1150 Ergebnisse

In most economics classes we focus on the production and consumption of goods and services, but what happens to the product and its packaging after it’s consumed? Waste disposal is a crucial step in the production process and as the theme of this month’s World Environment Day is #BeatPlasticPollution, we use the example of plastic bottles. 2023 Level: leicht Production and Waste: Plastic Pollution – Economy Studies Economy Studies Economy Studies Game theory is the standard quantitative tool for analyzing the interactions of multiple decision makers. Its applications extend to economics, biology, engineering and even cyber security. Level: mittel Game Theory I - Static Games Justin Grana Santa Fe Institute The first book to bring together the key writings and speeches of civil rights activist Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander--the first Black American economist In 1921, Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander became the first Black American to gain a Ph.D. degree in economics. Unable to find employment as an economist because of discrimination, Alexander became a lawyer so that she could press for equal rights for African Americans. 2021 Level: mittel Democracy, Race, and Justice Sadie T. M. Alexander Yale University Press Designed for a single-semester undergraduate course, this introductory economics textbook updates traditional macroeconomics to encompass twenty-first century concerns. In contrast to standard texts, the book starts with the question of human well-being, and then examines how economic activities can contribute to or detract from it. 2009 Level: mittel Macroeconomics in Context Neva R. Goodwin, Julie A. Nelson, Jonathan Harris, Brian Roach, James Devine M.E. Sharpe Since their first emergence in the work of Paul David thirty years ago, the dual issues of Path Dependence and Lock-In have become critically important subjects in the fields of economics, sociology, and business strategy. 2014 Level: mittel Path Dependence and Lock-In Liebowitz, Stan J ; Margolis, Stephen E Edward Elgar Publishing Die marxistische Ökonomie stellt eine Wirtschaftstheorie dar, die im Wesentlichen auf Karl Marx Hauptwerk „Das Kapital“ beruht. Aufbauend auf den Ansätzen der klassischen Nationalökonomie werden hierbei die kapitalistischen Produktionsweisen sowie der Grundwiderspruch zwischen Kapital und Arbeit analysiert und kritisiert (vgl. Kirchgässner 1988, S. 128). Ausgehend von der marxistischen Kapitalismuskritik werden insbesondere das Wesen der kapitalistischen Ausbeutung und der Klassenkonflikt zwischen Bourgeoisie und Proletariat behandelt (vgl. Utz 1982, S. 22-23). 2022 Level: leicht Marxistische Ökonomie Nussbaumer, Zwicklhuber Exploring Economics Exploring Economics, an open-source e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2020 Level: leicht Wie die Wende zu einem nachhaltigen Finanzsystem gelingen kann Claudia Kemfert Economists for Future Developmental economics 2021 Level: leicht The roots of dependency theory João Braga blobMetropolis This article makes a necessary connection between economics as an academic discipline and recent events surrounding sexual harassment in the workplace. To get justice, targets must show measurable harm: economists can help. 2018 Level: leicht $MeToo: The Economic Cost of Sexual Harassment Lynn Parramore Institute for New Economic Thinking In this article, Perry Mehrling, a professor of economics at Barnard College, presents and discusses three theories of banking which are guiding bank regulation. These are credit creation theory, fractional reserve theory and debt intermediation theory. 2016 Level: mittel Central Bank theories of Banking and Money Perry Mehrling www.perrymehrling.com In this TED Talk, the behavioral economist Dan Ariely explain how changing our environment could change our behavior and how this connects with how we think about economics, through simple but powerful examples. 2019 Level: leicht How to change your behavior for the better Dan Ariely TED Global Social Theory is a large wiki-like project by Gurminder K Bhambra. Its central aim is decolonising and diversifying universities, production of knowledge, and social thought in general. It represents a large online library divided into three parts: concepts, thinkers, and topics in/of social theory and decolonial thought. Every part comprises of short, introductory articles on an according theme. It may be helpful to give you a general overview (and a list of basic readings) on the most essential areas of social theory: caste, class, and race; civil society; racism; secularism; feminism and many others. It may also allow students whose university curriculum in sociology, economics, or other social sciences lacks diversity to compensate for that. Level: leicht Global Social Theory Multiple academic authors: professors, researchers, and lecturers. globalsocialtheory.org In this short video, John Holmwood problematizes Marxian Economics from a post-colonial perspective. 2021 Level: mittel Marx: Colonialism, Class and Capitalism John Holmwood https://www.connectedsociologies.org/ After long-time negligence, the Global South and the North-South divide are back on the agenda of development economics again. This book is a neat, accessible introduction into the topic, covering both the current situation and potential remedies from different points of view. 2001 Level: leicht Readings in the Theory of Economic Development Dilip Mookherjee, Debraj Ray (ed.) Wiley David Graeber introduces different concepts such as money and debt. He takes a historical and anthropological way of explaining the origin. This breaks with the mainstream explanation, which is used in many Economics textbooks, saying that a barter economy was before money arose. 2014 Level: mittel Debt David Graeber Melville House This course provides future change makers in public and private sectors with a comprehensive overview on the structures and actors that shape markets. 2019 Level: leicht The Governance of Markets in Challenging Times: From Classic Authors to New Approaches Lukas Graf Hertie School of Governance In this essay, the principle of capital accumulation, as well as the idea of homo economicus as the basis of the growth model, are located and analyzed from a feminist perspective. The sufficiency approach is presented as an alternative to these two economic logics. 2018 Level: leicht Enough! The Sufficiency Approach and the Limits of Economic Growth Fernanda Nacif Exploring Economics Marxian Political Economy focuses on the exploitation of labour by capital. The economy is not conceived as consisting of neutral transactions for exchange and cooperation, but instead as having developed historically out of asymmetric distributions of power, ideology and social conflicts. Marxian Political Economy     Photo by Kaitlyn Ashley on Unsplash The world is still feeling reverberations from the financial crisis of 2008 foreseen by neither politicians nor economists The history of capitalism has been punctuated by major crises exposing the fragility of our entire economic system How has capitalism despite these ruptures managed to … 2012 Level: leicht The Future of Capitalism Anatole Kaletsky n.a. The Currency of Politics explains why only through greater awareness of the historical limits of monetary politics can we begin to articulate more democratic conceptions of money. 2022 Level: mittel The Currency of Politics Stefan Eich Princeton University Press The world is still feeling reverberations from the financial crisis of 2008 foreseen by neither politicians nor economists The history of capitalism has been punctuated by major crises exposing the fragility of our entire economic system How has capitalism despite these ruptures managed to each time resurface more resilient and … Level: leicht The Global Financial Crisis Timothy Geithner; Andrew Metrick Yale University This book looks at the anti-capitalist economy and the organization of social relations in the context of the revolution and autonomy of Rojava (Kurdistan-Syria). 2023 Level: leicht Anticapitalist Economy in Rojava Azize Aslan Daraja Press Das globale Wirtschaftssystem bringt durch die Übernutzung der globalen Ressourcen und die Verschmutzung der Umwelt lebenswichtige Funktionen des Erdsystems in Gefahr. Dieser Artikel diskutiert Vorschläge einer grünen Ökonomie zu Lösung dieser ökologischen Krise und erläutert verschiedene Aspekte einer Kritik daran. 2016 Level: leicht Ökologische Krise und grüne Ökonomie – eine Einführung Finn Müller-Hansen Exploring Economics Dichotomien Inkonsistenz merkwürdige Antiquiertheit Mainstream Mikro Lehrbücher Das Beispiel sozialer Institutionen Wolfram Elsner Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Pindyck R S … 2016 Level: leicht Dichotomien, Inkonsistenz, merkwürdige Antiquiertheit Mainstream-Mikro-Lehrbücher: Das Beispiel sozialer Institutionen Wolfram Elsner Wirtschaft neu denken: Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie The Great Recession 2.0 is unfolding before our very eyes. It is still in its early phase. But dynamics have been set in motion that are not easily stopped, or even slowed. If the virus effect were resolved by early summer—as some politicians wishfully believe—the economic dynamics set in motion would still continue. The US and global economies have been seriously ‘wounded’ and will not recover easily or soon. Those who believe it will be a ‘V-shape’ recovery are deluding themselves. Economists among them should know better but are among the most confused. They only need to look at historical parallels to convince themselves otherwise. 2020 Level: leicht Origins & Emergence of the 2020 Great Recession in the US Economy Dr. Jack Rasmus Exploring Economics Der Fokus der feministische Ökonomik liegt auf dem wechselseitigen Zusammenhang von Geschlechterverhältnissen und Ökonomie. Sie rückt insbesondere Care und die teils nicht marktvermittelte Reproduktionssphäre in das Blickfeld. Feministische Ökonomik     Mit allerhöchster Wahrscheinlichkeit neoklassische Ansätze, denn diese dominieren das Studium der VWL heutzutage an den meisten Universitäten. Jedoch ist der Begriff 'Neoklassik' mittlerweile selbst zu einem Streitthema geworden. Verteidiger des Mainstreams verstehen Neoklassik zumeist eng und beziehen sich auf die ideengeschichtliche Entwicklung der allgemeinen Gleichgewichtstheorie (Jevons, Arrow und Debreu) sowie das Wachstumsmodell von Solow. 2018 Level: leicht Stickeraktion: Studiere ich VWL oder Neoklassik?   Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V. Welche Einführungslehrbücher werden im volkswirtschaftlichen Studium verwendet? Und welche Lehrbücher werden am häufigsten genutzt? 2018 Level: mittel Welche Lehrbücher werden in der VWL verwendet? Elsa Egerer und Christian Rebhan Universität Siegen Die ökonomische Theorie hat mit Moral wenig oder gar nichts zu tun. In den gängigen Lehrbüchern der Mikroökonomie findet sich in den Stichwortverzeichnissen kein Eintrag zu Moral oder Ethik. Die Studierenden lernen über die Wirtschaft nachzudenken, aber sie lernen dabei nicht, systematisch über ethische Fragen zu reflektieren. Nach der neoklassischen Lehre, wie sie in den Lehrbüchern präsentiert wird, weist wirtschaftliches Handeln nicht grundsätzlich moralische Aspekte auf. 2015 Level: mittel Ökonomie und Moral: Eine kurze Theoriegeschichte Walter Otto Ötsch Institute für Ökonomie und Philosophie Cusanus Hochschule Das Seminar "Einführung in die Plurale Ökonomik" bietet einen systematischen Einstieg in die ökonomische Theoriegeschichte und gibt einen Überblick über verschiedene ökonomische Theorieschulen, wie z.B. Verhaltensökonomik, Institutionelle Ökonomie, Postkeynesianismus, Ökologische Ökonomie und kritische Entwicklungsökonomie. 2021 Level: leicht Einführung in die Plurale Ökonomik Corinna Dengler Universität Vechta The world is regularly shaken by crises some are bigger others are smaller in scope Local turmoil military conflicts commodity scarcity bank runs health threats the history of mankind can be written as a history of crises Three major global crises occurred in the last fifty years alone the oil … 2021 Level: leicht Understanding Crises - What to take from here for better policy advice in the future? Dr. Carolina Alves, Prof. Dr. Ishac Diwan Exploring Economics With a focus on Chile, Pinochet’s Economic Accomplices: An Unequal Country byForce uses theoretical arguments and empirical studies to argue that focusing onthe behavior of economic actors of the dictatorship is crucial to achieve basic objectivesin terms of justice, memory, reparation, and non-repetition measures. 2021 Level: mittel Pinochet's Economic Accomplices Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky; Karinna Fernández Neira; Sebastián Smart Rowman & Littlefield


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