeutung zu gewinnen.
Level: leicht
Zunächst werden zentrale Aspekte der Institutionellen Ökonomik als Paradigma in diesem Vortrag erläutert, wie mulitdimensionale Akteure, Dynamiken, Interdependenzen, Komplexität, Populationsdenken und Institutionen. Danach wird die historische Genese Institutioneller Ökonomik von Mandeville und Smith, über Malthus und Darmwin hin zu US-Institutionenökonomen erläutert. Zudem werden Einblicke ins Komplexitätsdenken in Bezug auf das Finanzsystem gegeben.
Level: leicht
The Heterodox Economics Directory provides a broad variety of links to heterodox journals, books, conferences, study programs, teaching materials and blogs. Some categories are subdivided by schools of thoughts - it's a valuable source for heterodox material on the internet.
Level: leicht
Das VWL-Basiswissen bietet Lerneinheiten zu Grundbegriffen und Denkrichtungen der Volkswirtschaftslehre an. Neben Einheiten zum BIP, Zahlungsbilanzen, Inflation, Wechelkursen gibt es Module zur Messung sozio-ökonomische Ungleichheiten und einer interdisziplinären Betrachtung auf Entwicklung. Im Theoriebereich liegt ein Fokus auf Globaler Ökonomie und Entwicklungstheorie, u.a. werden die Welt-System Theorie und postkoloniale Ansätue vorgestellt.
Level: leicht
Founded in 1968, The Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE) is an interdisciplinary membership organization of academics and of activists. Its mission is to promote the study, development and application of radical political economic analysis to social problems. Concretely, this involves a continuing critique of both the capitalist system, and of all forms of exploitation and oppression. URPE’s mission also includes, coming out of this critique, helping to construct a progressive social policy, and a human-centered radical alternative to capitalism.
Level: leicht
First historical instances of colonialism such as the crusades are revisited. Then a lengthy account of the colonial experience of the Spanish Kingdom in South America and of the British Empire in India is given. The Indian case is illustrated with large amounts of archival materials from a colonial administrator. There the workings of the colonial bureaucracy and law and its (positive) achievements as well as the ignorance and arrogance of the external rulers are demonstrated. After narrating the Indian independence to some depth some recent colonial wars (Algeria, Vietnam, Congo, Angola) are briefly examined. In the end, the impact of colonialism on current, i.e. 1970s, (economic) international relations is discussed. The general tenor is that colonialism is a dysfunctional system. Still, agency is mostly placed with the empire rather than with the ruled.
Level: mittel
Eckhard Hein criticises the mainstream's view of secular stagnation as the result of a negative real equilibrium interest rate. Arguing in a Keynesian spirit with particular reference to Steindl, secular stagnation is considered to be a result of shift in the functional income distribution, and oligopolistic organisation of industries, leading to excess capacity and reluctance to invest. This acts as a drag on effective demand and results in secular stagnation. Distributional policies and public investment can, however, overcome stagnation its tendencies.
Level: leicht
„Wirtschaft neu denken“ umfasst 20 Rezensionen aktuell einflussreicher Lehrbücher und zeigt: Viele Standardwerke blenden wissenschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Kontroversen systematisch aus und stellen wirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge, die seit jeher in hohem Maße komplex und umstritten sind, als scheinbar objektive Gesetzmäßigkeiten dar.
Level: leicht
Irene van Staveren, professor of pluralist development economics, presents her pluralist teaching method for the introductory level. Based on her textbook “Economics After the Crisis: An Introduction to Economics from a Pluralist and Global Perspective” she suggests to focus on real-world problems and pari passu apply economic theories such as Social economics, Institutional economics, Post-Keynesian economics as well as Neoclassical economics without wasting time to single out the latter. Besides pointing out advantages of such a pluralist method Irene illustrates her approach based on interesting topics such as growth or feminist economics.
Level: leicht
In this radio program, the anthropologist David Graeber, explores the history of debt in (currently) 12 episodes. The program is based on his book Debt: The First 5000 Years. First, Graeber asks the questions of how debt and money are characterized, which meaning and roles they had in different historic episodes and how they were interrelated. In the most recent episodes, Graeber elaborates on how debt shaped society. He argues that debt had a different moral status in different times of history, one session analyses the current financial and economic crisis and the role of credit in this historical context.
Level: mittel
This text provides an overview of feminist perspectives on various kinds of work and reproductive labour. The authors start at the intersection of Marxism and Feminism. They, then, give a historical background on the United States feminist movement. They, finally, provide alternative perspectives on work and reproductive labor that are not based on Marxist Feminist theory.
Level: leicht
The podcast explores the psychosocial implications of poverty in the society. Keetie Roelen investigates how the emotion of shame and policy-making are intertwined.
Level: leicht
Prof. Robert Wade (London School of Economics, UK) discusses industrial policy, the challenges of economic development for emerging countries like Brazil and...
Level: leicht
The MINE website explores the interplay between nature and economy. Focusing on such fundamental concepts as time, thermodynamics, evolution, homo politicus and justice, a new outline of economic activity emerges within nature. The dominant approach of Mainstream Economics, which considers nature as a subsystem of the economy, is thus replaced by a broader and more integrated framework. The visual map and its links between concepts provides an orientation. The visitor can approach the content from their own starting point and follow their own path to discovery. Each concept starts with the historical background and moves on through theory and practice. The research behind MINE began in the 1970s at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in an interdisciplinary group spearheaded by Professor Malte Faber, including scientists from economics to mathematics, physics and philosophy. The research has contributed to the field of Ecological Economics. MINE is directed at students, scientists and decion-makers. More on http://nature-economy.de/faq/
Level: mittel
Since Daniel Kahneman won the Nobel Memorial Price in Economic Sciences in 2002, a new branch of economics gained academic and popular interest. That is, the so-called area of behavioural economics. However, some scholars claim that this new area of economics is not changing much of the mainstream paradigm. Why?
Level: leicht
In this talk, Eric Beinhocker outlines his ideas of how to ensure a just and sustainable future for Humanity: This includes his interesting Russian Doll approach to unpacking 20th-century economics and proposals of new theories to underpin a new economic system.
Level: mittel
The authors discuss how identity affects economic outcomes by bringing together psychological and sociological perspectives and economics. For economic outcomes of a single individual, it might be interesting which kind of social groups this individual belongs to. This may influence individual daily decisions and hence economic outcomes. It can, however, not only affect individual economic outcomes but also economic outcomes of organizations, institutions and other groups. This paper describes these influences with respect to gender in the workplace, to the economics of poverty and social exclusion, and to the household division of labour.
Level: leicht
Banner and Pastor debunk granted assumptions of the neoclassical theory, such as self-interested human behavior, the necessity of inequality and growth, to pull the threads between the new possible foundations of our society, "prosperity, security and community".
Level: leicht
In this interview Mariana Mazzucato talks about economic actions governments need to take facing the Corona-crisis. Using the example of Britain, she argues that governmental bailouts need to be bound to commitment to sustainability.
Level: mittel
Richard Werner touches on a number of topics in this Odd Lots Podcast episode. As one of the pioneers when it comes to money and credit creation, he gives interesting insights into his early research on this topic. He then explains what he calls the “Quantity Theory of Credit” and is an alternative to the "Quantity Theory of Money".
Level: leicht
Understanding international trade is central to economics and is currently a hot political issue. It’s an area where popular perceptions of mainstream economics are low, since they have historically missed some important downsides of trade agreements, especially the hollowing out of former manufacturing hubs in the Western world. et economists have for long time had a theory of trade with an impressive amount of scientific clout behind it: the gravity trade model.
Level: leicht
Die internationale makrofinanzielle Architektur erlitt im März 2020 einen Schock: Nachdem globale Lieferketten geschlossen wurden, froren Offshore Geldmärkte ein. Die wichtigen Zentralbanken reagierten schnell und beliehen sich gegenseitig mit Währung.
Level: leicht
Understanding gender inequality is possible only when looking at the intersections between race and class inequalities. The health crisis is no different: Stevano takes a feminist and social reproductive perspective, from unpaid household work to social infrastructure and services.
Level: leicht
In this interview, the political activist, author and lecturer Dr. Vandana Shiva explains the linkage between ecology, feminism and economics along the lines of current effects and implications of the Corona-Crisis in India and around the world.
Level: leicht
We collect selected high quality working papers from the leading international universities and research institutes in the field of plural and heterodox economics. The working papers in our selection present economic schools of thought and debates in a first-class way and give an insight into the latest research.
Level: leicht
The documentary features a talk of the US-American writer and economic theorist Jeremy Rifkin summarising the main points of his 2011 book "The Third Industrial Revolution."


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