1619 Ergebnisse

Level: schwer
Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods.
Level: mittel
This reports presents empirical findings of research conducted by Michelle Holder, assistant professor of economics at John Jay College, City University of New York, with regard to the impact of what she terms a "double gap"- gender wage gap and ethnic minority wage gap - on the U.S. labour market.
Level: leicht
This is a good introduction to Austrian Economics for laypeople. It slowly develops the school's core principles from the thinking of its founders, all the way to key thinkers to integrate both macro and microeconomics into one coherent whole.
Level: leicht
This lecture acts as an introduction to the Macroeconomics course (ECON 720) at John Jay College. Throughout the lecture, the classical and Keynesian conceptions of macroeconomic relationships are contrasted.
Level: mittel
The deceleration of world trade since 2011 has been widely discussed How much is due to a reversal of international production fragmentation And how much is due to decreasing demand for trade intensive goods The authors present a consistent framework that quantifies their relative importance A central concept in the …
Level: leicht
Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary contains over one hundred essays on transformative initiatives and alternatives to the currently dominant processes of globalized development, including its structural roots in modernity, capitalism, state domination, and masculinist values.
Level: leicht
Human Rights Economics strives for an economic system that is just for people and respectful of the planet that promotes social and economic justice that integrates a plurality of views and traditions and that is human rights consistent in both its processes and outcomes It posits that economics is blind …
Level: mittel
David Graeber introduces different concepts such as money and debt. He takes a historical and anthropological way of explaining the origin. This breaks with the mainstream explanation, which is used in many Economics textbooks, saying that a barter economy was before money arose.
Level: leicht
Lean Logic is the late David Fleming’s masterpiece, the product of more than thirty years’ work and a testament to the creative brilliance of one of Britain’s most important intellectuals. A dictionary unlike any other, it leads readers through Fleming’s stimulating exploration of fields as diverse as culture, history, science, art, logic, ethics, myth, economics, and anthropology, being made up of four hundred and four engaging essay-entries covering topics such as Boredom, Community, Debt, Growth, Harmless Lunatics, Land, Lean Thinking, Nanotechnology, Play, Religion, Spirit, Trust, and Utopia. The threads running through every entry are Fleming’s deft and original analysis of how our present market-based economy is destroying the very foundations—ecological, economic, and cultural— on which it depends, and his core focus: a compelling, grounded vision for a cohesive society that might weather the consequences
Level: mittel
Eine um ihre eigene Theorie- und Begriffsgeschichte bewusste, auf Gegenwart und Zukunft gerichtete Sozialökonomie hat als Wissenschaft jede Chance, die Erkenntnisschranken einer zunehmenden einzeldisziplinären Spezialisierung zu überwinden und durch innovative Lehrperspektiven Befähigungen zur Bewältigung der komplexen Anforderungen zu vermitteln, die aus der Dynamik von Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik resultieren.
Level: mittel
From the editor and magazine that started and named the Occupy Wall Street movement Meme Wars The Creative Destruction of Neoclassical Economics is an articulation of what could be the next steps in rethinking and remaking our world that challenges and debunks many of the assumptions of neoclassical economics and …
Level: mittel
A Heterodox Approach to Economic Analysis This important new book introduces students to the fundamental ideas of heterodox economics presented in a clear and accessible way by top heterodox scholars It offers not only a critique of the dominant approach to economics but also a positive and constructive alternative Students …
Level: mittel
The book critically engages with various Marxian perspectives on the dynamics on development and social progress It specifically engages with some key words in Marxian theory including Marx s early work on capitalist development and his later works on underdeveloped Russia Lenin s thesis on imperialism as a hurdle for …
Level: schwer
Dieses Buch entwickelt eine kritische Theorie der Wirtschaft, die zum Ausgangspunkt nimmt, dass Wirtschaftswissenschaft nicht nur ihren Gegenstand beschreibt und analysiert, sondern sozialontologisch konstituiert. Im Mittelpunkt steht das Konzept der Performativität.
Level: mittel
Commons bieten eine Alternative zum Kapitalismus und übermächtigem Markt und Staat. Sie respektieren Mensch und Natur, befriedigen Bedürfnisse und stellen Verbindungen her. Man findet Gemeingüter überall, auch wenn sie nicht immer präsent sind. Dieses Buch lädt den Leser dazu ein, den Blick für Commons zu stärken und selber ein "Commoner" zu sein.
Level: mittel
Eine Einführung Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende systematische und allgemeinverständliche Einführung in die theoretischen und praktischen Grundlagen der ökologischen Ökonomie Es stellt die entscheidenden Theorien und transdisziplinären Schwerpunkte des Faches vor und entwickelt auf dieser Basis den Grundriss für die ökonomische Theorie einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung Darüber hinaus werden die praktischen …
Level: leicht
This course is an introduction to macroeconomics with a specific focus on the euro area. The theoretical part provides a critical presentation of the two key macroeconomic models: the (neo)classical approach and the Keynesian approach. This allows a comparative analysis of important macroeconomic topics: - unemployment - inflation - government debt and Modern Monetary Theory - banks and financial crises. The policy-oriented part discusses the monetary policy of the ECB and the specific challenges for fiscal policy in the euro area. The course also presents other euro area specific topics: Optimum currency area, euro crises, Next Generation EU and Green New Deal.
Level: mittel
Technical change, defined as the manufacture and modification of tools, is generally thought to have played an important role in the evolution of intelligent life on earth, comparable to that of language. In this volume, first published in 1983, Jon Elster approaches the study of technical change from an epistemological perspective.
Level: mittel
Dabei stellt Niko sein Konzept einer Postwachstumsökonomie vor und erklärt uns, wie der Weg in eine solche aussehen könnte. Wir sprechen über die potenziellen Auswirkungen auf Länder des globalen Südens und auch über die Verbindung bzw. Trennlinie zwischen Wissenschaft und Aktivismus.
Level: mittel
Dabei ging es um verschiedene Formen von (ökonomischer) Ungleichheit, wie man diese erforschen kann und was sie für Auswirkungen hat. Insbesondere ging es um Miriams aktuelle Forschung zur Vermögensungleichheit und dem Gender Wealth Gap.
Level: mittel
In dem Gespräch ging es darum, wie der Sachverständigenrat eigentlich arbeitet und wie Achim zum „Wirtschaftsweisen“ geworden ist. Außerdem haben wir uns über die Position des Sachverständigenrates zur CO²-Bepreisung und Achims Minderheitsvotum zur Schuldenbremse unterhalten.
Level: leicht
In this lecture, Sanjay Reddy reviews the work of János Kornai, especially his critique of the socialist system, which is rooted in his understanding of the eminently political character of socialism.
Level: mittel
A collection of the prolific economist's essays written since 1990, in sections on history of economic thought, methodology of economics, economics of education, cultural economics, and book reviews. Subjects include the work of Adam Smith, Hayek, and Keynes, the economic case for subsidies for the arts, the historiography of economics, and education and the employment contract. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Level: mittel
In analyzing the global competition between Chinese and Indian tea, Andrew B. Liu challenges past economic histories premised on the technical “divergence” between the West and the Rest, arguing instead that seemingly traditional technologies and practices were central to modern capital accumulation across Asia.
Level: leicht
Whiteness is a process of learning: one is not born white, but becomes one. In this rich and compelling volume, Sriprakash, Rudolph and Gerrard offer a meticulous (and eye-opening) reading of educational experiences and structures that endorse systemic racism.
Level: mittel
Mehr als 40 Jahre lang entwickelte Murray Bookchin seine Ideen über Kommunalismus, libertäre Ökologie und direkte Demokratie und brachte sie in die Politik der Neuen Linken ein.
Level: leicht
The idea of a Green New Deal was launched into popular consciousness by US Congressperson Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in 2018. Evocative of the far-reaching ambitions of its namesake, it has become a watchword in the current era of global climate crisis. But its new ubiquity brings ambiguity: what - and for whom - is the Green New Deal?
Level: leicht
In dem Vortrag von Ehrenfried Galander mit anschließender Fragerunde wird die Frage behandelt, inwieweit es im Werk von Karl Marx eine systematische Behandlung ökologischer Fragen gibt. Galander, der an der Herausgabe der Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA) beteiligt ist, beantwortet diese Frage mit einem klaren Ja.
Level: mittel
Der Kurs richtet sich an Interessierte, die einen Überblick über gängige Modellierungsansätze in der Makroökonomik erhalten wollen. Dabei habe ich versucht, Ansätze aus unterschiedlichen Paradigmen zu berücksichtigen, notwendigerweise auf Kosten einer gewissen Tiefe bei den einzelnen Modellierungsframeworks. Der Kurs setzt ein gewisses mathematisches Grundverständnis voraus, sollte aber für fortgeschrittene Bachelor-Studierende der Ökonomik und Master-Studierende von interdisziplinären Studienprogrammen gut geeignet sein. Die Themenauswahl ist natürlich notwendigerweise selektiv. Der erste, größere Abschnitt diskutiert Modelle für wirtschaftlichen Wandel in der langen Frist (Wachstumsmodelle). Der zweite, kürzere Abschnitte behandelt dann Modelle, welche versuchen eine langfristige mit einer kurzfristigen Perspektive zu verbinden.
Level: mittel
This book demonstrates the continuing relevance of economics for understanding the world, through a restatement of the importance of plurality and heterodox ideas for teaching and research.
Level: mittel
Popularized by movies such as A Beautiful Mind game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational and irrational agents Over four weeks of lectures this advanced course considers how to design interactions between agents in order to achieve good social outcomes Three main topics are covered social …
Level: mittel
Karl William Kapp (1910-1976) was one of the forefathers of Ecological Economics. Influenced namely by the Frankfurt School, Institutionalist Economics and Pragmatist Philosophy, he contributed to debates on the social costs of production, economic planning, sustainable development and epistemology. I


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