The Resistible Rise of Market Fundamentalism
Economics After the Crisis
Modern Political Economics
The Blockchain Alternative
Policy Implications of Recent Advances in Evolutionary and Institutional Economics
Teaching Post Keynesian Economics
Airbnb, Short-term Rentals and the Future of Housing
A Modern Guide to Rethinking Economics
Socioeconomics of Disruptive Tech
Institutionalist Economics
How not to save the economy? The interplay of economics and health during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Dichotomy, Inconsistency, and Peculiar Outmodedness of the "Mainstream" Textbook
Carbon Pricing: The Key to Open the Way Toward a Sustainable Recovery and Long-Term Wellbeing
The Role of Fiscal Policy in Climate Change Mitigation Via Environmental Management and Sustenance in Nigeria
The Unexpected Reckoning: Coronavirus and Capitalism
Warum wir eine agile Klimapolitik brauchen
Unemployment in Nigeria: Policy Review and Recommendations
Innovationspolitik in Zeiten des Klimawandels
The Microeconomics of Complex Economies
Interdisciplinary Economics
History of Economic Thought
Making Many Maps: Why We Need an Interested Pluralism in Economics and How to Get There