531 Ergebnisse

Maria Nikolaidi on how Minsky’s theory has been modelled over past decades and how one can use these models in order to analyse contemporary issues such as financial fragility and financial instability caused by climate change.
Level: mittel
Minsky's theory about financial fragility and financial instability
As tax day approached, St. Francis College Economics Professors launched their first Economics Week with three days of guest speakers and student research. Randall Wray explains some basic principles of Modern Monetary Theory.
Level: leicht
Modern Money Theory for Beginners
An introductory course on Game Theory
Level: leicht
Game Theory
An Introduction to the Political Theory of John Maynard Keynes. John Maynard Keynes was arguably the greatest economist of the 20th century. He discovered the idea that governments should stimulate demand during economic downturns.
Level: leicht
An Introduction to the Political Theory of John Maynard Keynes
Peter Bofinger argues that the Modern Monetary Theory gives theoretical justification for bold answers to the corona crisis.
Level: leicht
Coronavirus crisis: now is the hour of Modern Monetary Theory
Potts (economics, University of Queensland) proposes evolutionary microeconomics as a synthesis of the collective schools of heterodox economic thought with complex systems theory and graph theory.
Level: mittel
The New Evolutionary Microeconomics
The goal of the class is to acquire familiarity with recently-published research in alternative macroeconomics with a focus on the distribution of income and wealth, cyclical growth models, and technical change.
Level: leicht
Theory Seminar Macro-Distribution
A comprehensive account of how government deficits and debt drive inflation
Level: mittel
The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level
Popularized by movies such as A Beautiful Mind game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational and irrational agents Over four weeks of lectures this advanced course considers how to design interactions between agents in order to achieve good social outcomes Three main topics are covered social …
Level: mittel
Game Theory II: Advanced Applications
As opposed to the conventional over-simplified assumption of self-interested individuals, strong evidence points towards the presence of heterogeneous other-regarding preferences in agents. Incorporating social preferences – specifically, trust and reciprocity - and recognizing the non-constancy of these preferences across individuals can help models better represent the reality.
Level: mittel
A fresh perspective to economic theory: Social preferences and their impact on gender and policy
The concept of financialisation has undergone a similar career as ‘globalisation’, ‘neoliberalism’ or even ‘capitalism’, in the course of which it changed from the explanandum to the explanans; the process of financialisation is taken for granted, while the concrete historical and empirical causal conditions of its realisation and perpetuation are being moved into the background.
Level: schwer
A holistic theory of financialisation
In a challenge to conventional views on modern monetary and fiscal policy, this book presents a coherent analysis of how money is created, how it functions in global exchange rate regimes, and how the mystification of the nature of money has constrained governments, and prevented states from acting in the public interest.
Level: mittel
Modern Money Theory
This is an immensely important book for any student of social theory interested in understanding the colonial roots of a lot of contemporary thinking From a post colonial perspective Gurminder Bhambra and John Holmwood unpack how the emergence of modern society in the context of European colonialism and empire impacted …
Level: mittel
Colonialism and Modern Social Theory
Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods.
Level: schwer
Horizontalists, verticalists, and structuralists: The theory of endogenous money reassessed
Ein Foliensatz zum Wirken von Keynes und seine wichtigsten Werke
Level: leicht
John Maynard Keynes: Sozioökonomische Hintergründe, die General Theory und keynesianische Wirtschaftspraxis
The Learning Economy and the Economics of Hope' brings together the most important contributions by an expert on policies, management and economics of innovation and knowledge. It offers original insights in processes of innovation and learning and it draws implications for economic theory and public policy. It introduces the reader to important concepts such as innovation systems and the learning economy.
Level: mittel
The Learning Economy and the Economics of Hope
Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods.
Level: schwer
Monetary sovereignty is a spectrum: modern monetary theory and developing countries
This book provides a new methodological approach to money and macroeconomics. Realizing that the abstract equilibrium models lacked descriptions of fundamental issues of a modern monetary economy, the focus of this book lies on the (stylized) balance sheets of the main actors. Money, after all, is born on the balance sheets of the central bank or commercial bank.
Level: leicht
Modern Monetary Theory and European Macroeconomics
Developmental economics
Level: leicht
The roots of dependency theory
In this interview, Elizabeth Currid-Halkett presents her view on how "the leisure class has been replaced by a new elite, and how their consumer habits affect us all".
Level: leicht
A Theory of the Aspirational Class
Looking for a pithy introduction into John Maynard Keynes's economic thinking? This BBC radio programme may be it.
Level: leicht
Keynesianism: The Story Behind This Key Economic Theory
For many social critics "globalization" is a signpost of “late-capitalism” with the rise of multinational corporations, mass consumption and the multidirectional flows of capital, labor, media, communication, ideologies and social movements across national borders. Feminist analyses of globalization and the gendered and sexualized permutations of these phenomena offer a critical stance for theorizing these processes, and for studying their complex articulations across time and space.
Level: mittel
Feminist Inroads in Epistemology, Method, and Theory
This course attempts to explain the role and the importance of the financial system in the global economy. Rather than separating off the financial world from the rest of the economy, financial equilibrium is studied as an extension of economic equilibrium. The course also gives a picture of the kind of thinking and analysis done by hedge funds.
Level: leicht
Financial Theory
After long-time negligence, the Global South and the North-South divide are back on the agenda of development economics again. This book is a neat, accessible introduction into the topic, covering both the current situation and potential remedies from different points of view.
Level: leicht
Readings in the Theory of Economic Development
Think Academy Think Academy
Level: leicht
Emergence Theory
In diesem Podcast beantwortet Aaron Sahr unter anderem folgende Frage: Woher stammt das Geld zur Rettung unserer kapitalistischen Wirtschaft in einer Finanzkrise?
Level: leicht
Future Histories: Aaron Sahr zu monetärer Souveränität und Modern Monetary Theory
This lecture was held in the context of the a two day conference called Which pluralism for thinking about how to achieve a more sustainable and resilient economy The practices institutions and system logics of today s economy are not suitable for appropriately addressing fundamental human needs The climate crisis …
Level: leicht
Mainstream Theory of Finance
Evolutionary economics focuses on economic change. Hence processes of change such as growth, innovation, structural and technological change, as well as economic development in general are analysed. Evolutionary economics often gives emphasis to populations and (sub-)systems.
Evolutionary Economics
In this course you'll learn about the tools used by scientists to understand complex systems. The topics you'll learn about include dynamics, chaos, fractals, information theory, self-organization, agent-based modeling, and networks.
Level: mittel
Introduction to Complexity
Steve Keen analyses how mainstream economics fails when confronted with the covid-19-pandemic. Mainstream economics has propagated the dismantling of the state and the globalization of production - both of which make the crisis now so devastating. More fundamentally, mainstream economics deals with market systems, when what is needed to limit the virus’s spread is a command system.
Level: leicht
The Coronavirus and the End of Economics
Post-Keynesians focus on the analysis of capitalist economies, perceived as highly productive, but unstable and conflictive systems. Economic activity is determined by effective demand, which is typically insufficient to generate full employment and full utilisation of capacity.
Post-Keynesian Economics
This text provides an easy to understand introduction to complexity economics for non-specialist audiences such as bachelor's students.
Level: leicht
Think Complexity Economics is too Complicated? Then this is for you.


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