Institutional Economics - Rethinking the Wealth of Nations
Pandemics, Climate Change, and Global Economics: Where Did We Go Wrong in Globalization?
Coronavirus Economics and the Eurozone
Solidarity Economics—for the Coronavirus Crisis and Beyond
A Methodology of Pluralist Economics
Exploring Ergodicity Economics
Beyond indifference - An economics for the future
Caring the Care Sector - Contributions of Feminist Macroeconomics to Economics in the Post-COVID Era
Decolonization of Methodology of Economics
Putting Jurisprudence Back into Economics
The Economics of a World Cup in Qatar
Politics and Economics of International Energy
Towards an Integrated Paradigm in Heterodox Economics
Mathematics for Modern Economics
Introduction to Intercultural Economics
Social Foundations of Contemporary Economics
Handbook of the Economics and Political Economy of Transition
Marxist Political Economy
Marxistische Politische Ökonomik
Theories of finance and financial crisis: Lessons for the Great Recession
Revolutionäre Realpolitik jenseits des Wachstums
Political ecology, degrowth, and the Green New Deal