Naila Kabeer on Why Randomized Controlled Trials need to include Human Agency
The Putin Regime Is Straining Under Its Own Contradictions
The Capital Order - How Economists Invented Austerity & Paved the Way to Fascism
Rethinking the Theoretical Foundation of Economics I: The Multilevel Paradigm
Economics from a pluralist perspective
Politics and Economics of International Energy
Fair Wage Strategies in a Global Economy
ILO - An introduction to the MNE Declaration
Macroeconomics in Context
Economic Inequality and News Media
A Feminist Reading of Debt
Economics and the Real World
An Introduction to Political Economy and Economics
Handbook of the Economics and Political Economy of Transition
Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World
Overview of proposals to combat the economic consequences of the Corona crisis
Issues in Development Economics
Kritische Polit-ökonomische Bildung
Wie die Klimakrise den Post-Keynesianismus herausfordert
Economy Studies Essential Lectures
Evolutionäre und institutionelle Ökonomie
Recruiting skilled labour, while closing borders? The connection between migration, border regimes and capitalism
Anti-fascist economics? For sure! But what does that mean?
Die (selbstauferlegten) Grenzen der Wissenschaft