Mauricio Barbara

I studied economics at the University of São Paulo - Brazil, Ribeirão Preto campus. I studied in the master's program in economics at the Federal University of Bahia - Brazil, where I got a master's degree presenting the dissertation: "Endogenous money and capitalist crises in the view of Steve Keen".
I am a contributor to Mouro Review, a Brazilian Marxist Review, and a contributor to Opera Mundi online magazine.
I intend to contribute in the field of Monetary Economics, Complexity, Endogenous Money. I can contribute to the engagement of students from various fields, mainly through writing texts and doing translations into Portuguese and English. I intend to spread the Exploring Economics texts among Portuguese-speaking countries.


Mauricio hat zu den folgenden Inhalten beigetragen

Level: schwer
In this blog article, Dirk Brockmann illustrates how strong heterogeneities, cluster-like structures and high variability in node connectivities can naturally emerge in growing networks.


Um sich weiterhin für Pluralismus und Vielfalt in der Ökonomik einzusetzen, benötigt das Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V. Unterstützung von Leuten wie dir. Deshalb freuen wir uns sehr über eine einmalige oder dauerhafte Spende.
