Introduction to Agent-Based Stock-Flow Consistent Modelling

Antoine Godin
IMK, 2016
Level: mittel
Perspektiven: Komplexitätsökonomik, Postkeynesianismus
Format: Vortrag / Vorlesung
Dauer: 01:24

Antoine Godin gives a bright and illustrated introduction to agent-based, stock-flow-consistent modeling, with a clear focus on the agent-based aspect (as he gave another lecture dedicated to stock-flow consistent modeling at the same conference the year before - see here). It provides an alternative to the neoclassical micro-foundations and does not suffer the fallacy of composition problem.

Find more material from the FMM 2016 Confererence "Towards Pluralism in Macroeconomics? 20 Years-Anniversary Conference of the fmm Research Network" here


Go to: Introduction to Agent-Based Stock-Flow Consistent Modelling


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