Plurale Lehrbücher

Das vorliegende Lehrbuch für die Bachelor Ausbildung in Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Wirtschaftswissenschaften vollzieht die Abkehr von den Planungsschulen des Strategischen Managements Es trägt den Titel Unternehmensstrategien weil vielfältige Antworten auf die unternehmenspolitischen Herausforderungen gesucht und gefunden werden müssen Die Theorie und Praxis des Strategischen Managements wird mit Blick auf die Geschichte …
Level: mittel
Eine Untersuchung der ökonomischen Lehrlandschaft an deutschen Hochschulen aus pluraler Sicht Die vorliegende Studie analysiert die ökonomische Lehre an deutschen Hochschulen und reagiert damit auf die aktuelle Diskussion um die Forderung nach mehr Pluralität in den ökonomischen Studiengängen Gerade die derzeitige Zuspitzung der ökonomischen und ökologischen Krisen unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit …
Level: mittel
Wirtschaftspolitische Lehrbücher: Wissenschaft oder Ideologie?
Based on a clear conceptual framework and ten flexible building blocks this handbook offers refreshing ideas and practical suggestions to stimulate student engagement and critical thinking across a wide range of courses Drawing on decades of ideas on how to improve economics education and a growing number of available alternative …
Level: leicht
Economy Studies
The Routledge Handbook of Heterodox Economics presents a comprehensive overview of the latest work on economic theory and policy from a 'pluralistic' heterodox perspective.

Contributions throughout the Handbook explore different theoretical perspectives including: Marxian-radical political economics; Post Keynesian-Sraffian economics; institutionalist-evolutionary economics; feminist economics; social economics.

Level: mittel
The Routledge Handbook of Heterodox Economics
The Wealth of Ideas traces the history of economic thought, from its prehistory (the Bible, Classical antiquity) to the present day.
Level: leicht
The Wealth of Ideas
The complex economic problems of the 21st century require a pluralist, real-world oriented and innovative discipline of economics that is capable of addressing and teaching these issues to students. This volume is a state-of-the-art compilation of diverse, innovative and international perspectives on the rationales for and pathways towards pluralist economics teaching.
Level: mittel
Advancing Pluralism in Teaching Economics
This book is an authoritative and accessible guide to the pluralist movement threatening to revolutionise mainstream economics. Leading figures in the field explain why pluralism is a required virtue in economics, how it came to be blocked and what it means for the way we think about, research and teach economics.
Level: mittel
Pluralist Economics
Beyond Neoclassical Economics is a remarkable new introduction to the main heterodox schools of economic thought which examines their main concepts and their critiques of mainstream theory.
Level: leicht
Beyond Neoclassical Economics
This is a great book Against the background of the dogmatism of much of modern economics Fullbrook has produced an innovative wide ranging argument for narrative pluralism The timely book is beautifully written accessible to all provocative extraordinarily insightful and extremely compelling Tony Lawson Cambridge University UK This fascinating and …
Level: mittel
Narrative Fixation in Economics
In dem vorliegenden Buch wird die Entwicklung nach der Reformphase deutscher Universitäten in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren, die im Zuge der Studentenbewegung eine Pluralisierung der Ökonomik anstoßen wollte, aufgearbeitet und die Gründe für die Marginalisierung alternativer ökonomischer Theorien offengelegt.
Level: mittel
Das Ende der Heterodoxie?
The volume has been conceived with current and future economics students in mind: they will be the economists of the future. One of the main ideas underlining the book is that "being an economist" in the XXI century requires a radical change in the training of economists and such change requires a global effort.
Level: mittel
The Economics Curriculum
A Heterodox Approach to Economic Analysis This important new book introduces students to the fundamental ideas of heterodox economics presented in a clear and accessible way by top heterodox scholars It offers not only a critique of the dominant approach to economics but also a positive and constructive alternative Students …
Level: mittel
An Introduction to Macroeconomics
Anfang der 1990er Jahre hofften viele Menschen auf die "Friedensdividende" die die Überwindung des Kalten Krieges versprach. Heute wissen wir, dass diese Hoffnung eine Illusion war und das neue Jahrhundert große Probleme für die Menschheit bereithält: Klimaerwärmung, Raubbau der natürlichen Ressourcen, Armut und Hunger, technische und kulturelle Fehlentwicklungen.
Level: leicht
Grundlagen einer nachhaltigen Wirtschaftslehre
Contributors attempt to reconcile two major strands of thinking in economic methodology: the rhetoric of economics as advocated by Deirdre McCloskey, and the sociological approach.
Level: mittel
Pluralism in Economics
Während im Zuge der Globalisierung immer mehr Lebensbereiche den wirtschaftlichen Sachzwängen unterworfen werden, ist das Bewußstsein für die 'blinden Flecken' der Ökonomie bisher wenig entwickelt. Dabei haben die Wirtschaftstheorien in der Vergangenheit bei der Lösung von Krisen schon mehrmals versagt. Und heute?
Level: mittel
Die blinden Flecken der Ökonomie
Now in its third edition, this textbook covers all of the standard topics taught in undergraduate International Economics courses. However, the book is unique in that it presents the key orthodox neoclassical models of international trade and investment, whilst supplementing them with a variety of heterodox approaches.
Level: leicht
International Economics
Economics After the Crisis is an introductory economics textbook, covering key topics in micro and macro economics. However, this book differs from other introductory economics textbooks in the perspective it takes, and it incorporates issues that are presently underserved by existing textbooks on the market. This book offers an introduction to economics that takes into account criticisms of the orthodox approach, and which acknowledges the role that this largely Western approach has played in the current global financial and economic crisis.
Level: mittel
Economics After the Crisis
Foundations of Economics breathes life into the discipline by linking key economic concepts with wider debates and issues. By bringing to light delightful mind-teasers, philosophical questions and intriguing politics in mainstream economics, it promises to enliven an otherwise dry course whilst inspiring students to do well.
Level: leicht
Foundations of Economics
Das bewährte Konzept, durch Frage und Antwort in die zu lösenden Probleme einzuführen, ist auch in der fünften Auflage beibehalten worden. Dadurch wird der Leser in das ökonomische Denken eingeübt und lernt nicht nur vorgedachtes Wissen, das er doch spätestens wenige Monate nach dem Examen wieder vergisst.
Level: mittel
Neue Mikroökonomie
A systematic comparison of the three major economic theories, showing how they differ and why these differences matter in shaping economic theory and practice.

Contending Economic Theories offers a unique comparative treatment of the three main theories in economics as it is taught today: neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian. Each is developed and discussed in its own chapter, yet also differentiated from and compared to the other two theories.

Level: mittel
Contending Economic Theories
Wege aus der Krise. Als die jüngste Weltwirtschaftskrise im Herbst 2008 ausbrach, stand der neoklassische Mainstream hilflos da, weil er keine Antwort auf eine Krise kennt.
Level: mittel
Zur Berechtigung einer pluralen Ökonomik
This book discusses the relationship between pluralist economics and the case study method of teaching, advocating the complimentary use of both to advance economics education. Using a multi-paradigmatic philosophical frame of analysis, the book discusses the philosophical, methodological, and practical aspects of the case study method while drawing comparisons with those of the more commonly used lecture method.
Level: mittel
Case Method and Pluralist Economics
This book demonstrates the continuing relevance of economics for understanding the world, through a restatement of the importance of plurality and heterodox ideas for teaching and research.
Level: mittel
Post-Crash Economics
Mainstream textbooks present economics as an objective science free from value judgements; that settles disputes by testing hypotheses; that applies a pre-determined body of principles; and contains policy prescriptions supported by a consensus of professional opinion.
Level: leicht
The economics anti-textbook



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