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1161 results

Throughout 2022 it has become increasingly difficult for people around the world to meet their basic needs – even those who live in relative affluence in the Global North. This 30-minute classroom exercise takes this common recent experience as a starting point for an exploration of the different economic mechanisms and organisations that can be used to provide for people’s basic needs.
Level: beginner
Meeting Basic Needs
In the first intellectual history of neoliberal globalism, Quinn Slobodian follows neoliberal thinkers from the Habsburg Empire’s fall to the creation of the World Trade Organization to show that neoliberalism emerged less to shrink government and abolish regulations than to deploy them globally to protect capitalism.
Level: beginner
Financialization is one of the most innovative concepts to emerge in the field of political economy during the last three decades, although there is no agreement on what exactly it is. Profiting Without Producing by Costas Lapavitsas puts forth a distinctive view defining financialization in terms of the fundamental conduct of non-financial enterprises, banks and households.
Level: advanced
Profiting Without Producing
A remarkable and insightful tribute into the works of late Malawian development economist, Professor Thandika Mkandawire. Must read for anyone looking to broaden their scope of understanding development as it relates to the African continent.
Level: beginner
Thandika Mkandawire - A Giant of African Economic Development
In this piece Alexander Kravchuk gives an overview over the history of dept dependency in Ukraine, highlighting especially the role of international creditors and the negative socio-economic impacts of debt dependency for the Ukrainian economy.
Level: advanced
The origins of Ukraine’s debt dependence
In this episode of the Planet Money podcast the Caribbean island of Barbuda is used as an example to explore the notion of property rights Until the island was struck by Hurricane Irma in November 2017 the island belonged to all Barbudans First there is a brief historic background given …
Level: beginner
"The Island No One Owns" - Property Rights in Barbuda
an interactive guide to the game theory of why & how we trust each other
Level: beginner
The Evolution of Trust
The vast uncertainty surrounding the possible spread of COVID 19 and the duration of the near economic standstill required to combat it make forecasting little different from guessing Clearly this is a whatever it takes moment for large scale outside the box fiscal and monetary policies Carmen M Reinhart Project …
Level: advanced
This Time Truly Is Different | by Carmen M. Reinhart
Developmental economics
Level: beginner
The roots of dependency theory
Learn the basics of microeconomics including supply and demand of commodities and how equilibrium in the market affects price Joon Koo Lee edX Seoul National University
Level: beginner
Introduction to Economics - Part 1: Microeconomics
Use economic models to learn how prices and markets benefit society in the face of scarcity and then apply those models to analyze policy Jonathan Gruber edX Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Level: advanced
What are the challenges and opportunities for achieving decent work in global supply chains How do transnational corporations and their global supply chains operate How can they be more effectively governed Mark Anner Esther Busser Michael Fichter Tandiwe Gross Frank Hoffer Jenny Holdcroft Praveen Jha Maité Llanos Adam Lee Victor …
Level: beginner
Decent Work in Global Supply Chains
David Harvey is a Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Geography at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York CUNY the Director of Research at the Center for Place Culture and Politics and the author of numerous books He has been teaching Karl Marx s Capital for nearly 50 …
Level: advanced
Reading Marx’s Capital
Has neoliberalism destroyed gender equality Advocate author and broadcaster Beatrix Campbell examines the emergence of a new model of patriarchy and proposes solutions Beatrix Campbell iai
Level: beginner
End of Equality
Jason Collins explains how his evolutionary approach to decision making relates to other approaches of behaviour This piece therefore not only serves as a good introduction to this evolutionary approach but also serves as a great introduction to these other approaches of behaviour namely neoclassical perfect rationality which involves mainly …
Level: beginner
Please, not another bias! An evolutionary take on behavioural economics.
An Introduction to the Political Theory of John Maynard Keynes. John Maynard Keynes was arguably the greatest economist of the 20th century. He discovered the idea that governments should stimulate demand during economic downturns.
Level: beginner
An Introduction to the Political Theory of John Maynard Keynes
Antoine Godin gives a bright, illustrated, introduction to agent-based, stock-flow-consistent modeling, with a clear focus on the agent-based aspect.
Level: advanced
Introduction to Agent-Based Stock-Flow Consistent Modelling
This presentation looks at the basic idea of Marxism, specifically the conflict between the different classes in society.
Level: beginner
A Brief Introduction to Marxism
Inequality is an issue we all face every day, from income disparities to gender discrimination. In this first lecture in the Institute for New Economic Think...
Level: beginner
Inequality 101 with Branko Milanovic & Arjun Jayadev
This article briefly examines Marx s profound contribution in the political economic thought It provides the historical foundations of Marxian economic thought based on the contemporary situation as well as the state of economic thought at that time Lastly it discusses the volumes of Marx s contribution as well as …
Level: beginner
Marxian economics
Jihen Chandoul, a member of the Post-Colonialisms Today Working Group, discusses the impact of import-dependency on African food supply chains since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Level: beginner
Recovering Post-Independence Food Sovereignty for the COVID-19 Crisis
Is the Cold War division back with the US EU on the one and China Russia on the other side The article argues that things are more complicated as each of the country compounds has economic and political ties outside of its power bloc It reads the Chinese reactions to …
Level: beginner
Putin Is Creating the Multipolar World He (Thought He) Wanted
Drawing on Gramsci s Marxist Political Economy Mike Davis situates the War in Ukraine within the general condition of a crisis of capitalist hegemony The key argument is that the pathological and violent situation that we are finding ourselves in today is an expression of the inability of both global …
Level: beginner
Thanatos Triumphant
Source image New Economic Thinking Youtube channel Some years ago in the aftermath of the great financial crisis GFC of the first decade of the twentieth century Paul Krugman famously remarked that most macroeconomics of the last thirty years was spectacularly useless at best and positively harmful at worst It …
Level: advanced
Monetary Macroeconomics
In this video University of Warwick Economist Robert Akerlof provides an introduction to a new type of behavioral economics He explains how this type is being driven by a desire to understand how people are shaped by social interactions and what the economic consequences of this are He begins the …
Level: beginner
Behavioral Economics: The Next Generation
The human imprint on the biosphere has become so pronounced in recent years that there has been talk of a new geological era, the 'Anthropocene'.
Level: advanced
Towards an Integrated Paradigm in Heterodox Economics
Adam Smith's concept of the invisible hand and its subsequent perception in economics is illustrated in this short video.
Level: beginner
The invisible hand
Paul Collier describes the four important topics that he thinks would help the "bottom billion" in the long-run: aid, trade, security and governments. In this short video, Collier explains why he considers government support important.
Level: beginner
The "bottom billion"
What does it mean that gender is performative? In this short video, Judith Butler illustrates that gender is a culturally formed norm that is permanently produced and reproduced.
Level: beginner
Your Behavior Creates Your Gender
Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st century is presented and the central argument that capital returns have historically exceeded growth rates, thus exacerbating inequality is illustrated.
Level: beginner
An Introduction to Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century- A Macat Economics Analysis
Dirk Bezemer exemplary presents pattern of the U.S. economy before the 2007 economic crisis and explains how due to those pattern the crisis could have been, unless not precisely predicted, yet anticipated.
Level: beginner
Prof Dirk Bezemer on 2007/2008 Financial Crisis
What does GDP measure? How was it constructed and how did it become so important? What are alternatives? A historical introduction into the critique of GDP as measure of economic welfare.
Level: beginner
Dirk Philipsen on GDP


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