929 Ergebnisse

This brief but comprehensive account of the Post Keynesian approach to economic theory and policy is ideal for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in economics, public policy and other social sciences. Clear, non-technical and with a strong policy focus, it will also appeal to all of those who are dissatisfied with mainstream economics and wish to explore the alternatives. 2015 Level: mittel Advanced Introduction to Post Keynesian Economics John Edward King Edward Elgar Publishing Neoclassical Economics imposed itself over the past decades as the core of mainstream economics, largely influencing academia and policy making. 2020 Level: leicht Clips on Climate: Neoclassical Economics Henrika Meyer Rethinking Economics When Santa Fe Institute Scientists first started working on economics more than thirty years ago, many of their insights, approaches, and tools were considered beyond heterodox. These once-disparaged approaches included network economics, agents of limited rationality, and institutional evolution—all topics that are now increasingly considered mainstream. 2020 Level: schwer Complexity Economics W. Brian Arthur, Eric Beinhocker, and Allison Stanger Santa Fe Institue Press Through contributions from leading authors, Issues in Heterodox Economics provides a critical analysis of the methodology of mainstream economics. 2008 Level: mittel Issues In Heterodox Economics Donald A. R. George Wiley Behavioural economics deals with observing behaviour and economic decision making behaviour. Behavioral Economics     In this podcast 'How Economic Theory and Policy Reinforce Racism' William Spriggs, the AFL-CIO’s chief economist, discusses the inadequacies of the pandemic economic rescue package and the influence of mainstream economic theory. He further explores how mainstream economic theory continues to fail everyone, especially Black communities, by disregarding history. 2020 Level: leicht How Economic Theory and Policy Reinforce Racism William Spriggs INET The global financial crisis (GFC) led to increasing distrust in economic research and the economics profession, in the process of which the current state of economics and economic education in particular were heavily criticized. Against this background we conducted a study with undergraduate students of economics in order to capture their view of economic education. 2018 Level: leicht What economics education is missing: The real world Stephan Pühringer, Lukas Bäuerle Institute of Economics and Philosophy Cusanus Hochschule Economic theory is currently at a crossroads, where many leading mainstream economists are calling for a more realistic and practical orientation for economic science. Indeed, many are suggesting that economics should be reconstructed on evolutionary lines.
This book is about the application to economics of evolutionary ideas from biology.
1996 Level: mittel Economics and Evolution Geoffrey Martin Hodgson University of Michigan Press
Foundations of Economics breathes life into the discipline by linking key economic concepts with wider debates and issues. By bringing to light delightful mind-teasers, philosophical questions and intriguing politics in mainstream economics, it promises to enliven an otherwise dry course whilst inspiring students to do well. 1998 Level: leicht Foundations of Economics Yanis Varoufakis Psychology Press Institutional economics focuses on the role of social institutions in terms of laws or contracts, but also those of social norms and patterns of human behaviour that are connected to the social organisation of production, distribution and consumption in the economy. Institutionalist Economics     A historical glimpse of how economists of the 19th century debated the usefulness of mathematics to economics 2020 Level: leicht Mathematical Economics in the 19th Century Nicolà Bezzola Exploring Economics This brief responds to the criticism that mainstream economics is currently facing due to its heavy reliance on models and narrow range of quantitative research techniques. It takes a broader view, identifying issues that are also relevant for heterodox and pluralist approaches to economics. 2014 Level: mittel Rethinking Economics Stuart Birks Springer Neoclassical economics focuses on the allocation of scarce resources. Economic analysis is mainly concerned with determining the efficient allocation of resources in order to increase welfare. Neoclassical Economics     From the two premises that (1) economies are complex systems and (2) the accumulation of knowledge about reality is desirable, I derive the conclusion that pluralism with regard to economic research programs is a more viable position to hold than monism. To substantiate this claim an epistemological framework of how scholars study their objects of inquiry and relate their models to reality is discussed. Furthermore, it is argued that given the current institutions of our scientific system, economics self-organizes towards a state of scientific unity. Since such a state is epistemologically inferior to a state of plurality, critical intervention is desirable. 2017 Level: mittel The Complexity of Economies and Pluralism in Economics Claudius Gräbner Johannes Kepler University Linz (ICAE) and University of Duisburg-Essen (IfSO), Journal of Contextual Economics The Routledge Handbook of Heterodox Economics presents a comprehensive overview of the latest work on economic theory and policy from a 'pluralistic' heterodox perspective.

Contributions throughout the Handbook explore different theoretical perspectives including: Marxian-radical political economics; Post Keynesian-Sraffian economics; institutionalist-evolutionary economics; feminist economics; social economics. 2019 Level: mittel The Routledge Handbook of Heterodox Economics Tae-Hee Jo, Lynne Chester, Carlo D'Ippoliti Taylor & Francis Limited By conducting a discourse analysis (SKAD) in the field of academic economics textbooks, this paper aims at reconstructing frames and identity options offered to undergraduate students relating to the questions ‘Why study economics?’ and ‘Who do I become by studying economics?’. The analysis showed three major frames and respective identity offerings, all of which are contextualized theoretically, with prominent reference to the Foucauldian reflection of the science of Political Economy. Surprisingly, none of them encourages the student to think critically, as could have been expected in a pedagogical context. Taken together, economics textbooks appear as a “total structure of actions brought to bear upon possible action” (Foucault), therefore, as a genuine example of Foucauldian power structures. 2019 Level: leicht The power of economic textbooks: A discourse analysis Lukas Bäuerle Institute of Economics and Philosophy Cusanus Hochschule Beyond Neoclassical Economics is a remarkable new introduction to the main heterodox schools of economic thought which examines their main concepts and their critiques of mainstream theory. 1996 Level: leicht Beyond Neoclassical Economics Fred E. Foldvary Edward Elgar Mainstream textbooks present economics as an objective science free from value judgements; that settles disputes by testing hypotheses; that applies a pre-determined body of principles; and contains policy prescriptions supported by a consensus of professional opinion. 2012 Level: leicht The economics anti-textbook Hill, Rod; Myatt, Toni Zed Books Though apparently siblings from the same family, New Keynesianism and Post-Keynesianism are completely different schools of economic thought. As to why and in what regard exactly, that is what this book is all about. While the former is the official label of the current mainstream in economic research and teaching (rather than neoclassic economics, which would be more apt a term), the latter tries to preserve the original thinking of John Maynard Keynes, but also additional ideas and concepts of all those building on his work. 2009 Level: leicht Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics Marc Lavoie Palgrave Macmillan UK Economics is a broad and diverse discipline, but most economics textbooks only cover one way of thinking about the economy. This book provides an accessible introduction to nine different approaches to economics: from feminist to ecological and Marxist to behavioural. 2017 Level: leicht Rethinking Economics - An Introduction to Pluralist Economics Liliann Fischer, Joe Hasell, J. Christopher Proctor, David Uwakwe Routledge Despite the important methodological critiques of the mainstream offered by heterodox economics, the dominant research method taught in heterodox programmes remains econometrics. 2016 Level: mittel Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Heterodox Economics Frederic S. Lee, Bruce Cronin Edward Elgar Publishing This brief note explores the possibility of working towards an enlarged self-definition of economics through economists’ study and appreciation of economic sociology. Common ground between economic sociology and heterodox economics is explored, and some of Richard Sennett’s ideas are used as prompts to raise some pertinent and hopefully interesting questions about economics. In particular, the note revisits the question of whether there is a possibility of changing our understanding of what kind of social scientific work falls within the domain of economics proper once we start critically engaging with work conventionally considered to be outside of that domain. In part, the note is intended to offer undergraduate students in economics – and possibly even those further down the road in their education – food for thought about what constitutes economics. 2016 Level: mittel On the Possibility of an Enlarged Self-Definition of Economics Daniyal Khan New School for Social Research, Department of Economics This book sets out to encourage a debate about the role that economic theory and philosophy of economics can play. A good part of economics consists of theoretical developments which describe completely imaginary worlds and have no connections to actual market economies 2016 Level: mittel A Philosophical Framework for Rethinking Theoretical Economics and Philosophy of Economics Gustavo Marqués College Publications This course covers recent advances in behavioral economics by reviewing some of the assumptions made in mainstream economic models, and by discussing how human behavior systematically departs from these assumptions. 2020 Level: mittel Psychology and Economics Prof. Frank Schilbach Massachusetts Institute of Technology Austrian economics focuses on the economic coordination of individuals in a market economy. Austrian economics emphasises individualism, subjectivism, laissez-faire politics, uncertainty and the role of the entrepreneur, amongst others. Austrian Economics     This book introduces 40 critical pointers for those who wish to see the theory in a broader, more realistic context. The material is suitable for introductory and intermediate courses and can be included selectively by students for additional reading or in lectures or tutorials as discussion points. "Students of mainstream economics need a guide like this to help them understand the underlying assumptions, limitations and inbuilt biases of what they are studying. It helps them open their eyes to a broader view of how real economies work." 2016 Level: mittel 40 Critical Pointers for Students of Economics Stuart Birks College Publications Having dissected what's supposedly wrong with contemporary macroeconomics, Steve Keen, on the leading critics of the mainstream of our times and distinguished economist himself, goes on to present his idea of a New Economics: What premises it should build on, what methods it should use, and yes, what purpose it should serve. 2022 Level: leicht The New Economics Steve Keen Wiley

In the graveyard of economic ideology, dead ideas still stalk the land.

The recent financial crisis laid bare many of the assumptions behind market liberalism—the theory that market-based solutions are always best, regardless of the problem. For decades, their advocates dominated mainstream economics, and their influence created a system where an unthinking faith in markets led many to view speculative investments as fundamentally safe. 2012 Level: leicht Zombie Economics John Quiggin Princeton University Press Mainstream economics almost completely ignores the role power plays in determining economic outcomes, which means it can only provide partial explanations of the distribution of wealth and income, and of the problems associated with inequality and poverty. 2016 Level: mittel Power and Neoclassical Economics Ozanne, Adam Palgrave Pivot Feminist economics focuses on the interdependencies of gender relations and the economy. Care work and the partly non-market mediated reproduction sphere are particularly emphasised by feminist economics. Feminist Economics     In this talk Robert Skidelsky analyses how sociology did and could enrich economic analyses, but also how critical sociological insights have been colonised by mainstream economics. 2019 Level: leicht How Can Sociology Help Economics? Robert Skidelsky Institute for New Economic Thinking This book argues that mainstream economics, with its present methodological approach, is limited in its ability to analyze and develop adequate public policy to deal with environmental problems and sustainable development. Each chapter provides major insights into many of today’s environmental problems such as global warming and sustainable growth. 2009 Level: mittel Post Keynesian and Ecological Economics Richard P. F. Holt, Steven Pressman, Clive L. Spash Edward Elgar Publishing


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