378 Ergebnisse

Macroeconomics in Context: A European Perspective lays out the principles of macroeconomics in a manner that is thorough, up to date, and relevant to students. With a clear presentation of economic theory throughout, this latest addition to the bestselling "In Context" set of textbooks is written with a specific focus on European data, institutions, and historical events, offering engaging treatment of high-interest topics, including sustainability, Brexit, the euro crisis, and rising inequality. Policy issues are presented in context (historical, institutional, social, political, and ethical), and always with reference to human well-being. 2018 Level: mittel Macroeconomics in Context Sebastian Dullien, Neva Goodwin, Jonathan M. Harris, Julie A. Nelson, Brian Roach, Mariano Torras Routledge Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People s Economy The leading thinker and most visible public advocate of modern monetary theory the freshest and most important idea about economics in decades delivers a radically different bold new understanding for how to build a just and prosperous society Stephanie … 2020 Level: leicht The Deficit Myth Stephanie Kelton Hachette UK This edited volume put together by Jimi Adesina based on the proceedings of the Social Policy in African Conference in 2017 provides an overview of social policy in varied country contexts and fields especially in light of decades of the reduction in size and hollowing out of the content of … 2021 Level: mittel Social Policy in the African Context Jimi O. Adesina African Books Collective In this book, distinguished economist Edith Kuiper shows us that the history of economic thought is just that, a his-story, by telling the herstory of economic thought from the perspective of women economic writers and economists. Although some of these women were well known in their time, they were excluded from most of academic economics, and, over the past centuries, their work has been neglected, forgotten, and thus become invisible. 2022 Level: leicht A Herstory of Economics Edith Kuiper Wiley To grasp sex in all its complexity, including its relationship to gender, class, race and power, Srinivasan argues that we need to move beyond the simplistic views of consent in the form of yes-no, to rather consider the more complex question of wanted-unwanted. 2021 Level: leicht The Right to Sex Amia Srinivasan Farrar, Straus and Giroux The investigative research conducted by the German weekly newspaper "Die Zeit" and the British Daily Newspaper "The Guardian" includes a research-based critique of carbon trading. 2023 Level: leicht Phantom Offsets and Carbon Deceit Tin Fisher, Hannah Knuth Zeit.de Noneconomists often think that economists' approach to race is almost exclusively one of laissez-faire. Racism, Liberalism, and Economics argues that economists' ideas are more complicated. 2009 Level: mittel Race, Liberalism, And Economics Colander, David; Prasch, Robert E.; Shetz, Falguni A. University of Michigan Press Big challenges lie ahead for our society: increased automation of work, and the threat of catastrophic climate change. But so, too, are the huge possibilities presented by new technology and better ways of organising our economy in the wake of neoliberalism's failure. 2018 Level: mittel Economics for the Many John McDonnell Verso Books This course provides a simple introduction to problems that social scientists are working on (e.g. racial disparities, inequality and climate change) in a manner that does not require any prior background in Economics or Statistics. Level: leicht Using Big Data to Solve Economic and Social Problems Raj Chetty and Gregory Bruich Harvard University This guide contains a collection of recommended YouTube channels and YouTube videos in the fields of economics, business and economic policy. 2024 Level: leicht EconTube: The ultimate guide to pluralist economics channels on YouTube Frederick Heussner, Theresa Walter Exploring Economics The Centre for Economy Studies works on improving and modernising economics education to ensure that students will be better prepared for their future careers and the societal challenges we face today and in the coming decades. The Essential Lectures are teaching packs designed for 90-minute sessions that can be added to existing courses. 2022 Level: leicht Economy Studies Essential Lectures   Economy Studies Economics is extremely sick. It is so locked in its past that nearly all of its introductory textbooks are modelled on one that appeared in 1948. The discipline cannot continue in its autistic state much longer. 2007 Level: mittel Real World Economics Edward Fullbrook Anthem Press The Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics surveys the achievements of the most visible scholars in this area. The contributions to the Companion give both a brief survey on the various fields of neo-Schumpeterian economics as well as insights into recent research at the scientific frontiers. 2007 Level: mittel Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics Horst Hanusch, Andreas Pyka Edward Elgar Since their first emergence in the work of Paul David thirty years ago, the dual issues of Path Dependence and Lock-In have become critically important subjects in the fields of economics, sociology, and business strategy. 2014 Level: mittel Path Dependence and Lock-In Liebowitz, Stan J ; Margolis, Stephen E Edward Elgar Publishing The book explores the imperialist tendency inherent in global capitalism by using a rigorous political economy framework. 2019 Level: mittel The Wealth of (some) Nations Zak Cope Pluto Press Whiteness is a process of learning: one is not born white, but becomes one. In this rich and compelling volume, Sriprakash, Rudolph and Gerrard offer a meticulous (and eye-opening) reading of educational experiences and structures that endorse systemic racism. 2022 Level: leicht Learning Whiteness Arathi Sriprakash, Sophie Rudolph, Jessica Gerrard Pluto Press Dani Rodrik reflects in this book on important questions about how economics works and what might be wrong with it. He points out flaws and weakness of the discipline, but also argues that certain criticisms which have brought forward against are without merit. His central point is that there is not just one economic model, but a variety of them and it is important to apply judgment when selecting the most suitable one for a particular situation. 2016 Level: leicht Economics Rules Dani Rodrik WW Norton Microeconomics in Context lays out the principles of microeconomics in a manner that is thorough, up to date, and relevant to students. Like its counterpart, Macroeconomics in Context, the book is uniquely attuned to economic realities. The "in Context" books offer affordability, accessible presentation, and engaging coverage of current policy issues from economic inequality and global climate change to taxes. 2013 Level: mittel Microeconomics in Context Neva R. Goodwin, Jonathan M. Harris, Julie A. Nelson, Brian Roach, Mariano Torras Routledge The book is a collection of 51 texts by different scholars and activists, who each adds a dimension/perspective to the topics of degrowth and societal transformation. A societal transformation towards a degrowth society is dependent on a lot of ideas coming together and creating change from various starting points within a society. Therefore, the authors are quite diverse and their contributions vary from being philosophical, natural science based, economic, sociological and so forth. Some are specfiically focused on a concept and others are a more broad critique of e.g., capitalism or growth. 2015 Level: mittel Degrowth Giacomo D'Alisa, Federico Demaria, Giorgos Kallis Routledge Is or has economics ever been the imperial social science? Could or should it ever be so? These are the central concerns of this book. It involves a critical reflection on the process of how economics became the way it is, in terms of a narrow and intolerant orthodoxy, that has, nonetheless, increasingly directed its attention to appropriating the subject matter of other social sciences through the process termed "economics imperialism". 2009 Level: mittel From Economics Imperialism to Freakonomics Ben Fine, Dimitris Milonakis Routledge In this course you will study the different facets of human development in topics such as education health gender the family land relations risk informal and formal norms public policy and institutions While studying each of these topics we will delve into the following questions What determines the decisions of … Level: mittel Foundations of Development Policy: Advanced Development Economics Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee, Esther Duflo & Benjamin Olken Massachusetts Institute of Technology In this teaching pack, we look at the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk. In particular, we focus on what it means to take a company private and how the deal was financed. 2022 Level: leicht Musk buys Twitter   Economy Studies In this teaching pack, we look at the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk. In particular, we focus on what it means to take a company private and how the deal was financed. 2015 Level: leicht Musk buys Twitter Economy Studies Economy Studies Die Wirkung eines Mindestlohns in Ökonomie Lehrbüchern Camille Logeay Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Franz W 2013 Arbeitsmarktökonomik 8 Auflage Heidelberg … 2016 Level: leicht Die Wirkung eines Mindestlohns in Ökonomie-Lehrbüchern Camille Logeay Wirtschaft neu denken: Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie Das globale Wirtschaftssystem bringt durch die Übernutzung der globalen Ressourcen und die Verschmutzung der Umwelt lebenswichtige Funktionen des Erdsystems in Gefahr. Dieser Artikel diskutiert Vorschläge einer grünen Ökonomie zu Lösung dieser ökologischen Krise und erläutert verschiedene Aspekte einer Kritik daran. 2016 Level: leicht Ökologische Krise und grüne Ökonomie – eine Einführung Finn Müller-Hansen Exploring Economics Volkswirtschaftslehre als Indoktrination und die Nicht Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise Helge Peukert Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Mankiw N G Taylor M … 2016 Level: leicht Volkswirtschaftslehre als Indoktrination und die (Nicht-)Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise Helge Peukert Wirtschaft neu denken: Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie Jede Finanzkrise ist in erster Linie eine Schuldenkrise. Schuldner_innen nehmen zu viele Kredite auf, die sie dann nicht mehr bedienen können. Gläubiger_innen – vor allem Banken – müssen in der Folge ihre Forderungen abschreiben und vergeben weniger Kredite. Die Finanzkrise ist da. Um eine solche Finanzkrise wirklich zu verstehen, muss man aber erst begreifen, wie Kredite eigentlich entstehen und wie genau Banken und andere Finanzinstitutionen funktionieren. Aufgabe einführender Bücher in die Volkswirtschaftslehre sollte sein, diese fundamentalen Zusammenhänge darzustellen. Leider stellen diese Bücher das Finanzsystem und die Kreditschöpfung meist falsch dar. Das erschwert sowohl die Analyse einer Finanzkrise als auch Wege zu ihrer Lösung zu finden. 2016 Level: leicht Wie der Kredit wirklich in die Welt kommt Fabian Lindner Wirtschaft neu denken: Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie This article reviews insights of existing literature on global care chains. A specific focus is laid on the impact that the refugee crisis has on global care chains and in turn how the crisis impacts the de-skilling of the women in the migrant workforce. 2017 Level: leicht Global care chains, refugee crisis, and deskilling of workers Dita Dobranja Exploring Economics This essay deals with the concepts of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). 2018 Level: leicht The importance of a Land Degradation Neutrality approach to achieving Sustainable Land Management Pınar Topçu Exploring Economics Marxist scholar David Harvey explains key concepts of capital from Marx. Applying Marx's analysis of capital to today's world, showing both the longevity and relevance of Marx's Capital, 150 years after its publication. 2017 Level: mittel Marx, Capital and the Madness of Economic Reason David Harvey YouTube How countries achieve long-term GDP growth is up there with the most important topics in economics. As Nobel Laureate Robert Lucas put it “the consequences for human welfare involved in questions like these are simply staggering: once one starts to think about them, it is hard to think about anything else.” Ricardo Hausmann et al take a refreshing approach to this question in their Atlas of Economic Complexity. They argue a country’s growth depends on the complexity of its economy: it must have a diverse economy which produces a wide variety of products, including ones that cannot be produced much elsewhere. The Atlas goes into detail on exactly what complexity means, how it fits the data, and what this implies for development. Below I will offer a summary of their arguments, including some cool data visualisations. 2020 Level: leicht GDP Growth: It’s Complicated Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics An essay of the writing workshop on Nigeria’s Readiness for and the Effect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 2020 Level: mittel The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Economic Impact and Possible Disruptions Emmanuel Obijole Exploring Economics


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