529 Ergebnisse

Der Fokus der Verhaltensökonomik liegt auf dem beobachtbaren Verhalten von Menschen und deren Entscheidungen.
Level: mittel
Economics has become a monolithic science, variously described as formalistic and autistic with neoclassical orthodoxy reigning supreme. So argue Dimitris Milonakis and Ben Fine in this new major work of critical recollection.
Level: leicht
Die Wirkung eines Mindestlohns in Ökonomie Lehrbüchern Camille Logeay Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Franz W 2013 Arbeitsmarktökonomik 8 Auflage Heidelberg …
Level: leicht
The article by the European Council of Foreign Relations argues that Europe s economic actions in response to the Russian invasion into Urkaine have been decisive different from the EU s external image but that this response should yet be better institutionalized The author Hackenbroich proposes an Anti Coercion Instrument …
Level: leicht
An essay of the writing workshop on contemporary issues in the field of Nigerian economics: In Nigeria, it appears that there is nothing in the constitution, which excludes the participation of women in politics. Yet, when it comes to actual practice, there is extensive discrimination. The under-representation of women in political participation gained root due to the patriarchal practice inherent in our society, much of which were obvious from pre-colonial era till date.
Level: leicht
The objective of the course is to explore the main strengths and weaknesses of orthodox and heterodox paradigms within development economics.
Level: leicht
After completing the module, participants should be able to understand the economic consequences of gender inequality. They should be able to explain the contradictions between capital and care, analyze the labor market with a gender perspective and develop the ability to describe phenomena such as public policies taking into account "gender" as a category of analysis.
Level: mittel
Noneconomists often think that economists' approach to race is almost exclusively one of laissez-faire. Racism, Liberalism, and Economics argues that economists' ideas are more complicated.
Level: mittel
In this essay the author reviews empirical studies in economics that analyze factors behind the rise of nationalist and populist parties in Western countries. He stresses that economic factors (e.g., trade shocks and economic crisis) play a crucial role in the rise of populist parties; however, the discussion of mechanisms driving this trend remains unsatisfying
Level: mittel
Diese Webseite widmet sich der Vielfalt bestehender ökonomischer Theorien und Methoden. Orientiere Dich, vergleiche, entdecke und studiere die unterschiedlichen ökonomischen Perspektiven.
Level: leicht
Economists occupy leading positions in many different sectors including central and private banks, multinational corporations, the state and the media, as well as serving as policy consultants on everything from health to the environment and security. Power and Influence of Economists explores the interconnected relationship between power, knowledge and influence which has led economics to be both a source and beneficiary of widespread power and influence.
Level: leicht
The last 15 years have seen extensive research into ecosystem service valuation (ESV), spurred by the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment in 2005 (Baveye, Baveye & Gowdy, 2016). Ecosystem services are defined as “the benefits people obtain from ecosystems” (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, p.V). For example, ecosystems provide the service of sequestering carbon which helps regulate the climate. Valuation means giving ecosystems or their services a monetary price, for example researchers have estimated that the carbon sequestration services of the Mediterranean Sea is between 100 and 1500 million euros per year. The idea of ESV was a response to the overuse of natural resources and degradation of ecosystems, allegedly due to their undervaluation and exclusion from the monetary economy. ESV can be used (1) for policy decision-making, for example allocating funding to a reforestation project (2) for setting payments to people who increase ecosystem services, for example a farmer increasing the organic carbon content of their soil, and (3) for determining fees for people who degrade ecosystem services, for example a company that causes deforestation.
Level: leicht
Health Economics traditionally involves two distinct strands. One focuses on the application of core  neoclassical economic theories of the firm, the consumer and the market to health-seeking behaviour  and other health issues. It suggests a role for government intervention only in the case of specific  market failures (for example externalities, asymmetric information, moral hazard, and public goods)  that distort market outcomes. The second strand is evaluation techniques, used to assess the cost effectiveness of competing health interventions.
Level: leicht
This text provides an easy to understand introduction to complexity economics for non-specialist audiences such as bachelor's students.
Level: leicht
Die Wirtschaftswissenschaft steht heute im neoklassischen Paradigma, sie kann aber viel mehr als die meisten wissen. Im Laufe der Wirtschaftsgeschichte musste sich die ökonomische Theorie immer wieder neuen Herausforderungen stellen, neue Fragestellungen beantworten, ihre Zielsetzung und Wertkataloge hinterfragen und anpassen.
Level: leicht
‘We cannot afford their peace & We cannot bear their wars’: ​​​​​​​Value, Exploitation, Profitability Crises & ‘Rectification’
Der Fokus der Ökologischen Ökonomik ergibt sich aus der Einsicht, dass wirtschaftliche Aktivität mit absoluten Grenzen konfrontiert ist. Somit werden Wechselwirkungen zwischen Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und natürlicher Umwelt analysiert, mit dem Ziel einer Transformation hin zu (mehr) Nachhaltigkeit.
Level: mittel
The goal of the course is to deepen students’ understanding of the Latin American development experience by viewing it through a gender lens.
Level: mittel
Focusing on Kenya’s path-breaking mobile money project M-Pesa, this book examines and critiques the narratives and institutions of digital financial inclusion as a development strategy for gender equality, arguing for a politics of redistribution to guide future digital financial inclusion projects.
Level: mittel
How Covid Shook the World s Economy Deftly weaving finance politics business and the global human experience into one tight narrative a tour de force account of 2020 the year that changed everything from the acclaimed author of Crashed The shocks of 2020 have been great and small disrupting the …
Level: leicht
The relationship between race and capitalism is one of the most enduring and controversial historical debates. The concept of racial capitalism offers a way out of this impasse.
Level: leicht
The premise of this workshop is that we, as knowledge producers - especially within westernized universities (Grosfoguel, 2013), are significantly implicated in neoliberal imaginaries that are often in service of hierarchical, binary, competitive and linear narratives of growth as civilizational progress.
Level: leicht
Representing everyone An Analysis of the Representation of Migrant Women by official Labour Organizations in Germany Author Tess Herrmann Review Deborah Sielert This is an essay of the writing workshop Gender and the Economy Perspektives of Feminist Economics published on 17 May 2017 updated on 16 August 2017 Why we …
Level: leicht
Caring activities are one central element of feminist economists' analysis – also since in particular unremunerated work is a blind spot in mainstream economics and most other economic paradigms. Those focus on the market sphere: activities are considered as productive and as real labour if they are remunerated and market-intermediated. Goods and services are considered as labour if they create a value which can be traded on the market. Feminist Economics remarks that this perspective creates certain dichotomies and consequent devaluations: unproductive – productive; private – public; unpaid – remunerated OR paid less – well paid; female – male; soft work – hard work; caring – rationality.
Level: leicht
Whether a black swan or a scapegoat, Covid-19 is an extraordinary event. Declared by the WHO as a pandemic, Covid-19 has given birth to the concept of the economic “sudden stop.” We need extraordinary measures to contain it.
Level: leicht
This lecture of the anthropologist David Graeber gives a brief introduction to the thoughts of his 2011 published book Debt: The First 5000 Years.
Level: leicht
This video explains what a co-operative is, discussing the different types, their history and purposes, before moving on to discuss the current state of the co-operative movement.
Level: mittel
This thoroughly revised and updated second edition provides a comprehensive guide to Post Keynesian methodology, theory and policy prescriptions. The Companion reflects the challenges posed by the global financial crisis that began in 2008 and by the consolidation of the New Neoclassical Synthesis in macroeconomic theory.
Level: leicht
The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is rapidly spreading around the world. The real economy is simultaneously hit by a supply shock and a demand shock by the spread of coronavirus. Such a twin shock is a rare phenomenon in recent economic history.
Level: leicht
This is an overview of (possibly transformative) proposals to address the economic consequences of the corona crisis
Level: leicht
Oft werden Universitäten mit neutraler Wissenschaft verbunden und das von Dozierenden vermittelte Wissen als Abbildung der Realität wahrgenommen. Nur selten ist es Gegenstand kritischer Auseinandersetzungen. Wissenschaft findet jedoch in keinem neutralen Raum statt, sondern ist von Machtstrukturen und somit auch oft von diskriminierenden Denkweisen geprägt. Genau hier setzt unser Projekt an, mit dem wir einen Beitrag zur kritischen, interdisziplinären Auseinandersetzung mit Rassifizierung und Diskriminierung an der Universität Bayreuth und darüber hinaus leisten wollen. Unser Interesse am Thema Rassifizierung im Kontext universitärer Lehre und Forschung entstammt dabei der kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit den Lehrinhalten der Vorlesung „Ökonomik der Entwicklungsländer“ von Prof. Dr. Martin Leschke sowie mit dem begleitenden Lehrbuch „Ökonomik der Entwicklung – Eine Einführung aus institutionenökonomischer Sicht“. Als uns Themen und Begriffe auffielen, die unserer Einschätzung nach in ihrer Verwendung nicht dem aktuellen Umgang mit postkolonialen Machtverhältnissen und Eurozentrismus entsprachen, kam uns die Idee, eine kritische Begleitschrift zu besagtem Lehrbuch zu verfassen.
Level: leicht
This paper is a product of an online workshop held in Nigeria on the topic Unemployment: Policy Review and Recommendations. It explores the various unemployment policies introduced by the Nigerian Government and analysis how effective they are and suggests some practicable solutions to solving unemployment problems in the country. The workshop was organized by Rethinking Economics The Uploaders (RETU) as part of the project Solving the Major Economic Problem in Nigeria (SMEPN), an output of the Global Pluralist Economics Training (GPET). More details here: https://www.retheuploaders.org/programs/SMEPN


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