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The Atlas of Economic Complexity is an award-winning data visualization tool that allows people to explore global trade flows across markets, track these dynamics over time and discover new growth opportunities for every country. 2013 Level: beginner Atlas of Economic Complexity Ricardo Hausmann and the whole Harvard Growth Lab team Harvard Growth Lab What the heck is the yield curve? And why is it considered a powerful predictor of economic crisis? Here you'll get to know. 2015 Level: beginner Killik Explains: Fixed Income Basics - the yield curve Tim Bennett Killik & Co. This is the second part of the seminar A Hard Currency of Politics The discussion centers on the The Currency of Politics by Stefan Eich and is hosted by the journal European Law Open Stefan Eich s presentation of his argument starts at minute 7 53 The discussion centers on … 2022 Level: beginner European Law Open discussion of "The Currency of Politics" by Stefan Eich Stefan Eich Cambridge University Press This teaching pack focuses on the practice and real-world activities of central banks. It assumes students have a grasp of basic macroeconomic concepts already, and is therefore most suitable to be used at the end of introductory macro courses, or in more advanced macro or monetary economics courses. 2022 Level: beginner The Practice of Central Banking   Economy Studies The first day of the workshop is intended to initiate students to the foundational concepts of ecological economics. Ecological economics is an ecological critique of economics, applying the energetics of life to the study of the economy. It also investigates the social distribution of environmental costs and benefits. It does so by deconstructing concepts that are taken for granted like “nature” or “the economy”, excavating their ideological origins. 2022 Level: beginner Political ecology, degrowth, and the Green New Deal Ricardo Mastini Summer Academy 2022 for Pluralist Economics, This syllabus provides an overview of the content of the Philosophy and Economics course at the University of Waterloo. 2019 Level: beginner Philosophy and Economics Patricia Marino University of Waterloo Department of Philosophy This syllabus provides an overview of the contents of the course "The Philosophy and Methodology of Economics" at the Duke University 2022 Level: beginner The Philosophy and Methodology of Economics Kevin Hoover Duke University Green Growth has been increasingly discussed as a solution to the socio-ecological crisis. But can economic growth be sustainable at all? 2022 Level: beginner Is Green Growth a myth?   Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V. In this teaching pack, we look at the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk. In particular, we focus on what it means to take a company private and how the deal was financed. 2022 Level: beginner Musk buys Twitter   Economy Studies Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash In this course you will learn all of the major principles of microeconomics normally taught in a quarter or semester course to college undergraduates or MBA students Perhaps more importantly you will also learn how to apply these principles to a wide variety of … Level: advanced The Power of Microeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World Peter Navarro University of California, Irvine Through this course you will learn how individuals and firms make financial decisions and how those decisions might deviate from those predicted by traditional financial or economic theory We will explore the nature of these biases and their origins using insights from psychology neurosciences and experimental economics on how the … Level: beginner Behavioral Investing Vaidya Nathan Indian School of Business Photo by timJ on Unsplash Do you wish to know how to analyze and solve business and economic questions with data analysis tools Then Econometrics by Erasmus University Rotterdam is the right course for you as you learn how to translate data into models to make forecasts and to support … Level: advanced Econometrics: Methods and Applications Philip Hans Franses, Prof. Dr.; Christiaan Heij, Dr.; Michel van der Wel, Dr.; Dennis Fok, Prof. Dr.; Richard Paap, Prof. Dr.; Dick van Dijk , Prof. Dr.; Erik Kole, Dr. ; Francine Gresnigt, PhD candidate; Myrthe van Dieijen, PhD candidate Erasmus University Rotterdam Understanding the financial crisis from four very different economic theories: Social Economics, Institutional Economics, Post Keynesian economics. Level: beginner Economics from a pluralist perspective Prof. Dr. Irene van Staveren, Prof. Dr. Rob van Tulder, Maria Dafnomili (PhD researcher) Erasmus University Rotterdam How can we get people to save more money eat healthy foods engage in healthy behaviors and make better choices in general There has been a lot written about the fact that human beings do not process information and make decisions in an optimal fashion This course builds on much … Level: beginner Behavioral Economics in Action Dilip Soman University of Toronto This statistics and data analysis course will introduce you to the essential notions of probability and statistics We will cover techniques in modern data analysis estimation regression and econometrics prediction experimental design randomized control trials and A B testing machine learning and data visualization We will illustrate these concepts with … Level: advanced Data Analysis for Social Scientists Esther Duflo & Sarah Fisher Ellison Massachusetts Institute of Technology Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash Networks are ubiquitous in our modern society The World Wide Web that links us to and enables information flows with the rest of the world is the most visible example It is however only one of many networks within which we are situated Our … Level: beginner Networks Daron Acemoglu; Asu Ozdaglar Massachusetts Institute of Technology Explore the pressing topic of globalisation and how it affects economics, politics and society with this online course. Level: beginner International Affairs: Globalisation Richard Baldwin Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Geneva A free online course at Masters-level will enable you to understand the past, present and future role of money in society. Level: advanced Money and Society Jem Bendell, Matthew Slater University of Cumbria This course seeks to interpret capitalism using ideas from biological evolution. The lectures are foundational on neoclassical economics and economist, as well as their roles in the proliferation of capitalist ideology. However, it is less concerned with the ultimate judgment of capitalism than with the ways it can be shaped to fit more specific objectives. Level: advanced Capitalism: Success, Crisis, and Reform Prof. Douglas W. Rae Yale University This course provides an introduction to the ILO’s Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration). The course uses real cases related to labour and employment issues as examples of how the MNE Declaration is used in practice or as guidance. 2019 Level: beginner ILO - An introduction to the MNE Declaration ILO n.a. This course will cover recent contributions in economic history that, using geospatial data from anthropological maps, colonial archives and secondary sources, will explore current economic and development challenges by drawing parallels between the past and present. 2022 Level: beginner African History through the lens of Economics Elias Papaioannou, Leonard Wantchekon, Stelios Michalopoulos, Nathan Nunn, etc. Online In Trouble in Paradise, Slavoj Žižek, one of our most famous, most combative philosophers, explains how by drawing on the ideas of communism, we can find a way out of the crisis of capitalism. 2015 Level: advanced Trouble in Paradise Slavoj Žižek Penguin Books, Limited Making sense of economists and their world in a persuasive and entertaining style, Arjo Klamer, shows that economics is as much about how people interact as it is about the models, the mathematics, the econometrics, the theories and the ideas that come from the enormous aggregate of economics literature. Knowing and understanding economics requires both bookwork and mingling with other economists. 2007 Level: advanced Speaking of Economics Arjo Klamer Routledge Neoliberalism is dead. Again. After the election of Trump and the victory of Brexit in 2016, many diagnosed the demise of the ideology of Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Augusto Pinochet, and the WTO. Yet the philosophy of the free market and the strong state has an uncanny capacity to survive and even thrive in crisis. 2020 Level: advanced Nine Lives of Neoliberalism Dieter Plehwe Verso Books In his 2010 published book “The Enigma of Capital and the Crises of Capitalism” multi-talented US geographer, anthropologist and Marxist economist David Harvey aims to analyse the capitalist system that has shaped western society and the globalized world of today. 2011 Level: advanced The Enigma of Capital David Harvey Profile Books Why is money more valuable than the paper on which it is printed Monetarists link the value of money to its supply and demand believing the latter depends on the total value of the commodities it circulates According to Prabhat Patnaik this logic is flawed In his view in any … 2009 Level: advanced The Value of Money Prabhat Patnaik Columbia University Press As the current economic crisis spreads around the globe questions are being asked about what king of capitalist or post-capitalist economy will follow. There is increasing talk of the need for stringent economic regulation, the need to temper greed and individualism, to make the economy work for human and social development. 2009 Level: advanced The Social Economy Ash Amin Zed Books Popular Assemblies and the Promise of Direct Democracy Many similarities exist between the new movements against austerity that have emerged since 2011 ranging from Taksim Square in Turkey to the Chilean student protests and from Greece to NYC One of them is their return to the principles of direct democracy … 2015 Level: advanced The Next Revolution Murray Bookchin Verso This book is a welcome consolidation and extension of the recent expanding debates on happiness and economics. Happiness and economics, as a new field for research, is now of pivotal interest particularly to welfare economists and psychologists. This Handbook provides an unprecedented forum for discussion of the economic issues relating to happiness. 2007 Level: advanced Handbook on the Economics of Happiness Luigino Bruni, Pier Luigi Porta Edward Elgar The current global financial system may not withstand the next global financial crisis. In order to promote the resilience and stability of our global financial system against future shocks and crises, a fundamental reconceptualisation of financial regulation is necessary. This reconceptualisation must begin with a deep understanding of how today's financial markets, regulatory initiatives and laws operate and interact at the global level. 2016 Level: advanced Reconceptualising Global Finance and its Regulation Ross P. Buckley, Emilios Avgouleas, Douglas W. Arner Cambridge University Press With the collapse of the planned economies of Eastern Europe, the market is extending its reach and at the same time claiming its universal applicability. But this is occurring while paradoxically it is becoming more difficult to define "the market". The authors, all outstanding scholars in the booming field of socio-economics, explore how concrete markets are built up and stabilized. 1998 Level: advanced Laws of the Markets Michel Callon Wiley 'This Cambridge professor delights in paradox. And myth-busting . . . he does this with charm and a desire to see how things work in the real world' Guardian, 'In Praise of Ha-Joon Chang' In this revelatory book, Ha-Joon Chang destroys the biggest myths of our times and shows us the truth about how the world really works, including- there's no such thing as a free market. 2011 Level: advanced 23 Things They Don't Tell You about Capitalism Ha-Joon Chang Penguin


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