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An ideal type of a pluralistic book. Instead of arguing for one specific interpretation of a complex phenomenon, the authors present six different views on globalisation. Roberts and Lamp carefully balance the different perspectives, presenting the merits of each. 2021 Level: advanced Six Faces of Globalization Anthea Roberts, Nicolas Lamp Harvard University Press In this book, distinguished economist Edith Kuiper shows us that the history of economic thought is just that, a his-story, by telling the herstory of economic thought from the perspective of women economic writers and economists. Although some of these women were well known in their time, they were excluded from most of academic economics, and, over the past centuries, their work has been neglected, forgotten, and thus become invisible. 2022 Level: beginner A Herstory of Economics Edith Kuiper Wiley In this volume, Katz offers a detailed summary of the foundations, evolutions and approaches of Dependency Theory in Latin America, focusing on the regional interpretations of Marxism, Developmentalism and World-Systems Theory. 2022 Level: advanced Dependency Theory After Fifty Years Claudio Katz Brill This book is an original, systematic, and radical attempt at decolonizing critical theory. Drawing on linguistic concepts from 16 languages from Asia, Africa, the Arab world, and South America, the essays in the volume explore the entailments of words while discussing their conceptual implications for the humanities and the social sciences everywhere. 2022 Level: beginner Changing Theory Dilip M. Menon Routledge To grasp sex in all its complexity, including its relationship to gender, class, race and power, Srinivasan argues that we need to move beyond the simplistic views of consent in the form of yes-no, to rather consider the more complex question of wanted-unwanted. 2021 Level: beginner The Right to Sex Amia Srinivasan Farrar, Straus and Giroux In this searing and insightful critique, Adrienne Buller examines the fatal biases that have shaped the response of our governing institutions to climate and environmental breakdown, and asks: are the 'solutions' being proposed really solutions? Tracing the intricate connections between financial power, economic injustice and ecological crisis, she exposes the myopic economism and market-centric thinking presently undermining a future where all life can flourish. 2022 Level: beginner The Value of a Whale Adrienne Buller Manchester University Press The Price of Slavery analyzes Marx's critique of capitalist slavery and its implications for the Caribbean thought of Toussaint Louverture, Henry Christophe, C. L. R. James, Aimé Césaire, Jacques Stephen Alexis, and Suzanne Césaire. Nick Nesbitt assesses the limitations of the literature on capitalism and slavery since Eric Williams in light of Marx's key concept of the social forms of labor, wealth, and value. 2022 Level: beginner The Price of Slavery Nick Nesbitt University of Virginia Press This is a good introduction to Austrian Economics for laypeople. It slowly develops the school's core principles from the thinking of its founders, all the way to key thinkers to integrate both macro and microeconomics into one coherent whole. Level: beginner Masters Of Austrian Economics   Academic Agent This interactive and practice-oriented course updated in 2021 covers the basics of Sustainable Finance including sustainable finance instruments, methodologies and frameworks for integrating sustainability into financial decisions, key global sustainable finance initiatives, and sustainable finance regulations. 2018 Level: beginner Introduction to Sustainable Finance Liesel van Ast, Christopher Flensborg, Lina Apsheva, Dominik Brunner, Yannick Motz, Charlotte Waldraff, Makaio Witte, Luis Maldonado, Isabel Mantilla, Rory Sullivan Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) From the editor and magazine that started and named the Occupy Wall Street movement Meme Wars The Creative Destruction of Neoclassical Economics is an articulation of what could be the next steps in rethinking and remaking our world that challenges and debunks many of the assumptions of neoclassical economics and … 2013 Level: advanced Meme Wars Kalle Lasn, Adbusters Seven Stories Press Die Planwirtschaft hat in den letzten Jahren ein unerwartetes Revival gefeiert Die These Im Zeitalter von Big Data künstlicher Intelligenz und neuen Kommunikationstechnologien sei der Markt eine veraltete Technologie der Vergangenheit Angesichts des Scheiterns effizienter politischer und wirtschaftlicher Koordination in der Pandemie und der Klimakrise kommt diese Debatte gerade rechtzeitig … 2022 Level: advanced Digitale Planwirtschaft? Eine Einführung Dr. Christoph Sorg - Bits und Bäume The dominant view of inflation holds that it is macroeconomic in origin and must always be tackled with macroeconomic tightening. In contrast, we argue that the US COVID-19 inflation is predominantly a sellers’ inflation that derives from microeconomic origins, namely the ability of firms with market power to hike prices. 2023 Level: expert Sellers’ Inflation, Profits and Conflict: Why can Large Firms Hike Prices in an Emergency? Isabelle M. Weber Evan Wasner UMass Amherst A short film that questions the current state of the economy with thought-provoking sequences and takes a look into the past how the present understanding of the economy came to be. 2018 Level: beginner Economy is care Author: Ina Praetorius (WiC - Wirtschaft ist Care) Producer: Hans Jörg Fehle Realisator: Sergio Herencias, Andreas Tanner and others Noneconomists often think that economists' approach to race is almost exclusively one of laissez-faire. Racism, Liberalism, and Economics argues that economists' ideas are more complicated. 2009 Level: advanced Race, Liberalism, And Economics Colander, David; Prasch, Robert E.; Shetz, Falguni A. University of Michigan Press Today it feels like everybody is talking about the problems and crises of our times: the climate and resource crisis, Greece's permanent socio-political crisis or the degrading exploitative practices of the textile industry. 2019 Level: beginner At the expense of others? Kopp, Becker, Decker, Eicker, Engelmann, Ia Eradze, Forster, Haller, Heuwieser, Hoffmann, Castelos, Podstawa, Shah, Siemons, Wenzel, Wolfinger I.L.A. Kollektiv Free, Fair & Alive is a foundational re-thinking of the commons, the self-organized social systems that human beings have used for millennia to meet their needs. 2019 Level: advanced Free, Fair, and Alive David Bollier, Silke Helfrich New Society Publishers This course teaches basic concepts relevant in political economy. Topics include the contractual nature of the state, public versus private goods, property rights and economic externalities, the logic of collective action and social choice theory. It also refers to the fundamentals of political philosophy, bringing two ideas of liberty into the picture. The relevance and limitations of the economic approach to the study of law and politics are then discussed. Level: advanced State, Law and the Economy Prof. Y.C. Richard Wong n.a. Rethinking Regulation of International Finance encapsulates the most important aspects of the development and operation of the international financial system. This book questions the fundamental basis of the existing international financial architecture (soft law) and explores the need for a compliance-based model based on legitimacy of regulations and accountability of the regulatory bodies in international financial stability. 2018 Level: advanced Rethinking Regulation of International Finance Uzma Ashraf Barton Kluwer Law International Financial Evolution at the Speed of Thought A new evolutionary explanation of markets and investor behaviorHalf of all Americans have money in the stock market yet economists can t agree on whether investors and markets are rational and efficient as modern financial theory assumes or irrational and inefficient as behavioral … 2017 Level: advanced Adaptive Markets Andrew W. Lo Princeton University Press The bestselling classic that examines the history of economic thought from Adam Smith to Karl Marx—“all the economic lore most general readers conceivably could want to know, served up with a flourish” (The New York Times). The Worldly Philosophers not only enables us to see more deeply into our history but helps us better understand our own times. In this seventh edition, Robert L. Heilbroner provides a new theme that connects thinkers as diverse as Adam Smith and Karl Marx. 1999 Level: beginner The Worldly Philosophers Robert L. Heilbroner Touchstone Why are income inequalities so large and why do they continue to increase in so many countries? What role can minimum wages play in reducing social and economic inequalities? What is a good system of wage bargaining? What constitutes a fair wage? Level: beginner Fair Wage Strategies in a Global Economy Hansjörg Herr, Maité Llanos, Gilad Isaacs, Susan Hayter, Patrick Belser, Mary Bellman, Luis Campos, Frank Hoffer Global Labour University This is an important contribution both to advancing theoretical and empirical understandings of African monetary sovereignty and to putting problems and possibilities relating to African monetary sovereignty on the political agenda This is of utmost importance given that these issues have largely not received much attention in contemporary discussions of … 2021 Level: advanced Economic and Monetary Sovereignty in 21st Century Africa Maha Ben Gadha, Fadhel Kaboub, Kai Koddenbrock, Ines Mahmoud, Ndongo Samba Sylla Pluto Press Identity politics is everywhere, polarising discourse from the campaign trail to the classroom and amplifying antagonisms in the media. But the compulsively referenced phrase bears little resemblance to the concept as first introduced by the radical Black feminist Combahee River Collective. 2022 Level: beginner Elite Capture Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò Pluto Press

Tony Lawson has become a major figure of intellectual controversy on the back of juxtaposing two relatively simple and seemingly innocuous ideas. He has argued firstly that success in science depends on finding and using methods, including modes of reasoning, appropriate to the nature of the phenomena being studied, and also that there are important differences between the nature of the objects of study of natural sciences and those of social science. 2009 Level: advanced Ontology and Economics Edward Fullbrook Routledge This is an important contribution that defends the importance of heterodox economics. It discusses what constitutes heterodox economics as an intellectual, social, and political project, with a range of contributions from leading heterodox thinkers coming from a diversity of theoretical vantage points. 2022 Level: beginner Heterodox Economics Lynne Chester and Tae-Hee Jo World Economics Association Books Geographical economics starts from the observation that economic activity is clearly not randomly distributed across space. This revised and updated introduction to geographical economics uses the modern tools of economic theory to explain the who, why and where of the location of economic activity. The text provides an integrated, first-principles introduction to geographical economics for advanced undergraduate students and first-year graduate students, and has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect important developments in the field, including new chapters on alternative core models and policy implications. 2009 Level: advanced The New Introduction to Geographical Economics Steven Brakman, Harry Garretsen, Charles van Marrewijk Cambridge University Press The economics of worker cooperatives is a branch of economic inquiry with a long and esteemed pedigree, dating at least from the work of John Stuart Mill in the mid-nineteenth century. 2013 Level: advanced The Economics of Worker Cooperatives John H. Pencavel Edward Elgar Publishing Limited Political-economic systems define the ways in which the production and distribution of goods and services are organised that shape people’s lives. We live in capitalism, but what does that mean? This essential lecture by Economy Studies helps students develop an understanding of it on the basis of the book Capitalism by Geoffrey Ingham. 2022 Level: beginner Capitalism - Economy Studies   Economy Studies If a country’s Gross Domestic Product increases each year, but so does the percentage of its people deprived of basic education, health care, and other opportunities, is that country really making progress? If we rely on conventional economic indicators, can we ever grasp how the world’s billions of individuals are really managing? 2011 Level: advanced Creating Capabilities Martha Craven Nussbaum Belknap Press of Harvard University Press In a span of around 12 weeks, the course covers a wide range of topics including agent-based modeling, networks, dynamic, chaos, information, fractals, cooperation models and scaling in biology and society. The course acts as a perfect beginner level introduction spanning a wide range of topics in the field of complexity. Level: beginner Introduction to Complexity Melanie Mitchell Santa Fe Institute

Best-selling books such as Freakonomics and The Undercover Economist have paved the way for the flourishing economics-made-fun genre. While books like these present economics as a strong and explanatory science, the ongoing economic crisis has exposed the shortcomings of economics to the general public. 2015 Level: advanced Economics Made Fun N. Emrah Aydinonat, Jack J. Vromen Routledge

The 2007-2008 financial crisis exposed the shortcomings of mainstream economic theory with economists unprepared to deal with it. In the face of this, a major rethinking of economics seems necessary and in presenting alternative approaches to economic theory, this book contributes to the rebuilding of the discipline.

2019 Level: advanced Alternative Approaches to Economic Theory Víctor A. Beker Routledge


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