473 Ergebnisse

Level: leicht
The goal of this teaching pack by Economy Studies is to make students familiar with different visions for how the economy could be organised and enable them to critically reflect on such ideas. As future economic experts, it is important that they become aware of prominent proposals for reorganising the economy and practise how to deal with them.
Level: leicht
Those who control the world’s commanding economic heights, buttressed by the theories of mainstream economists, presume that capitalism is a self-contained and self-generating system.
Level: leicht
To prevent the coronavirus shock to demand precipitating a long-lasting depression, government needs to become short-term payer of last resort.
Level: leicht
Peter Bofinger argues that the Modern Monetary Theory gives theoretical justification for bold answers to the corona crisis.
Level: leicht
The documentary features a talk of the US-American writer and economic theorist Jeremy Rifkin summarising the main points of his 2011 book "The Third Industrial Revolution."
Level: mittel
In this short video, John Holmwood problematizes Marxian Economics from a post-colonial perspective.
Level: leicht
In this webinar, Dr. Grieve Chelwa, Dr. Cecilia Lanata Briones and Professor Jayati Ghosh discuss what is meant by “Decolonising Economics”.
Level: leicht
Beyond Growth is a collection of educational materials offering a reflection on growth. It was created as a joint project of the associations Fairbindung e. V. and Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie, both based in Germany. The page provides learning materials and methods  to stimulate thinking about the conditions of our current economy as well as possible alternatives.
Level: leicht
This workshop offers an introduction to Degrowth and Ecological Economics. It starts by surveying the socio-ecological crisis and its pseudo-solutions, and then moves to Ecological Macroeconomics as a relatively recent field of scholarship within Ecological Economics.
Level: leicht
From religious leaders to heads of state, everyone is talking about economic inequality. What form can such inequality take in different countries? What impact does it have on society? And why should it matter to you?
Level: leicht
This course attempts to explain the role and the importance of the financial system in the global economy. Rather than separating off the financial world from the rest of the economy, financial equilibrium is studied as an extension of economic equilibrium. The course also gives a picture of the kind of thinking and analysis done by hedge funds.
Level: mittel
This book is an authoritative and accessible guide to the pluralist movement threatening to revolutionise mainstream economics. Leading figures in the field explain why pluralism is a required virtue in economics, how it came to be blocked and what it means for the way we think about, research and teach economics.
Level: mittel
Despite the Doha declaration of November 2001, the failure to start a new round of global trade negotiations at Seattle in December 1999 and the hostility of protesters to the trade liberalization process and growing global economic and social disparities was a wake-up call for the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
Level: leicht
Homo sapiens is now evolving into post economy The New Economy must manage scarcity and affluence a dual problem that is not integrated into the main classical economic theories There will be an important shock between opulence described by the economist John Kenneth Galbraith in The Affluent Society and scarcity …
Level: leicht
It has become a contentious term in- and outside of economic policy: austerity. Allegedly the culprit behind the shortfalls of governments' reaction to the Great Financial Crisis, the policy makes for a spirited debate.
Level: mittel
An ideal type of a pluralistic book. Instead of arguing for one specific interpretation of a complex phenomenon, the authors present six different views on globalisation. Roberts and Lamp carefully balance the different perspectives, presenting the merits of each.
Level: leicht
To grasp sex in all its complexity, including its relationship to gender, class, race and power, Srinivasan argues that we need to move beyond the simplistic views of consent in the form of yes-no, to rather consider the more complex question of wanted-unwanted.
Level: mittel
In analyzing the global competition between Chinese and Indian tea, Andrew B. Liu challenges past economic histories premised on the technical “divergence” between the West and the Rest, arguing instead that seemingly traditional technologies and practices were central to modern capital accumulation across Asia.
Level: mittel
This course teaches basic concepts relevant in political economy. Topics include the contractual nature of the state, public versus private goods, property rights and economic externalities, the logic of collective action and social choice theory. It also refers to the fundamentals of political philosophy, bringing two ideas of liberty into the picture. The relevance and limitations of the economic approach to the study of law and politics are then discussed.
Level: mittel
The concern of this book is how to model time series statistically and there is emphasized the practical, applied aspects of statistical time series modeling. The author aims to provide methods that may be used to understand and analyze time series that accur in the “real world” that researchers face.
Level: leicht
The Privatized State shows how privatization undermines the very reason political institutions exist in the first place, and advocates for a new way of administering public affairs that is more democratic and just.
Level: leicht
The ecological crisis challenges the ways to understand the links between the environment, society, and the economy. To train students to be able to think critically about the issues associated with the crisis, it is important to take multiple perspectives into account. This lecture by Economy Studies can help students develop a familiarity with the different schools of thought and conceptions that exist within economics.
Level: leicht
Teaching economics students about climate reparations enriches their educational experience by providing real-world relevance, promoting critical thinking, fostering interdisciplinary learning, and equipping them with valuable skills for both academic and practical applications. It also encourages ethical awareness, global perspective, and civic engagement, aligning with the broader goals of education in preparing students to address complex global challenges.
Level: leicht
Crises are a key part of the history of the global economy. This lesson by Economy Studies introduces students to the crisis management theories of John Maynard Keyens by presenting them in the historical context of the Great Depression, the Post-War increase in the state in managing the economy, and the Energy Crisis of the 1970s.
Level: leicht
This lecture by Economy Studies lays out the foundations and current state of the ecological crisis, its main drivers and who is responsible for this. It is crucial for students to develop a deeper understanding of the problem they are likely to encounter in their future careers, before getting into various economic policies or solutions to this pressing issue.
Level: leicht
Political-economic systems define the ways in which the production and distribution of goods and services are organised that shape people’s lives. We live in capitalism, but what does that mean? This essential lecture by Economy Studies helps students develop an understanding of it on the basis of the book Capitalism by Geoffrey Ingham.
Level: leicht
This course describes Bayesian statistics in which one s inferences about parameters or hypotheses are updated as evidence accumulates You will learn to use Bayes rule to transform prior probabilities into posterior probabilities and be introduced to the underlying theory and perspective of the Bayesian paradigm The course will apply …
Level: leicht
Oft werden Universitäten mit neutraler Wissenschaft verbunden und das von Dozierenden vermittelte Wissen als Abbildung der Realität wahrgenommen. Nur selten ist es Gegenstand kritischer Auseinandersetzungen. Wissenschaft findet jedoch in keinem neutralen Raum statt, sondern ist von Machtstrukturen und somit auch oft von diskriminierenden Denkweisen geprägt. Genau hier setzt unser Projekt an, mit dem wir einen Beitrag zur kritischen, interdisziplinären Auseinandersetzung mit Rassifizierung und Diskriminierung an der Universität Bayreuth und darüber hinaus leisten wollen. Unser Interesse am Thema Rassifizierung im Kontext universitärer Lehre und Forschung entstammt dabei der kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit den Lehrinhalten der Vorlesung „Ökonomik der Entwicklungsländer“ von Prof. Dr. Martin Leschke sowie mit dem begleitenden Lehrbuch „Ökonomik der Entwicklung – Eine Einführung aus institutionenökonomischer Sicht“. Als uns Themen und Begriffe auffielen, die unserer Einschätzung nach in ihrer Verwendung nicht dem aktuellen Umgang mit postkolonialen Machtverhältnissen und Eurozentrismus entsprachen, kam uns die Idee, eine kritische Begleitschrift zu besagtem Lehrbuch zu verfassen.
Level: mittel
This course is an introduction to Development Economics and is concerned with how economists have sought to explain how the process of economic growth occurs, and how – or whether – that delivers improved well-being of people.
Level: leicht
This syllabus provides an overview of the content of the Philosophy of Economics course at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Level: mittel
Die Darstellung von Unternehmen in Varians Lehrbuch „Grundzüge der Mikroökonomik“
Level: mittel
As opposed to the conventional over-simplified assumption of self-interested individuals, strong evidence points towards the presence of heterogeneous other-regarding preferences in agents. Incorporating social preferences – specifically, trust and reciprocity - and recognizing the non-constancy of these preferences across individuals can help models better represent the reality.


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