Mathematical Economics in the 19th Century
Inequality in the Post-pandemic Era
Social Policy in the African Context
The Gender strategy of the IMF: The way to go towards gender equality or a mere instrumentalisation of feminism?
Pluralist Economic Analysis
Dependency in Central and Eastern Europe - Self-reliance and the need to move beyond economic growth
Origins & Emergence of the 2020 Great Recession in the US Economy
Inflation in economic theory
Prelude to Political Economy
Women's Work and the Limits of Capitalism
Global care chains, refugee crisis, and deskilling of workers
The Role of Fiscal Policy in Climate Change Mitigation Via Environmental Management and Sustenance in Nigeria
Shadow banking and financial market regulation
Fighting Neoliberalism with Keynes & Minsky?
The Political Economy of Inequalities
A holistic theory of financialisation
Interdisciplinary Economics
Advanced Introduction to Feminist Economics
Pinochet's Economic Accomplices
A Brief History of Equality
Marxian Political Economy