Global Inequality

Smitha Radhakrishnan
Level: beginner
University: Wellesley College
Platform: edX
Recurrence: flexible
Language: English
Discipline: Social Sciences
Attendance: free
Certificate: 49.00 USD
Workload per week: 2.0 h

When you notice inequality in your everyday life, do you ever wonder where it comes from, and what keeps it going?

This sociology course introduces you to core concepts of class, gender, and racial inequality, and an approach to studying complex forms of inequality called intersectionality. Featuring interviews with top scholars and discussion of the full-length award winning documentary, China Blue, which follows the life of a young seventeen-year-old worker from Sichuan province, to a Chinese jeans factory, this course will transform your perspective on yourself and others.

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Um sich weiterhin für Pluralismus und Vielfalt in der Ökonomik einzusetzen, benötigt das Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V. Unterstützung von Leuten wie dir. Deshalb freuen wir uns sehr über eine einmalige oder dauerhafte Spende.
