Women's economic wellbeing in older age
Inequality in the Post-pandemic Era
Eine Kritik der Modern Monetary Theory als geldtheoretisches Konzept
Achievements of Egypt’s Industrialization Project
Sex-Segregated Labor Markets
Nach der Inflation: Viele Verlierer:innen und wenige Gewinner:innen
Recruiting skilled labour, while closing borders? The connection between migration, border regimes and capitalism
Introduction to Modern Monetary Theory
Marxian Political Economy
Political ecology, Degrowth and the Green New Deal
Feminist Inroads in Epistemology, Method, and Theory
Economics of Discrimination
Economics by its Nobel prizes
The Globalization Paradox
Rethinking Development Economics
23 Things They Don't Tell You about Capitalism
Modern Monetary Theory and European Macroeconomics
Handbook of Financial Markets
An Introduction to Macroeconomics
Where Does Money Come From?
A Political Economy of Contemporary Capitalism and its Crisis
Rethinking Sovereign Debt
An Introduction to Modern Economics
The Exclusionary Politics of Digital Financial Inclusion