1605 Ergebnisse

Level: leicht
Departing from an analysis of women's employment and changing gender regimes in the pre crisis period, Jill Rubery illustrates how the crisis affects men's and women's employment differently. Afterwards, she discusses the crisis' impact on gender relations. Based on empirical findings, she shows how men were more affected by the recession and women more by austerity and presents possible explanations. Those are furthermore linked to women's employment decisions and prevalent gender regimes. In particular, Rubery discusses cut backs in public spendings on care, flexibilization and the role of conservative gender ideologies.
Level: mittel
Zuerst kritisiert Prof. Krämer die moderne Makroökonomik mit repräsentativen Agenten. Dann gibt er einen Überblick zu den Denkschulen der Makroökonomik seit Keynes. Es folgt eine Kritik an der Mikrofundierung und zum Schluss werden noch ein paar Beispiele heterodoxer bzw. Post Keynesianischer Makro erläutert.
Level: leicht
Welche Finanzregulierungen gab und gibt es in der Europäischen Union seit der Finanzkrise? Der Vortrag gibt einen Überblick über verschiedene Regulierungen, diskutiert das Problem „too big to fail“, den Einheitlichen Bankenaufsichtsmechanismus und Interessenskonflikte zwischen der Europäischen Zentralbank und der Europäischen Bankenaufsichtsbehörde.
Level: mittel
Hartmut Kliemt first traces the concept of the homo oeconomicus back to the philosophy of Spinoza and Hobbes. Then he addresses criticisms of this concept in particular by discussing the ultimatum game as a strong piece of counterevidence. After this, he outlines a difference in the behavioural sciences between internal perspectives that seek to understand actors' cognitive processes and external perspectives, which look at observed behaviour only.
Level: leicht
In diesem Vortrag fragt Hartmut Rosa zunächst, was die Moderne und moderne Gesellschaften sind. Er beschreibt diese als Gesellschaften, die nur dynamisch über Steigerung zu stabilisieren sind und gezwungenermaßen krisenanfällig sind. Zudem wird erläutert, welche Rollen Beschleunigung und Entfremdung dabei spielen. Rosa macht vier Krisen aus, in der Ökonomie, der Politik, der Ökologie und der menschlichen Psyche, diese Krisen beschreibt er als miteinander verwoben. Zur Analyse von Beschleunigung und Entfremdung präsentiert Rosa Ansätze aus der Kritischen Theorie.
Level: leicht
Der Vortrag von Michaela Haase bietet eine Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie, mit besonderem Bezug zu den Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Sie erläutert dabei die Argumente für Theorienpluralismus aus Sicht von Popper, Kuhn und Lakatos, geht auf den Instrumentalismus Friedmans ein und vergleicht die Ansätze Hayeks und Hempels zu wissenschaftlichen Methoden.
Level: mittel
Wie hängen die Geldschöpfung der Geschäftsbanken und (endloses) Wirtschaftswachstum zusammen? Der Vortrag gibt eine Einführung in das Funktionieren des Bankensystems und die Logik der Geldschöpfung und geht dabei auch auf die Konzepte ein, die in der traditionellen Theorien nicht immer berücksichtigt werden: 1) Historische Entstehung von Geschäftsbanken 2) Geldschöpfung erhöht Geldmenge 3) Rolle der Zentralbank 4) Geldmengenwachstum führt zu Wirtschaftswachstum, Inflation oder spekulativer Blase?
Level: leicht
Lukas Zeise gives an overview of economic and financial crises in the past decades (since 80s). He explains how policies and which kinds of policy were used to mitigate the crises, but also how the emergence of the crises was influenced by these policies. Furthermore, he introduces past attempts of financial market regulation and argues why present policies have not been effective and which further regulatory measures should be implemented in order to overcome financial instability and to avoid future crises.
Level: leicht
Diese Veranstaltung befasst sich mit Streikbewegungen in Europa in Zeiten der Krise. Zunächst referiert Alex Gallas zu unterschiedlichen theoretischen Zugängen zu Streikursachen und geht hierzu insbesondere auf Konflikttheorien und Perspektiven der Politischen Ökonomie ein. Zudem präsentiert Gallas Entwicklungen von Streiks während der Krise, erklärt die Tendenz zu vermehrten Generalstreiks und erläutert aktuelle Angriffe auf das Streikrecht. Im Anschluss, ab Minute 35, gibt Claus Weselsky einen praktische Perspektive aus den GDL-Streiks.
Level: leicht
Zunächst werden zentrale Aspekte der Institutionellen Ökonomik als Paradigma in diesem Vortrag erläutert, wie mulitdimensionale Akteure, Dynamiken, Interdependenzen, Komplexität, Populationsdenken und Institutionen. Danach wird die historische Genese Institutioneller Ökonomik von Mandeville und Smith, über Malthus und Darmwin hin zu US-Institutionenökonomen erläutert. Zudem werden Einblicke ins Komplexitätsdenken in Bezug auf das Finanzsystem gegeben.
Level: leicht
Even if men were perceived as the main protagonists of the Greek crisis, the crisis had a deep impact on disadvantaged groups, in particular migrant women working as domestic labourers. The debate presents the particular impact on migrant women of the downturn and furthermore discusses how migrant struggles and other emancipatory movements impacted the politics of crisis. The first minutes of the video are in German, but the moderator switches to English.
Level: leicht
The podcast exposes the concept and principles of co-operatives and the three main types of co-operatives: the consumer, credit and farmers buying and selling co-operatives. Furthermore, the history of the co-operative movement is presented. The authors draw the line from co-operatives to "degrowth" by arguing that these organisations discourage profit maximisation due to their ownership structure, their social purpose and their primacy of people over capital. The value of the members' co-operative share does not increase with the growth of a co-operative and it can not be used for speculation. Finally, the authors give examples for current co-operatives which empower (local) communities fostering social justice and environmentalism.
Level: mittel
First the emergence of the Austrian school is described regarding the historical context and other schools of thought that were presence at its inception. Emphasis is given to the methodological differences and disputes that members of the Austrian schools had with representatives of the German historical school. Then some defining theoretical and methodological features of the Austrian school are explained. Later, Friedrun Quaas gives an overview of the different generations of scholars associated with the school and their theories, research questions and concepts. Against the background of this knowledge the question as to whether the question as to whether the Austrian school is sufficiently homogenous to denote a consistent paradigm is discussed. At the end, some general, philosophy of science oriented, questions concerning pluralism in the social sciences are posed.
Level: mittel
Zunächst motiviert Steffen Lange für eine sozial ökologische Transformation hin zu einer Postwachstumsökonomie und erläutert was darunter verstanden werden kann Anschließend stellt er die Fragen was die makroökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen für solch eine Ökonomie sein müssten Dafür präsentiert Steffen Lange Rahmenbedingungen und Schlussfolgerungen die sich aus verschiedenen ökonomischen Theorieschulen ableiten lassen …
Level: leicht
Wertfreiheit in der Theoriearbeit? Ulrich Thielemann sagt: "Das gibt's gar nicht!"
Level: leicht
Führt die Digitalisierung in eine smarte grüne Welt oder in eine Wachstumsökonomie mit zunehmender Einkommensungleichheit, Machtgefällen und ökologischen Schäden?
Level: mittel
This text provides an overview of feminist perspectives on various kinds of work and reproductive labour. The authors start at the intersection of Marxism and Feminism. They, then, give a historical background on the United States feminist movement. They, finally, provide alternative perspectives on work and reproductive labor that are not based on Marxist Feminist theory.
Level: leicht
Snow removal, ambulance transport, and school performance -the film aims at illustrating the principles of gender mainstreaming through concrete examples.
Level: mittel
"Why information grows" by Cesar Hidalgo and the atlas of economic complexity. César visits the RSA to present a new view of the relationship between the individual and collective knowledge, linking information theory, economics and biology...
Level: leicht
This presentation looks at the basic idea of Marxism, specifically the conflict between the different classes in society.
Level: leicht
Based on Modern Money Theory (MMT), Stephanie Kelton compares the cryptocurrency to the fiat money system (or simply what we have today).
Level: leicht
Prof. Robert Wade (London School of Economics, UK) discusses industrial policy, the challenges of economic development for emerging countries like Brazil and...
Level: leicht
Although sometimes used as synonyms, economic growth and economic development refer to different processes. While economic growth refers to an increase in real national income and output (i.e., GDP growth rate), economic development refers to an improvement in the quality of life and living standards (i.e., life expectancy).
Level: leicht
What is game theory? Game theory is a way of thinking about strategic interactions between people, which makes it a crucial component of economics, political science, international relations, psychology and a variety of other disciplines that deal with the complexities of human interaction in decision making.
Level: leicht
Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to follow through on new year’s resolutions, such as to exercise more or to start saving more money towards retirement? The agent that most traditional economic models are based on would not struggle to keep up these resolutions. These agents are referred to as homo economicus.
Level: leicht
Welche Wirtschaftswissenschaft brauchen Politik und Gesellschaft? Energiewende, Mobilitätswende, der digitale Wandel, die soziale Desintegration, die Prozess...
Level: leicht
UBC's Henry Siu, a professor at the Vancouver School of Economics, speaks about innovation in economics, technological progress and what it means for the fut...
Level: mittel
In this article, Perry Mehrling, a professor of economics at Barnard College, presents and discusses three theories of banking which are guiding bank regulation. These are credit creation theory, fractional reserve theory and debt intermediation theory.
Level: mittel
Ernest Mandel, a heterodox Marxist economist, shows here how a political economist can analyse systems such as the Soviet Union.
Level: leicht
In this talk, Eric Beinhocker outlines his ideas of how to ensure a just and sustainable future for Humanity: This includes his interesting Russian Doll approach to unpacking 20th-century economics and proposals of new theories to underpin a new economic system.
Level: leicht
Ungleichheit ist ein zentrales politisches und ökonomisches Thema unserer Zeit.
Level: leicht
What data is used in the economic models of the IPCC? How problematic is it, that tipping points are often ignored? A very interesting presentation by Steve Keen during the OECD Conference "Averting Systemic Collapse".


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