103 Ergebnisse

Mainstream economics almost completely ignores the role power plays in determining economic outcomes, which means it can only provide partial explanations of the distribution of wealth and income, and of the problems associated with inequality and poverty. 2016 Level: mittel Power and Neoclassical Economics Ozanne, Adam Palgrave Pivot In diesem seit vielen Jahren bewährten Standardwerk werden alle volkswirtschaftlichen Grundbegriffe und Zusammenhänge, die man kennen muss, um die aktuellen politischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Probleme in Deutschland unter den weltwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen der Globalisierung zu verstehen, mit einfachen Worten erklärt. 2014 Level: leicht Bausteine der Wirtschaft Adam, Hermann Vs Verlag Für Sozialwissenschaften Dani Rodrik reflects in this book on important questions about how economics works and what might be wrong with it. He points out flaws and weakness of the discipline, but also argues that certain criticisms which have brought forward against are without merit. His central point is that there is not just one economic model, but a variety of them and it is important to apply judgment when selecting the most suitable one for a particular situation. 2016 Level: leicht Economics Rules Dani Rodrik WW Norton Written by the Nobel Prize winners in Economics Robert Shiller and George Akerlof, this book shows how deception and manipulation play a big role in the economic behavior of individuals, as well as showing how the assumption of "perfect information" is far away from the truth. Through both quantitative data and stories of how to reduce this noxious phenomenon, the authors paint a pretty different picture of how markets really works in a hyper-communicative scenario like nowadays. 2016 Level: leicht Phishing for Phools George A. Akerlof, Robert J. Shiller Princeton University Press This book is about history of monetary economic thought. From the 18th century with Hume and Smith to the early 20th, the author explains the different schools of thought regarding the monetary theories and policies and specially the central banking theory. 2012 Level: mittel Monetary Theory and Policy from Hume and Smith to Wicksell Arie Arnon Cambridge University Press This article outlines the fundamental challenges of democratically planned economies and categorises proposed models into six groups, each of which approaches planning and coordination at different levels of authority and between myriad economic units in a particular way, taking into account efficiency as well as democratic principles and environmental and social sustainability. Through a classification system based on decision-making authority and mediation mechanisms, the article provides a framework for understanding and comparing these models. By examining their different approaches, it offers insights into the complexities and potential paths of democratically planned economies in the 21st century. 2024 Level: leicht Rethinking Democratic Economic Planning: An Overview Jakob Heyer Exploring Economics At the 2013 Climate, Mind, & Behavior Symposium, Rebecca Adamson of First Peoples Worldwide illustrates alternative economic systems modeled after indigenous worldviews and the power they have in pushing us towards a more sustainable existence. 2013 Level: leicht Rebecca Adamson: Enoughness - Restoring Balance to the Economy Rebecca Adamson YouTube


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