485 results

Level: débutant
Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People s Economy The leading thinker and most visible public advocate of modern monetary theory the freshest and most important idea about economics in decades delivers a radically different bold new understanding for how to build a just and prosperous society Stephanie …
Level: avancé
The book explores the imperialist tendency inherent in global capitalism by using a rigorous political economy framework.
Level: expert
Within the heterodox field one of the most active topics is related to the theory of economic growth and distribution This is a textbook for advance undergraduate and graduate students Throughout its 18 chapters Classical Neoclassical and post Keynesian models are developed Each chapter contains study problems and suggested readings …
Level: avancé
This book offers the first systematic analysis of economic thought concerning war.
Level: avancé
More-is-better ideals such as these have long shaped our vision of rationality. Yet humans and other animals typically rely on simple heuristics to solve adaptive problems, focusing on one or a few important cues and ignoring the rest, and shortcutting computation rather than striving for as much as possible.
Level: débutant
Introduces four of the most influential economists you'll never read in a modern economics class - Marx, Veblen, Keynes, and Galbraith.
Level: avancé
An ideal type of a pluralistic book. Instead of arguing for one specific interpretation of a complex phenomenon, the authors present six different views on globalisation. Roberts and Lamp carefully balance the different perspectives, presenting the merits of each.
Level: avancé
This report to the DEFRA summarizes the main approaches, opportunities and difficulties that come with individual carbon trading.
Level: débutant
This course will focus on the emergence and evolution of industrial societies around the world We will begin by comparing the legacies of industry in ancient and early modern Europe and Asia and examining the agricultural and commercial advances that laid the groundwork for the Industrial Revolution of the 18th …
Level: débutant
Human Rights Economics strives for an economic system that is just for people and respectful of the planet that promotes social and economic justice that integrates a plurality of views and traditions and that is human rights consistent in both its processes and outcomes It posits that economics is blind …
Level: débutant
Why is it that some countries become rich while others remain poor? Do markets require regulation to function efficiently? If markets offer an efficient way of exchanging goods, why do individuals even create firms?
Level: avancé
Au début des années 2020, le consensus de la Silicon Valley se délite. Inégalités folles, stagnation de la productivité, instabilité endémique... la nouvelle économie n’est pas advenue. Les algorithmes sont omniprésents, mais ce n’est pas pour autant que le capitalisme s’est civilisé. Au contraire. La thèse de ce livre est qu’avec la digitalisation du monde se produit une grande régression. Retour des monopoles, dépendance des sujets aux plateformes, brouillage de la distinction entre l’économique et le politique
Level: avancé
In analyzing the global competition between Chinese and Indian tea, Andrew B. Liu challenges past economic histories premised on the technical “divergence” between the West and the Rest, arguing instead that seemingly traditional technologies and practices were central to modern capital accumulation across Asia.
Level: avancé
From the mercantile monopolies of seventeenth-century empires to the modern-day authority of the WTO, IMF, and World Bank, the nations of the world have struggled to effectively harness globalization's promise. The economic narratives that underpinned these eras the gold standard, the Bretton Woods regime, the "Washington Consensus" brought great success and great failure.
Level: avancé
This book is a collection of articles on topics and individuals within the history of heterodox economic thought, approached from a heterodox perspective. The principal topics are the nature and scope of economics as an intellectual venture.
Level: avancé
This book provides a comprehensive description of this intriguing new area of feminist economics. It includes discussion of what constitutes feminist economics and how feminist economics is different from other approaches
Level: débutant
This course is part of the SDG initiative addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically for the following SDGs [1, 8, 10 and 16].
Level: débutant
The 2022 FIFA World Cup (including the construction work required for it) provides a clear example of economic activity that has taken place despite the financial costs to the Qatari state being an order of magnitude larger than the financial benefits it will receive. Whilst this is a fairly extreme case in terms of how many different costs and benefits are involved and how unequally they have been spread, many economic decisions are more complicated than mere financial calculations and it is therefore vital for students to be able to think about multiple dimensions involved in economic decisions.
Level: débutant
Imperialism is not only about military force and political pressure applied by developed capitalist countries on less developed ones for economic gain It also has an everyday dimension Countless acts of production and consumption the current SUV boom being a prominent example draw on exploitation of resources and labour from …
Level: avancé
This course covers recent advances in behavioral economics by reviewing some of the assumptions made in mainstream economic models, and by discussing how human behavior systematically departs from these assumptions.
Level: débutant
The course approaches migration as a constant phenomenon in human history and examines its main supporting theories It illustrates theories about people s individual decisions to migrate and also the factors of migration as a structural feature of our societies It explains the role social networks and institutions play in …
Level: débutant
This lecture offers a general and introductory overview of the theory of racial capitalism, focusing on the origins of racial capitalism and some of the debates it has generated.
Level: avancé
In Colonial Debts Rocío Zambrana develops the concept of neoliberal coloniality in light of Puerto Rico's debt crisis. Drawing on decolonial thought and praxis, Zambrana shows how debt functions as an apparatus of predation that transforms how neoliberalism operates.
Level: débutant
The bestselling classic that examines the history of economic thought from Adam Smith to Karl Marx—“all the economic lore most general readers conceivably could want to know, served up with a flourish” (The New York Times). The Worldly Philosophers not only enables us to see more deeply into our history but helps us better understand our own times. In this seventh edition, Robert L. Heilbroner provides a new theme that connects thinkers as diverse as Adam Smith and Karl Marx.
Level: débutant
Dani Rodrik reflects in this book on important questions about how economics works and what might be wrong with it. He points out flaws and weakness of the discipline, but also argues that certain criticisms which have brought forward against are without merit. His central point is that there is not just one economic model, but a variety of them and it is important to apply judgment when selecting the most suitable one for a particular situation.
Level: avancé
Le monde doit faire face à trois crises majeures : environnementale, inégalitaire et financière. Face aux limites de la macroéconomie classique négligeant largement ces trois enjeux pourtant cruciaux, l'Institut Veblen nous propose ici les bases d'une réflexion sur le renouveau des modèles macroéconomiques qui ne doivent plus ignorer les questions climatique, sociale et d'instabilité financière.
Level: avancé
Entretien avec Sylvie Morel, économiste et professeure titulaire au Département des relations industrielles de l’université Laval, à Québec, où elle est arrivée en 1996. Ses enseignements et ses recherches portent sur les politiques publiques de l’emploi, la sécurité sociale et la théorie économique (l’économie institutionnaliste de John R. Commons et l’économie féministe). Ses travaux sont menés dans une perspective de genre. Elle a collaboré à plusieurs réseaux de recherche féministes, aux fins, notamment, de l’élaboration de formations sur les théories économiques pour les groupes de femmes. Elle est membre du Réseau québécois en études féministes (RéQEF) ainsi que chercheuse associée à la Chaire Claire-Bonenfant – Femmes, Savoirs et Sociétés. Signataire du Manifeste pour un Québec solidaire (2005), elle a co-fondé le site Économie autrement – dédié à la promotion de l’économie hétérodoxe – et y a collaboré pendant 7 ans. Elle a aussi siégé quatre ans au Comité de direction du Centre d’étude sur la pauvreté et l’exclusion (CEPE), rattaché au ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale (MESS).
Level: avancé
Devine begins with an analysis of the theory and practice of capitalist planning, central planning and 'market socialism'. He argues that, while market socialism is currently favoured by many economists who reject both capitalism and the command planning of the Soviet model, it cannot fulfil the promises held out for it.
Level: avancé
While many are unsatisfied with capitalism and critique it in highly sophisticated ways, there are few concrete proposals for a socialist mode of production that could replace the capitalist one. Daniel E. Saros has developed such a proposal in his book "Information Technology and Socialist Construction – The End of Capital and the Transition to Socialism" which we discuss at length over the course of two episodes.
Level: débutant
Cet article propose une réflexion très intéressante autour de l enseignement des Sciences Economiques et Sociales SES en France au lycée En retraçant son évolution de 1967 jusqu à la dernière réforme de 2019 cet article nous montre que les SES font l objet de nombreuses controverses didactiques et même …
Level: avancé
In this book, the author critically examines a number of socialist proposals that have been put forward since the end of the Cold War. It is shown that although these proposals have many merits, their inability effectively to incorporate the benefits of information technology into their models has limited their ability to solve the problem of socialist construction. The final section of the book proposes an entirely new model of socialist development, based on a "needs profile" that makes it possible to convert the needs of large numbers of people into data that can be used as a guide for resource allocation. This analysis makes it possible to rethink and carefully specify the conditions necessary for the abolition of capital and consequently the requirements for socialist revolution and, ultimately, communist society.
Level: avancé
La révolution numérique a profondément modifié notre société aussi bien sur notre rapport à l action publique qu aux entreprises en passant par notre vision de la démocratie Le numérique est devenu une composante essentielle de la vie individuelle et collective des citoyens dont on est loin d avoir à …

Nous soutenir

Ce projet est le fruit du travail des membres du réseau international pour le pluralisme en économie, dans la sphère germanophone (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) et dans la sphère francophone (Rethinking Economics Switzerland / Rethinking Economics Belgium / PEPS-Économie France). Nous sommes fortement attachés à notre indépendance et à notre diversité et vos dons permettent de le rester ! 
