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The podcast exposes the concept and principles of co-operatives and the three main types of co-operatives: the consumer, credit and farmers buying and selling co-operatives. Furthermore, the history of the co-operative movement is presented. The authors draw the line from co-operatives to "degrowth" by arguing that these organisations discourage profit maximisation due to their ownership structure, their social purpose and their primacy of people over capital. The value of the members' co-operative share does not increase with the growth of a co-operative and it can not be used for speculation. Finally, the authors give examples for current co-operatives which empower (local) communities fostering social justice and environmentalism. 2016 Level: beginner Co-operatives Ann-Christin Abbenhaus; Nadia Johanisova; Ruben Suriñach Padilla; Philippa Parry Degrowth Audiobook The documentary proceeds along the lines of Karl Marx' biography, inquiring into his workings as a journalist, social scientist, revolutionary and historian and his travels through Europe. In chronological order historical events, such as the 1848 revolution or the Paris Commune as well as concepts such as dialectics, the labour theory of value or the reform-revolution debate are revisited. The documentary is narrated by John Kenneth Galbraith and by an actor, who plays Marx and recites quotes from his writings. 1977 Level: beginner The Age of Uncertainty Episode 3 Karl Marx The Massive Dissent John Kenneth Galbraith BBC, CBC, KCET and OECA In the inspiring interview on Economics of Care, Nancy Foblre takes a closer look to the consequences of the marketization of caring activities on those activities and on the societal organization of care. Folbre elaborates on how to value care and how this shifts the perspectives on living standards. She points to the fact, that caring activities are undervalued both in the market sphere and within the family and thereby questions the division between those spheres. Lastly, Folbre answers the question how to reteach Economics when accounting for caring activities. 2016 Level: beginner The Economics of Care Nancy Folbre INET Robert Costanza briefly present various methods of environmental valuation, and talks about the changes in the global value of ecosystem services. He then introduces the major ecosystem services, and how different methods of valuation affect the preferred policies to address environmental issues. 2014 Level: advanced Robert Costanza: Ecosystem Service Valuation Robert Costanza ELD (the economics of land degradation) Based on a paper by Jason Hickel and Giorgos Kallis Decoupling refers to the separation of economic value creation material extraction and pollution. Ecological limits pose a challenge to growth-led development and the low historical and predicted rate of decoupling suggests that long-term sustainable growth-led development is impossible. 2021 Level: beginner Degrowth and Environmental Justice: Decoupling Jezri Krinsky blobMetropolis The Austrian School of Economics is an intellectual tradition in economics and political economy dating back to Carl Menger in the late-19th century. Menger stressed the subjective nature of value in the individual decision calculus. Individual choices are indeed made on the margin, but the evaluations of rank ordering of ends sought in the act of choice are subjective to individual chooser. 2015 Level: advanced The Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics Peter J. Boettke, Christopher J. Coyne Oxford University Press The Price of Slavery analyzes Marx's critique of capitalist slavery and its implications for the Caribbean thought of Toussaint Louverture, Henry Christophe, C. L. R. James, Aimé Césaire, Jacques Stephen Alexis, and Suzanne Césaire. Nick Nesbitt assesses the limitations of the literature on capitalism and slavery since Eric Williams in light of Marx's key concept of the social forms of labor, wealth, and value. 2022 Level: beginner The Price of Slavery Nick Nesbitt University of Virginia Press The Commentary explains the circular value chain and innovation potential along it. Focusing on Israel, examples on how cross-industry collaboration can help supporting a successful positioning in a (Digital) Circular Economy are presented. 2022 Level: beginner Innovation Potential for a Circular Economy "Made in Israel" Dr. Vered Blass, Dr. Nicole Stein Israel Public Policy Institute So, what does racism have to do with our 21st century economic system? How can we understand institutions who uphold racism while claiming to value diversity and inclusion? And what does it mean to truly be anti-racist? 2023 Level: beginner New Economics Podcast: Why antiracism means anticapitalism Ayeisha Thomas-Smith, Arun Kundnani New Economics Foundation The third edition of Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas is a fully updated overview of the political economy and its connection with social concerns. This book investigates the main traditions of economic ideas and provides a 'big picture' overview of the analytical tools and value judgements associated with competing schools of economic thought. 2011 Level: advanced Political Economy Frank Stilwell OUP Australia & New Zealand Deforestation is estimated to be responsible for about 12-29% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This essay will explore ecological economics as an alternative lens through which to approach forest conservation and the acceleration of climate change. 2018 Level: beginner Ecological Economics: A Solution to Deforestation? Maike Pfeiffer Pluralist Economics Fellowship Balance of payments stability is of paramount importance for developing countries, both to secure the value of their domestic currencies as well as reliable foreign currency inflows. But how is that stability ensured and how important is the growth of exports for stability? 2020 Level: beginner Thirlwalls Law Introduction Jezri Krinsky blobMetropolis This fresh and unique textbook provides students and general readers with an introduction to economics from a new and much needed perspective, characterised by its uniquely pluralist, sustainable, progressive and global approach. Unlike traditional textbooks, Introducing a New Economics contains the key concepts of pluralism, sustainability and justice. It provides students with the central questions covered by economics including resources, work, employment, poverty, inequality, power, capital, markets, money, debt and value. 2015 Level: beginner Introducing a New Economics Jack Reardon, Maria Alejandra Caporale Madi, and Molly Scott Cato Pluto Press Marxian Political Economy focuses on the exploitation of labour by capital. The economy is not conceived as consisting of neutral transactions for exchange and cooperation, but instead as having developed historically out of asymmetric distributions of power, ideology and social conflicts. Marxian Political Economy     Neoclassical economics focuses on the allocation of scarce resources. Economic analysis is mainly concerned with determining the efficient allocation of resources in order to increase welfare. Neoclassical Economics     What’s inflation? Why is it relevant? And is there an agreed theory about its roots and causes, or is it a contentious concept? That’s what this text is all about: We define what inflation actually means before we delve into the theoretical debate with an interdisciplinary and pluralist approach: What gives rise to it, what factors might influence it, and, consequently, what might be done about it? 2021 Level: beginner Inflation in economic theory Alexander Barta, Jorim Gerrard, Jakob Steffen & Frieder Zaspel Exploring Economics Economists like to base their theories on individual decision making. Individuals, the idea goes, have their own interests and preferences, and if we don’t include these in our theory we can’t be sure how people will react to changes in their economic circumstances and policy. While there may be social influences, in an important sense the buck stops with individuals. Understanding how individuals process information to come to decisions about their health, wealth and happiness is crucial. You can count me as someone who thinks that on the whole, this is quite a sensible view. 2020 Level: beginner Decision by Sampling, or ‘Psychologists Reclaim Their Turf’ Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics Austrian economics focuses on the economic coordination of individuals in a market economy. Austrian economics emphasises individualism, subjectivism, laissez-faire politics, uncertainty and the role of the entrepreneur, amongst others. Austrian Economics     In the history of the social sciences, few individuals have exerted as much influence as has Jeremy Bentham. His attempt to become “the Newton of morals” has left a marked impression upon the methodology and form of analysis that social sciences like economics and political science have chosen as modus operandi. 2020 Level: advanced Bentham’s Two Sovereign Masters - Examining Bentham’s Influence on the Social Sciences Jerome Warren Exploring Economics Feminist economics focuses on the interdependencies of gender relations and the economy. Care work and the partly non-market mediated reproduction sphere are particularly emphasised by feminist economics. Feminist Economics     Institutional economics focuses on the role of social institutions in terms of laws or contracts, but also those of social norms and patterns of human behaviour that are connected to the social organisation of production, distribution and consumption in the economy. Institutionalist Economics     Marx’s theory of the falling rate of profit is not only empirically borne out, but the theory he proposed seems to describe accurately how that happens. Furthermore, the whole process is useful for understanding the history of contemporary capitalism. 2020 Level: beginner On the Rate of Profit Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics Exploring Economics, an open-source e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2020 Level: beginner A Time for Precaution Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics In this essay the author elaborates on the EU's perspective on the fast growing sector of the platform economy. 2019 Level: beginner Sharing is Caring? On the EU- Narrative on Platform Economy Laura Porak Exploring Economics What influence do changes in tax policy or state decisions on expenditure have on economic growth? For decades, this question has been controversially debated. 2020 Level: advanced What is the fiscal multiplier and why is it so controversial? Sebastian Gerchert Exploring Economics This paper starts with an evaluation of three common arguments against pluralism in economics: (1) the claim that economics is already pluralist, (2) the argument that if there was the need for greater plurality, it would emerge on its own, and (3) the assertion that pluralism means ‘anything goes’ and is thus unscientific. Pluralist responses to all three arguments are summarized. The third argument is identified to relate to a greater challenge for pluralism: an epistemological trade-off between diversity and consensus that suggests moving from a discussion about ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ towards a discussion about the adequate degree of plurality. We instantiate the trade-off by showing how it originates from two main challenges: the need to derive adequate quality criteria for a pluralist economics, and the necessity to propose strategies that ensure the communication across different research programs. The paper concludes with some strategies to meet these challenges. 2017 Level: beginner Pluralism in economics: its critiques and their lessons Claudius Gräbner, Birte Strunk Journal of Economic Methodology The chapter by the Centre for Economy Studies introduces interdisciplinary economic subdisciplines and their importance for economics education. 2021 Level: beginner Interdisciplinary Economics Sam de Muijnck and Joris Tieleman Economy Studies One hundred years ago the idea of 'the economy' didn't exist. Now, improving the economy has come to be seen as perhaps the most important task facing modern societies. Politics and policymaking are conducted in the language of economics and economic logic shapes how political issues are thought about and addressed. 2017 Level: advanced The Econocracy Joe Earle, Cahal Moran, Zach Ward-Perkins Manchester University Press This essay suggests to bring together two aspects of economic thought which so far have developed largely separately: degrowth and feminist economics. In this strive, the concept of care work and its role in feminist economics will be introduced and the downsides of the commodification of care work will be discussed. Subsequently, contributions to the discussion on the (re)valuation of care work will be taken into account. 2017 Level: beginner Who cares? A convergence of feminist economics and degrowth Jannis Eicker, Katharina Keil Exploring Economics With the onset of an economic crisis that has been universally acknowledged since the end of March, two main questions arise: To what extent is the corona pandemic the starting point (or even the cause) of this crisis? And secondly: can the aid programmes that have been adopted prevent a deep and prolonged recession? 2020 Level: beginner Economic crisis only because of the Corona pandemic? Jakob Schäfer Exploring Economics Mainstream economic narratives notably the concept of comparative advantage trade theory which assumes the equal balance of power between parties are deployed to support the merits of Global Value Chains that the global integration via trade creates mutual gains for both developed and developing countries This narrative is advanced in … 2021 Level: beginner World Development under Monopoly Capitalism Benjamin Selwyn Developing Economics “Economics is the science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses1.” This is how Lionel Robbins came to define economics in the early 1930s and there is a good chance that many of you heard a variant of this definition in your first Economics 101 lecture. 2021 Level: beginner What is “Economics”? Anas Abu Exploring Economics


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