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736 results

What do modern academic economists do? What currently is mainstream economics? What is neoclassical economics? And how about heterodox economics? How do the central concerns of modern economists, whatever their associations or allegiances, relate to those traditionally taken up in the discipline? 2015 Level: advanced Essays on the Nature and State of Modern Economics Tony Lawson Routledge The volume has been conceived with current and future economics students in mind: they will be the economists of the future. One of the main ideas underlining the book is that "being an economist" in the XXI century requires a radical change in the training of economists and such change requires a global effort. 2014 Level: advanced The Economics Curriculum Maria Alejandra Madi, Jack Reardon College Publications Economics, Culture and Social Theory examines how culture has been neglected in economic theorising and considers how economics could benefit by incorporating ideas from social and cultural theory. 2009 Level: advanced Economics, Culture and Social Theory William A. Jackson Edward Elgar Publishing "Ecological economics is an exciting interdisciplinary field of study that combines insights from the natural sciences, economics, philosophy and other fields to develop innovative approaches to environmental problems. 2000 Level: advanced Ecological Economics - A Introduction Gareth Edwards-Jones, Ben Davies, Salman S. Hussain Wiley Regression Analysis: A Constructive Critique identifies a wide variety of problems with regression analysis as it is commonly used and then provides a number of ways in which practice could be improved. 2004 Level: advanced Regression Analysis Richard A. Berk SAGE "Despite the rediscovery of the inequality topic by economists as well as other social scientists in recent times, relatively little is known about how economic inequality is mediated to the wider public of ordinary citizens and workers. That is precisely where this book steps in: It draws on a cross-national empirical study to examine how mainstream news media discuss, respond to, and engage with such important and politically sensitive issues and trends. 2020 Level: advanced Economic Inequality and News Media Andrea Grisold & Paschal Preston T. Oxford University Press The book criticizes neoclassical climate economics in the tradition of William Nordhaus. It explains why this kind of thinking is misleading and why neoclassical climate economics asks the wrong questions. 2020 Level: advanced Climate Economics Franziska M. Hoffart and Michael Roos Springer Nature This is an immensely important book for any student of social theory interested in understanding the colonial roots of a lot of contemporary thinking From a post colonial perspective Gurminder Bhambra and John Holmwood unpack how the emergence of modern society in the context of European colonialism and empire impacted … 2021 Level: advanced Colonialism and Modern Social Theory Gurminder K. Bhambra, John Holmwood John Wiley & Sons As the world's energy system faces a period of unprecedented change, a global struggle over who controls the sector--and for what purposes--is intensifying. The question of "green capitalism" is now unavoidable, for capitalist planners and anti-capitalist struggles alike. 2010 Level: advanced Sparking a Worldwide Energy Revolution Kolya Abramsky AK Press The book critically engages with various Marxian perspectives on the dynamics on development and social progress It specifically engages with some key words in Marxian theory including Marx s early work on capitalist development and his later works on underdeveloped Russia Lenin s thesis on imperialism as a hurdle for … 2021 Level: advanced Rethinking Development Ronaldo Munck Springer Nature The course approaches migration as a constant phenomenon in human history and examines its main supporting theories It illustrates theories about people s individual decisions to migrate and also the factors of migration as a structural feature of our societies It explains the role social networks and institutions play in … Level: beginner Why Do People Migrate? Part 2: Theories Sabrina Marchetti; Anna Triandafyllidou European University Institute This book is intended as a textbook for a course in behavioural economics for advanced undergraduate and graduate students who have already learned basic economics. The book will also be useful for introducing behavioural economics to researchers. Unlike some general audience books that discuss behavioural economics, this book does not take the position of negating traditional economics completely. 2018 Level: advanced Behavioral Economics Ogaki, Masao, Tanaka, Saori C. Springer This book gives a very clear overview of the history of Macroeconomics and how it has evolved. It reflects on the different perspectives and debates that have defined the field, with valuable insight into the history and theory of economic policy. 2005 Level: advanced Modern Macroeconomics Brian Snowdon and Howard Vane E. Elgar The leading edges of economic thinking in the early 21st century are marked by a nascent pluralism - a positive valuing of difference and complexity - regarding the nature and evolution of human behaviour and economic organization. Economic Pluralism brings these pluralist sensibilities to the fore. 2009 Level: advanced Economic Pluralism Robert F. Garnett, Erik K. Olsen, Martha A. Starr Routledge Framing borders as an instrument of capital accumulation imperial domination and labor control Walia argues that what is often described as a migrant crisis in Western nations is the outcome for the actual crisis of capitalism conquest and climate change This book shows the displacement of workers in the global … 2021 Level: advanced Border and Rule Harsha Walia Haymarket Books Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century is the most widely discussed work of economics in recent history, selling millions of copies in dozens of languages. But are its analyses of inequality and economic growth on target? Where should researchers go from here in exploring the ideas Piketty pushed to the forefront of global conversation? A cast of economists and other social scientists tackle these questions in dialogue with Piketty, in what is sure to be a much-debated book in its own right. 2019 Level: advanced After Piketty Marshall Steinbaum, J. Bradford DeLong, Heather Boushey Harvard University Press Economics is a broad and diverse discipline, but most economics textbooks only cover one way of thinking about the economy. This book provides an accessible introduction to nine different approaches to economics: from feminist to ecological and Marxist to behavioural. 2017 Level: beginner Rethinking Economics - An Introduction to Pluralist Economics Liliann Fischer, Joe Hasell, J. Christopher Proctor, David Uwakwe Routledge Despite some diversification modern economics still attracts a great deal of criticism. This is largely due to highly unrealistic assumptions underpinning economic theory, explanatory failure, poor policy framing, and a dubious focus on prediction. Many argue that flaws continue to owe much of their shortcomings to neoclassical economics. 2015 Level: beginner What is Neoclassical Economics? Morgan, Jamie Routledge The recent financial meltdown and the resulting global recession have rekindled debates regarding the nature of contemporary capitalism. 2013 Level: advanced A Political Economy of Contemporary Capitalism and its Crisis Sotiropoulos, Dimitris P.; Milios, John; Lapatsioras, Spyros Routledge This course is part of the SDG initiative addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically for the following SDGs [1, 8, 10 and 16]. Level: beginner Political Economy of Institutions and Development Richard Thomas Griffiths Universiteit Leiden Mainstream textbooks present economics as an objective science free from value judgements; that settles disputes by testing hypotheses; that applies a pre-determined body of principles; and contains policy prescriptions supported by a consensus of professional opinion. 2012 Level: beginner The economics anti-textbook Hill, Rod; Myatt, Toni Zed Books The objective of this MOOC is to develop an understanding of the problems related to water management. Firstly, this course will define a resource and, more specifically, the resource of water. It will look at how water is used and the activities associated with it as well as any potential conflicts. The course will look at water management in detail through the analysis of the different types of rights and obligations associated with, for example, the development of a multi-sectorial regulation system or a watershed management approach. Level: advanced Water Resource Management and Policy Prof. Geraldine Pflieger, Dr. Christian Brethaut Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Geneva A previously unpublished collection of Rodney's essays on Marxism, spanning his engagement with of Black Power, Ujamaa Villages, and the everyday people who put an end to a colonial era 2022 Level: beginner Decolonial Marxism Walter Rodney Verso Books Having dissected what's supposedly wrong with contemporary macroeconomics, Steve Keen, on the leading critics of the mainstream of our times and distinguished economist himself, goes on to present his idea of a New Economics: What premises it should build on, what methods it should use, and yes, what purpose it should serve. 2022 Level: beginner The New Economics Steve Keen Wiley Well-rounded insights with essay contributions from various perspectives into what it means to decolonize higher education. 2018 Level: advanced Decolonising the University Gurminder K. Bhambra, Dalia Gebrial, Kerem Nişancıoğlu Pluto Press Ecological economics addresses one of the fundamental flaws in conventional economics--its failure to consider biophysical and social reality in its analyses and equations. Ecological Economics: Principles and Applications is an introductory-level textbook that offers a pedagogically complete examination of this dynamic new field. 2003 Level: beginner Ecological Economics - A Workbook for Problem-Based Learning Daly, Herman E.; Farley, Joshua Island Press This book discloses the economic foundations of European fiscal and monetary policies by introducing readers to an array of alternative approaches in economics. It presents various heterodox theories put forward by classical economists, Marx, Sraffa and Keynes, as a coherent challenge to neoclassical theory. 2020 Level: advanced Heterodox Challenges in Economics Sergio Cesaratto Springer International Publishing The third edition of Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas is a fully updated overview of the political economy and its connection with social concerns. This book investigates the main traditions of economic ideas and provides a 'big picture' overview of the analytical tools and value judgements associated with competing schools of economic thought. 2011 Level: advanced Political Economy Frank Stilwell OUP Australia & New Zealand

Are humans at their core seekers of their own pleasure or cooperative members of society? Paradoxically, they are both. Pleasure-seeking can take place only within the context of what works within a defined community, and central to any community are the evolved codes and principles guiding appropriate behavior, or morality. 2013 Level: advanced From Pleasure Machines to Moral Communities Geoffrey M. Hodgson University of Chicago Press In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Bombay was beset by crises such as famine and plague. Yet, rather than halting the flow of capital, these crises served to secure it. In colonial Bombay, capitalists and governors, Indian and British alike, used moments of crisis to justify interventions that delimited the city as a distinct object and progressively excluded laborers and migrants from it. 2019 Level: advanced Making the Modern Slum Sheetal Chhabria University of Washington Press In this course you will study the different facets of human development in topics such as education health gender the family land relations risk informal and formal norms public policy and institutions While studying each of these topics we will delve into the following questions What determines the decisions of … Level: advanced Foundations of Development Policy: Advanced Development Economics Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee, Esther Duflo & Benjamin Olken Massachusetts Institute of Technology The climate crisis is not primarily a problem of ‘believing science’ or individual ‘carbon footprints’ – it is a class problem rooted in who owns, controls and profits from material production. As such, it will take a class struggle to solve. In this ground breaking class analysis, Matthew T. Huber argues that the carbon-intensive capitalist class must be confronted for producing climate change. 2022 Level: beginner Climate Change as Class War Matthew T. Huber Verso Books


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