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Mainstream inflation theories in economics do little to explain the recent acceleration in price increases. The associated economic policy recommendations further increase the misery of low-income groups. 2023 Level: beginner The inflation conundrum Thomas Sablowski Exploring Economics Post-Keynesians focus on the analysis of capitalist economies, perceived as highly productive, but unstable and conflictive systems. Economic activity is determined by effective demand, which is typically insufficient to generate full employment and full utilisation of capacity. Post-Keynesian Economics     Feminist economics focuses on the interdependencies of gender relations and the economy. Care work and the partly non-market mediated reproduction sphere are particularly emphasised by feminist economics. Feminist Economics     Steve Keen analyses how mainstream economics fails when confronted with the covid-19-pandemic. Mainstream economics has propagated the dismantling of the state and the globalization of production - both of which make the crisis now so devastating. More fundamentally, mainstream economics deals with market systems, when what is needed to limit the virus’s spread is a command system. 2020 Level: beginner The Coronavirus and the End of Economics Steve Keen Exploring Economics This paper is a product of an online workshop held in Nigeria on the topic Unemployment: Policy Review and Recommendations. It explores the various unemployment policies introduced by the Nigerian Government and analysis how effective they are and suggests some practicable solutions to solving unemployment problems in the country. The workshop was organized by Rethinking Economics The Uploaders (RETU) as part of the project Solving the Major Economic Problem in Nigeria (SMEPN), an output of the Global Pluralist Economics Training (GPET). More details here: 2021 Level: beginner Unemployment in Nigeria: Policy Review and Recommendations Abdulkhalid Anda Salihu Rethinking Economics The Uploaders (RETU) Austrian economics focuses on the economic coordination of individuals in a market economy. Austrian economics emphasises individualism, subjectivism, laissez-faire politics, uncertainty and the role of the entrepreneur, amongst others. Austrian Economics     This panel was part of the conference "Next Generation Gentral Banking - Climate Change, Inequality, Financial Instability" 03. - 05.02.2021. 2021 Level: advanced NextGen Central Banking: How the coronavirus almost brought down the global financial system Finanzwende e.V. & Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Adam Tooze, Annette Vissing-Jørgensen, Sven Giegold, Martin Hellwig Transformative Responses, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation & Finanzwende This panel was part of the conference "Next Generation Gentral Banking - Climate Change, Inequality, Financial Instability" 03. - 05.02.2021. 2021 Level: advanced NextGen Central Banking: Central Banking Beyond Inflation Finanzwende e.V. & Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Benjamin Braun, Michal Horváth Transformative Responses, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation & Finanzwende Approaching the law of nature that determines all forms of economy. The bulk of economic theory addresses the economic process by setting out on a catalogue of aspects, seeking the laws in the aspects and hoping to get together a reliable view of the whole. 2019 Level: advanced Economic theory, methodology, and secure foundations Dr. Alec A. Schaerer Exploring Economics This book provides a new methodological approach to money and macroeconomics. Realizing that the abstract equilibrium models lacked descriptions of fundamental issues of a modern monetary economy, the focus of this book lies on the (stylized) balance sheets of the main actors. Money, after all, is born on the balance sheets of the central bank or commercial bank. 2017 Level: beginner Modern Monetary Theory and European Macroeconomics Dirk H. Ehnts Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Due to the economic crisis of 2008/2009, households faced drastic decreases in their incomes, the availability of jobs. Additionally, the structure of the labour market changed, while austerity measures and public spending cuts left households with less support and safeguards provided by the state. How have these developments affected the burden of unpaid labour and what influence did this have on gender relations? 2017 Level: beginner The effect of austerity on unpaid work and gender relations in Europe Lotte Maaßen Exploring Economics What influence do changes in tax policy or state decisions on expenditure have on economic growth? For decades, this question has been controversially debated. 2020 Level: advanced What is the fiscal multiplier and why is it so controversial? Sebastian Gerchert Exploring Economics In "The Money Problem, "Morgan Ricks argues for a reform of the American monetary system. Taking up foundational questions of monetary policy, he asks: how would we construct a monetary system if we were starting from scratch? What are the characteristics of a monetary instrument? 2016 Level: advanced The Money Problem Morgan Ricks University of Chicago Press How long the COVID-19 crisis will last, and what its immediate economic costs will be, is anyone's guess. But even if the pandemic's economic impact is contained, it may have already set the stage for a debt meltdown long in the making, starting in many of the Asian emerging and developing economies on the front lines of the outbreak. 2020 Level: beginner The COVID-19 Debt Deluge Jayati Ghosh Project Syndicate Capitalism is dissolving boundaries - not only in the sense of ever-expanding global trade flows, but also in the concrete everyday working lives of individuals. What implications does this have for our understanding of freedom, work and borders? Level: beginner Capitalism & Boundaries   Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V. Recording of the Workshop “The collateral supply effect on central banking”, 04.02.2021, part of the "Next Generation Central Banking - Climate Change, Inequality, Financial Instability" conference by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung 2021 Level: advanced NextGen Central Banking: The collateral supply effect on central banking Finanzwende e.V. & Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Carolyn Sissoko, UWE Bristol; Steffen Murau, Boston University; Michael Peters, Finanzwende Transformative Responses, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation & Finanzwende Florian Kern replies to Zoltan Pozsar's analysis about the effects of the war in Ukraine on the global financial order and refutes the latter's prognosis of the demise of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency 2022 Level: advanced Why the war in Ukraine does not jeopardise the dollar's reserve currency status Florian M. Kern Dezernat Zukunft The concept of financialisation has undergone a similar career as ‘globalisation’, ‘neoliberalism’ or even ‘capitalism’, in the course of which it changed from the explanandum to the explanans; the process of financialisation is taken for granted, while the concrete historical and empirical causal conditions of its realisation and perpetuation are being moved into the background. 2023 Level: expert A holistic theory of financialisation Samuel Decker Exploring Economics As seen with the United Nations significant promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the past few years, the issue of global development is of growing concern to many international organizations. As humanity continues to become more interconnected through globalization, the inequalities and injustices experienced by inhabitants of impacted countries becomes increasingly clear. While this issue can be observed in the papers of different types (e.g., different schools of thought) of economists throughout the world, the work of behavioral and complexity economists offer a unique, collaborative perspective on how to frame decisions for individuals in a way that can positively reverberate throughout society and throughout time. 2018 Level: beginner Behavioural vs Complexity Economics: Approaches to Development Erika Sloan Pluralist Economics Fellowship An essay of the writing workshop on contemporary issues in the field of Nigerian economics: In Nigeria, it appears that there is nothing in the constitution, which excludes the participation of women in politics. Yet, when it comes to actual practice, there is extensive discrimination. The under-representation of women in political participation gained root due to the patriarchal practice inherent in our society, much of which were obvious from pre-colonial era till date. Level: beginner Women Participation – Women Contribution to Economics and Politics Mary Otunba Exploring Economics By conducting a discourse analysis (SKAD) in the field of academic economics textbooks, this paper aims at reconstructing frames and identity options offered to undergraduate students relating to the questions ‘Why study economics?’ and ‘Who do I become by studying economics?’. The analysis showed three major frames and respective identity offerings, all of which are contextualized theoretically, with prominent reference to the Foucauldian reflection of the science of Political Economy. Surprisingly, none of them encourages the student to think critically, as could have been expected in a pedagogical context. Taken together, economics textbooks appear as a “total structure of actions brought to bear upon possible action” (Foucault), therefore, as a genuine example of Foucauldian power structures. 2019 Level: beginner The power of economic textbooks: A discourse analysis Lukas Bäuerle Institute of Economics and Philosophy Cusanus Hochschule The objective of the course is to explore the main strengths and weaknesses of orthodox and heterodox paradigms within development economics. 2019 Level: beginner Issues in Development Economics Hannah Bargawi SOAS University of London This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of work-related gender issues and to enable students to analyze the issues using the tools of economics. 2015 Level: beginner Women, Men, & Work Karen Leppel School of Business Administration at Widener University The Philosophy of Economics Foundational Text provides a systematic and well-structured overview over the field of philosophy of economics. 2023 Level: beginner Philosophy of Economics Milena Dehn, Ella Needler and Jessica Palka Exploring Economics This chapter by the Centre of Economy Studies provides a map through the complex jungle of economic theories. It provides key insights and ideas for thirteen core topics in economics, organised by selecting the most relevant theoretical approaches per topic and contrasting them with each other. 2021 Level: beginner Pragmatic Pluralism Sam de Muijnck and Joris Tieleman Economy Studies Pluralism includes mainstream economics. Our campaign for pluralism, including this series, have generally focused on ideas outside the mainstream on the basis that it gets plenty of attention already so we want to spend our time exposing people to alternatives. Nevertheless, mainstream ideas deserve some attention. On top of this, a curious feature of modern economics education is that some of the best ideas from mainstream economics are not even taught to undergraduates! During this series I will explore such ideas, starting today with the market construction technique known as ‘matching’. 2020 Level: beginner It's a match! Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics The Privatized State shows how privatization undermines the very reason political institutions exist in the first place, and advocates for a new way of administering public affairs that is more democratic and just. 2020 Level: beginner The Privatized State Chiara Cordelli Princeton University Press Post-Colonialisms Today researcher Chafik Ben Rouine looks to Tunisia’s post-independence central banking method to provide insight on what progressive monetary policy can look like. 2020 Level: beginner Monetary Policy for Development, During and Beyond Crisis Chafik Ben Rouine Post-Colonialisms Today: Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash Networks are ubiquitous in our modern society The World Wide Web that links us to and enables information flows with the rest of the world is the most visible example It is however only one of many networks within which we are situated Our … Level: beginner Networks Daron Acemoglu; Asu Ozdaglar Massachusetts Institute of Technology A comprehensive account of how government deficits and debt drive inflation 2023 Level: advanced The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level John Cochrane Princeton University Press As opposed to the conventional over-simplified assumption of self-interested individuals, strong evidence points towards the presence of heterogeneous other-regarding preferences in agents. Incorporating social preferences – specifically, trust and reciprocity - and recognizing the non-constancy of these preferences across individuals can help models better represent the reality. 2019 Level: advanced A fresh perspective to economic theory: Social preferences and their impact on gender and policy Sheral Shah Exploring Economics Institutional economics focuses on the role of social institutions in terms of laws or contracts, but also those of social norms and patterns of human behaviour that are connected to the social organisation of production, distribution and consumption in the economy. Institutionalist Economics    


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