Driving Forward Social and Solidarity Economy: The Case of South Africa's Taxi Industry
Green Economy and Sustainable Development: Bringing Back the Social
Social Experiments to Alleviate Poverty
Global Trends in a Changing Social World
The Gender Pay Gap: Understanding the Economic and Social Causes and Consequences
Data Analysis for Social Scientists
Marxian Political Economy
Institutionalist Economics
From Economics Imperialism to Freakonomics
The Costs of Inequality in Latin America
Foundations in Socioeconomics
Community revival in the wake of disaster: Lessons in local entrepreneurship
Union for Radical Political Economics
The Feminist Economics of Covid-19
'Exceptional and Unimportant'? The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Externalities in Economic Analysis
Die Bedeutung des Pariser Klimaabkommen für den Bankensektor
Reimagining the world of (care)work: the case of Cargonomia
Recruiting skilled labour, while closing borders? The connection between migration, border regimes and capitalism
Political Economy of Women
Education, Gender and Development
Urban Arbonomics | The Complex Nature of Urban Vegetation